by BQnita
Richmanstrick 6 points ago +6 / -0

BQ, Very Important info, thanks for posting for the rest of us to see. Somedays, I wonder if our Nation is not already circling the drain. There is so much suffering at the hands of evil.

Richmanstrick 5 points ago +5 / -0

Look at the blue states only. See what the established wealthy are doing regarding local housing, allocating taxes and keeping 'their' wealth to prosper themselves and their kids?

Everyone else can complain all they want, but the truth is - the left is robbing you....legally.....County by County! The Democrats who preach equity, inclusion and anti racism are distracting you, out maneuvering you and gathering wealth (housing, land, resources) for themselves. Locally. It is a simple strategy. Unopposed. Unchallenged.

One can now SEE it via the Blue States. (the grift expanding) County by County the wealthy gain and preserve their wealth. Exclude the poor (both black and white).

The divide is happening right under your noses because you refuse to get involved, Locally, and see the grift happening in your own back yard.

While you concentrate on War, Debt, the UN, NATO and WEF, (and feel helpless) the Democrats and Rinos plot to plunder this nation's wealth county by county. And, they are succeeding. The exact thing happened in the 80s. It has happened over and over and over.

I agree with other Anons, Conservatives need a swift slap in the face. WAKE UP!

You ARE free Men - Act like it. Use your God given intellect and Protect your way of Life and protect those who cannot protect themselves. That is you duty - AS GOOD MEN. Honorable Men.

Richmanstrick 1 point ago +1 / -0

I heard what was said, but I have an issue with who may be in control, if anyone.

If there are "White hats" as guardians, how could they have allowed any man as CIC that has managed such destruction upon our land and to our people?

Not to mention the innocence of children destroyed.

Richmanstrick 17 points ago +17 / -0

Lawfare is the use of legal systems and institutions to damage or delegitimize an opponent, or to deter individual's usage of their legal rights. The term may refer to the use of legal systems and principles against an enemy, such as by damaging or delegitimizing them, wasting their time and money, or winning a public relations victory

Richmanstrick 3 points ago +3 / -0

Everyone is given a choice. Free will.

Richmanstrick 2 points ago +2 / -0

That is because we already know ... The Globalist Parasites want every cent we own and are actively stealing it.

Richmanstrick 2 points ago +2 / -0

He would be an excellent choice. A critical thinker who owes no one. Well spoken and solid in his conservative visions for this country. Does not go for the race card and calls anyone out who does.

Richmanstrick 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Rothchild's have infiltrated the Israeli government much the same way they have done in the US, but they want to clear the nation of Israel, of any people they deem not their caliber. Why? To set up their coveted world dominance in Jerusalem!

The city of London is not enough, the United Nations is not enough, the HQ in Brussels isn't enough........Even the Vatican won't do....... They want to usurp God and rule in Jerusalem with the Luciferin religion.

Richmanstrick 1 point ago +1 / -0

6 Years Probation

$6,000 Fine

$2,700 To Georgia SOS office

No communications with Co defendants, witnesses or Media, gag order

Giving up certain rights

Testifying against co-defendants

Enter Moral Turpitude on documents as Humiliation

Bullshit Movie Dismissed

Richmanstrick 2 points ago +2 / -0

And set the precedent for all future government corruption, including putting into place a weak and controllable man involved in illegitimate private gain. Everyone knew the game - and yet did nothing to prevent the carnage.

Richmanstrick 2 points ago +2 / -0

Looks like they're ahead of schedule.

Richmanstrick 2 points ago +2 / -0

UN Members who use euro currency. Why are the measurements and design secret? Is there a 6 6 6 used in its creation?

My spidy senses tell me this will become a global NWO symbol...

Richmanstrick 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm not sure of the meaning but the symbol for the Euro, a backwards E, is floating on the river of blood guided by Satan or his evil minion.

Perhaps that will be the dominant currency in the future.

Richmanstrick 3 points ago +3 / -0

So, this was in 2012? Wow, notice America lay in ruins from her financial manipulated Wall street.

India and China feverishly burn coal while Uncle Sam consumes barrels of oil.

The Globalists bankers make a run for it after their pillage of Middle class wealth in the name of the climate change train, but leave Germany behind sitting on the tracks.

Journalist are dumped into the red river of blood along with the leaders of Syria, Libya, Russia and Iran.

The Military men and Politicians are chasing the honeypots of lust.

Israel and Hama fight on the wings of evil and hate supported by Satan.

Kim, the leader of Korea, plays with his missiles.

Satan is in charge of all communications and information.

The Republican party along with France stand at the entrance of Envy and destruction.

Obama glides by in his Proud boat gloating of his total transformation of America just as he promised.

It is obvious this was planned long ago.

Richmanstrick 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sure, with that mindset, you will certainly make a way to come back from Nuclear annihilation, right?

There was just no way to prevent it along with cellular biology manipulation, economic ruin, starvation and an invasion of disease ridden peoples.....

The Planned UN Reset is gradually expanding and increasing its boundaries right under your noses at such a slow pace that no one reacts.

Wait until the pain overtakes you when your belly is empty and Biden is dead from old age, what will you do that you should have done before you were in such dire straights?

Americas have a serious flaw in their thinking that nothing will or can happen to them, why do they think this way? Why do they NOT protect their women and little children or their magnificent country?

IMO, the Globalist will eventually swallow everything up, distorting true reality in the image they prefer; however, it will be too late for us before they realize their Utopian plan was unsound.

Pray that the end will come quickly.

Richmanstrick 4 points ago +4 / -0

Realizing our U.S. Government, from Local city to Washington DC is so thoroughly corrupted. The Corruption is absolute.

Realizing that Government, places of learning, media, FBI, CIA, and Judges are holding the American people hostage with this corruption and even the killing of others who expose them.

Realizing that WAR is a manufactured business and our kids pay the price.

Realizing for the first time in my life, that FEAR rules a majority of the people to the point they can no longer think critically.

Realizing that the UN, where the globalist sit, are ruling the world; the rest of us be dammed.

But most of all, was the hope I had in Q. The actual physically felt hope I had was betrayed; an illusion.

Richmanstrick 2 points ago +2 / -0

As a rule of thumb, whatever happens in the UK happens in the U.S. in about 6 - 12 months. So London is a good start.

Listen to the voices of the Islamist themselves. They boast, they will rise up again and conquer.

Richmanstrick 1 point ago +1 / -0

What does being Jewish, even mean? Ethnicity? Religion? Ancestry? I believe that Jews and Israel are not the same.

Even a "Jewish" neighbor cannot explain what it means.

What I do know is from the Bible.
God Promised Abraham that he would be the father of many nations and bless his descendants. (But not all of them) God blessed Abraham's second son Isaac. God did not bless Abraham's first son Ishmael. Then God passed on this blessing to Isaac's second son Jacob, and not the first born Esau. God renamed Jacob, Israel, and Israel had 12 sons. Those 12 sons became the 12 tribes with ea of the sons as spiritual leaders. In the old Testament they became the "Children of Israel". One of those tribes was named Judah, from which we get the words, Judaism and Jews. In the new Testament, the word Jew is used almost exclusively as referring to the children of Israel b/c 10 of the 12 tribes ceased to exist, all except Judah (Jews) and Benjamin (also called Jews). The other 10 tribes intermarried and scattered to the point that no one could ID them as children of Israel.

So, who are the people inside of the country of Israel? Are they descendants of Benjamin or Judah? I believe that not all are the descendants of Jacob (Israel). Because it is not about Ancestry, it is about the faith God wanted from his children. THAT is all that matters. Faith and Belief. A faith you are willing to die for.

There is no way the anti-Christ will be Jewish. Discern Frens.

"Those who have ears let him hear."

PS there is so much more I would like to say, but I have to go.

Richmanstrick -1 points ago +2 / -3

I do not concern myself with the chatter, i.e. speculation; What I believe is that if you want to understand God and His plans for this world, then there is only one country you should be watching – the nation of Israel.

In His wisdom and grace, He has chosen this small nation to be the center of His plans for this world.

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