Razo 3 points ago +4 / -1

VERY good point

Razo 3 points ago +4 / -1

We'll hit em when they least expect it. We'll hit em with a left! We'll hit em with a right! We'll hit em right in the kisser!

Razo 6 points ago +7 / -1

The sheep kill themselves and encourage others to kill themselves too. I never thought I'd actually witness it. It's facinating and terrifying all at the same time. I do agree with OP - ya have to hand it to the cabal. They really do cook up some diabolical shit.

Razo 0 points ago +1 / -1

What about all the other blister inducing diseases that came before monkey pox?

Razo 0 points ago +1 / -1

I'm honestly not sure but I'm 100% with you. I think all food containers should be glass as it is most inert substance we can use. Our food is constantly in plastic and then we even expose our food to microwaves while it's sitting in plastic it makes me cringe. I try to use all glass Tupperware and glass drinking vessels.

Razo 0 points ago +1 / -1

Sometimes I think medieval punishments like tarring and feathering or public humiliation by being locked in the stocks in the town square while the townspeople get to throw rotten vegetables at you and harass you need to make a comeback. Just lock them in the town square and let the public deal with him as they wish.

Razo 0 points ago +1 / -1

Avocado oil is also good if you need a higher smoke point than olive. Saturated fats like coconut oil, lard and duckfat are also great if from clean sources. I'm not sold on fish oil since it's a polyunsaturated fat like canola and soy oil which I believe we would all be best served to steer clear of. Fresh fish yes but I wouldn't take a fish oil supplement capsule

Razo 6 points ago +7 / -1

Or just add a natural acid like citrus juice to your water. Would be better for your body than the 39 grams (10 teaspoons) of sugar in a 12oz coke.

Razo 3 points ago +4 / -1

The horse paste has a graduated scale printed on the plunger. I think it goes in 50lb increments all the way 1000lbs. A human would just squeeze out enough for their weight - like say to the 150lbs notch. Then they would simply need to squeeze that amount out onto a spoon and eat it

Razo 5 points ago +6 / -1

I've noticed that too. The more food labels you read the quicker you arrive at the dark conclusion that there is poison in almost every processed food product on the market

Razo 4 points ago +5 / -1

I just had a thought. What if they specifically put aluminum in deodorant so they have the plausible deniability when Alzheimer's patients are found to have high levels of aluminum in their brain? Ohhhh must be from deodorant! It's def not from our cloud seeding operations...

Razo 3 points ago +4 / -1

So did anyone watch the 30 minute video and distill from it any shred of worthwhile sauce?

Razo 2 points ago +3 / -1

Halls of justice painted green Money talking Power wolves beset your door Hear them stalking Soon you’ll please their appetite They devour Hammer of justice crushes you Overpower

The ultimate in vanity Exploiting their supremacy I can’t believe the things you say I can’t believe I can’t believe the price you pay Nothing can save you

Justice is lost Justice is raped Justice is gone Pulling your strings Justice is done Seeking no truth Winning is all Find it so grim So true So real

Lady Justice has been raped Truth assassin Rolls of red tape seal your lips Now you’re done in Their money tips her scales again Make your deal Just what is truth? I cannot tell Cannot feel

-"And Justice For All" - Metallica

Razo 0 points ago +1 / -1

But that bottom one looks so scary! 😖 Only the U.N. blue-helmets should be allowed to own those so they can wrangle us sheep up when we are bad and don't listen

Razo 1 point ago +2 / -1

I'm such a cis-male asshole. I know Q is an ambiguous collection of people but it's just so tempting to use a pronoun when talking at length about Q because it just flows so much more naturally.

Razo 0 points ago +1 / -1

I'll gladly have a conversation with you fren. Sounds like you think myself and others are claiming all mis-spellings don't matter and you are saying all misspellings matter. (Mis-spellings matter sounds like the next BS spinoff of BLM lmao) That's not the case Q did indeed say misspellings matter - I'm not disputing that. Anons would call Q out and literally question every single misspelling. Sometimes Q would say they are intentional and other times Q would say it was indeed just a typo stating "on the move" or something like that. So in this particular case the anons questioned Q and said hey you spelled SRIKE instead of STRIKE was this intentional? And Q replied (sauce in link posted above) "STRIKE" - on the move - Q. So basically Q is telling anons like you to not focus on this SRIKE mis-spelling because Q made a mistake and didn't intentionally mis-spell that word. Q doesn't want anons wasting time on the wrong things and this was one of those cases. So good eye catching the mis-spelling, Q has made many and some are intentional and could always use another look or interpretation so have at it I was just trying to point out that this particular one wasn't worth focusing on since Q said it wasn't meant to be spelled like that

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