RebornAgain 1 point ago +1 / -0

The most depressing thing as a self aware kid is to go on vacation to Disneyland where you see a place advocating for the death of babies.

RebornAgain 1 point ago +1 / -0

I appreciate you sharing the link. Despite my strong beliefs on the matter I always appreciate information that challenge my beliefs, because it gives me a chance to reconsider and make a better choice.

In my opinion, if flat earth is true with the weird moon and sun thing, then pushing the issue right now isn't wise, there's so much we need to focus on other than an inevitability. The truth will follow the purging of the filth who pull the puppet strings.

The last time we switched views from flat to sphere there was a huge problem with that. Warranted or not, we don't need that kind of burden on society right now. That would take place during the healing stage of society.

I'm far more interested in praying for the safety of children being human trafficked by satan's slaves than concerning myself with flat earth. being convinced the earth is flat at this very moment, even if it's true, isn't what God has put in my heart to do. My beliefs in the flatness of earth changes nothing and will make my family think I'm naive and easily swayed despite any evidence I present otherwise.

If Jesus reveals himself to myself and the rest of humanity and says "the earth is flat" I'll spit my tea and reconsider but for now the energy I would be putting into flat earth will instead be used in prayer in hopes Someone is listening and I will be performing actions that make the world a better place.

RebornAgain 1 point ago +1 / -0

honestly I didnt think Dr Phil was still alive, he looked old when i was a kid.

Just finished watching the video, and damn, this is the twilight zone. He was respectful to her opinions despite her having extremely intense views. He even found it fascinating she thought he was in the illuminati and told the audience the 5s mask are real.

RebornAgain 1 point ago +1 / -0

one line was:

"I'm man enough to raw dog a flight, I've done it, but its not worth it"

"rawdogging a flight" reffers to the new trend where people go on airplanes but dont read books or entertain themselves in anyway to get away from the noise of everday life. Kinda a weird thing to start trending but not suprising. Their goal is trying to dissuade people from thinking for themselves, thats why they joked about Rawdogging flights here in this video at the end.

RebornAgain 1 point ago +1 / -0

theres alot of corruption in the world, I'll be the first to tell you just how much it fucked up my life. but, my opinion about landing on the moon is this: there was a space race and everyone wanted to get their flag up first. It'd be easy for the corrupted USA to make a hollywood production out of it claiming it really happened the way it did, so while another may have landed on the moon first, we were the first ones to claim the title.

I dont know why we wouldnt be able to, in general, develop the tech to land on the moon. We just have to escape a rock with atmosphere and gravity to land on Its orbiting rock.

If you have an educational document proving we cant leave the earth, lets hear it.

(Am i right to think you were reffering to the moon landing? Or what are you getting at. Bill Nye is not my science guy.)

RebornAgain 2 points ago +2 / -0

when I was a kid i considered it education. I was too young to really remember anything from his show but I imagine it was slightly better than the overt brainwashing you see him doing now

RebornAgain 1 point ago +1 / -0

For those who don't know, in the USA, Waffle House is very special. Not just because people like waffles and coffee. It's designed to house people in an emergency, and the buildings are made out of bricks and have resources available to them you might expect from a restaurant to satisfy the immediate needs of the people. That is one reason they all look similar/ the same wherever you go, it is streamlined to for that purpose. I dont know what other stuff they might have available but....

If you are one of the people effected by a disaster and you have no where to go, a Waffle House might be the place for you.

Do your own research on this subject and correct me if I'm wrong but Waffle House is supposed to work with relief efforts and it doesnt surprise me in the least they work with FEMA.

RebornAgain 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well whatever happens I hope it's after we move into the new place

RebornAgain 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've never seen this scenario, is it normal for a sitting president to call the former president president? I do know in general a previously sitting president are supposed to be called Mr. President

RebornAgain 2 points ago +2 / -0

the way she's holding that dog implies she's about to adopt a dog :)

RebornAgain 2 points ago +2 / -0

idk, you can teach any child that the earths a globe and people have landed on moon and then the kids grow up, do their own research and determine what is true for themselves. I'm of the belief the earth is a sphere and we've been to the moon with some politics thrown in to make it weird.

The best lies are mostly true and it seems Bill Nye is on top of it.

RebornAgain 2 points ago +2 / -0

i remember being really into Bill when I was little then I learned as an adult he still works educating kids, but it's about celebrating diversity or some shit that's literally bastardizing science. what a disappointment he turned out to be.

RebornAgain 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm in the west coast, I'm going to try and shine a light on this catastrophe at my church and see if i can get victims much needed help, even just money should be helpful i hope. I'm absolutely shaking, praying without ceasing for our brothers and sisters in the East right now. You are always on my mind and in my prayers.

I'll look up the best people to donate to and I'll create a pamphlet to share at the church. Maybe some able bodied men could donate their time there physically.

Maybe i should prepare a speech and ask to speak before the congregation despite me having no experience in that department. Maybe it will inspire one of the people higher up in the congregation to speak on my behalf.

If you have anything you would like me to put on a pamphlet for the church let me know here.

RebornAgain 1 point ago +1 / -0

When I was a kid in the Sonoran desert I saw circle shaped donut clouds spaced weirdly evenly, if I recall. It was so very odd, they spread out and it became overcast, the clouds looked pitted where the hole of the donut was.

Maybe I'm remembering this wrong it was so long ago. But I remember feeling a spooky a feeling.

RebornAgain 2 points ago +2 / -0

As a millennial IDK about needing to wait millenials out till they die. I would die for this country and fight against its evil and I'm a millennial. Knowing our world is almost completely controlled by pedophiles fills me with a white hot rage. I

As a woman, I think "woman suffrage" isn't about healing women, it's part of the vicious cycle causing women to need to work and risk having pedophiles babysit their children so they can compensate for inflation to make a living with two working parents. In my opinion, woman's suffrage is just a trigger word to farm spirit from good people.

I'm an anti-feminist. I was raised by a feminist family to be a hardcore feminist and it nearly ruined my life.

RebornAgain 3 points ago +3 / -0

I bet Vance would be blushing if he read this comment :)

RebornAgain 2 points ago +2 / -0

I woke up and read this post. Also read the post about Podesta in relation to satanic rituals who i suppose lives in NC from that post.

I am infuriated that we're sending so much money to isreal. I'm usually pretty timid but I'm so filled with fury I have to do something to contain myself. I know bad things like this have been happening for a long time but it's unacceptable and I'm absolutely losing my shit.

I dont know how to help. I'm on the other side of the country and i dont have any money. I am so full of rage and sadness I feel like I'm going to snap, but where I'm at theres nothing to snap at. life is good over here I feel I am wasting my time enjoying it when there's so much corruption.

let me know if this is a good link to share for those who want to help the victims:


(edit: grammar)

RebornAgain 7 points ago +7 / -0

If I was down trodden and Trump came to help I would absolutely treat him like the acting president. It would be really easy too because we currently don't have anyone acting like a dignified president. He would have my undying loyalty.