Redeemed2014 -1 points ago +2 / -3

Ask Lin Woods opinion of Brian Cates. I suspect it is similar to mine. Not impressed. -R

Redeemed2014 3 points ago +3 / -0

Blasphemous Bullshit. DJT is NOT our Savior. Jesus is and only Jesus can save us from this mess we’re in

by PepeSee
Redeemed2014 1 point ago +2 / -1

Then you have nothing of value to say. You words are no more than noisome farts of trivialities and snippets that say nothing of substance or truth.

Jesus Saves. You need some Jesus friend

by PepeSee
Redeemed2014 2 points ago +2 / -0

And…ure an idiot. A “Homosexual Union” cannot Procreate

by PepeSee
Redeemed2014 2 points ago +2 / -0

Don’t post some BS tripe from Rand. What say you about God, Jesus and the Hoy Spirit? Do you know them? They know you. Better than you know you.

What say you?

by PepeSee
Redeemed2014 17 points ago +19 / -2

What do you “understand about religion”? Do you believe that is what God is? A religion?

What do you understand about spirituality? Do you believe that God is Spirit?

Do you know Christ Jesus?

Do you know the Comforter, the Holy Ghost?

What say you?

Redeemed2014 6 points ago +8 / -2

You’re not free friend. You are owned by the devil who has convinced you there is moral equivalence on this topic.

You’re lost. Find Jesus. Jesus Saves

Redeemed2014 3 points ago +3 / -0

You (former teacher) and those like you aren’t. They (the ones who support and instantiate the policies and practices named in that document) are.

Full Stop

Redeemed2014 0 points ago +2 / -2

Donnie should’ve:

  • Pardoned Assange
  • Pardoned the J6 Prisoners of War

He chose very poorly in his final pardon choices. Now his supporters suffer.

Facts, not opinion and I’m a Trump supporter and remain so for now but that does not absolve him of the above failures of judgement in my mind .


Redeemed2014 0 points ago +1 / -1

Chuck’s been talking about corn for four years now. Ain’t shit happened yet.

Redeemed2014 3 points ago +3 / -0

I saw that posting Fren. Talk is cheap and if it were real I would remind the OP to remind his Fren that loose lips sink ships.

We shall see. One of us is wrong and I pray that it is me. We shall see.

Redeemed2014 1 point ago +2 / -1

Well, while I appreciate your spirit I as an individual who began to follow and support President Trump in 2015 have seen enough to know that “NCSWIC” is just a catchy phrase, no more, and all the hopium in the world ain’t gonna change that simple fact.

Q was a great adventure of hope and inspiration. Sadly it was not real.

Redeemed2014 -1 points ago +2 / -3

More than mean tweets and sternly worded meme postings. What do YOU propose little one?

Redeemed2014 -6 points ago +3 / -9

Give Me An F’ing Break. Your statements concerning “them” are spot on. Our response s a pipe dream. We ARE sitting back and letting these sick degenerates to destroy our lives, and many are just fine with it.

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