Redpillian 1 point ago +3 / -2

That's rich..When you devote most of your time of day informing and speculating wtf is going in this clown world, you may be an asshole if your arm chair research doesn't satisfy some no named a handjob fagg on the lower tier of anonymous boards. We're blessed to have people like him in the truth movement

Redpillian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Attempting to be virtuous heros, unchaining the citizens you were advocating to be locked down for everyone's safety. The elections are rigged. It would be less obvious during midterms if not everyone thought they were complete scumbags. We all know damn well they will try to put the boot on the back of citizens heads right after being swindled, again.

Redpillian 2 points ago +2 / -0

CERN and the search for the "God particle". I don't see it really in relation to this, but the connection you made there is interesting isn't it?

If you haven't figured it out by now, the story in this post is complete hoax, the concept is certainly not. This is totally believable and we're sort of experiencing this bs right now first hand.

The Large Hadron collider smashing particles together, how these particles react and how it can be manipulated is up to these scientists. I cannot give my opinion on what's going on there, besides its a freak show and lots of waste money and resources.

Redpillian 1 point ago +1 / -0

I did see this, and ellipticalcurveball had a comment mentioning the deviation from this being Q not conspiracy. I like this community for good discussion.

Redpillian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bro, what I asked you to do, was elaborate on the human conscious and contact with god. I wanted your take on this.

You said there was no God gene, meaning genetic coding, and pineal gland does not have this function.

There's an antenna inside your brain son!


Redpillian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Space-x, star link, space force?, dissolving twitter?, up with TRUTH?.

What was @Jack referring to when he said "It was a trap?"

Redpillian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Valid point, this post branches off snake venom psy-op that's been stewing (sigh no pun intended.. Stew peters watch the water). But you're absolutely right, the entire community has been shifting and grabbing onto lost causes. We need focus and a mod to clear the air I think.

Redpillian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for stickying. I did not bring a follow-up comment on findings, thought this was dead in the water. This all started from stew peters hype train snake venom- watch the water comment section. I search VMAT2 on here and its ghost town, nothing.

I knew I've seen this video before and it got lost, buried away like other mountains of sluiced data. Knew of the bluff take, but similar to another comment mentioning remote viewing. Sure, the FunVax thing surfaced in 2011, but this entire thing is pretty much right in line with the covid narrative - the entire foundation is built upon lies.

Thanks Catsfive for introducing further dissent on a squirrel topic like this. I appreciate your intent behind the reasoning its stickied.

Redpillian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Right, I just think its telling this was produced in dec. 16. I see YT comments saying how fake it is but I'm sifting around.

Redpillian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Any word that's spoken from Brian Stelter will forever be reduced to the Mark Dice impression. He's done and he knows it.

Redpillian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Flatten that curve baybeh!

Redpillian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Let's not forget the Rickyism: "survival of the fitness, boys."

Redpillian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Op, I'm in love with this poster. Because this entirely sums up the past 5-6 years of my life.

Redpillian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Its pretty evident in the music industry. Why would you think any less for some athletes that use their platform to support their agenda?

I think you get a pass from me on this one, its okay to ask questions. Its the wording that trigger some people.

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