Ugly human beings.
Well, you are what you eat :)
Chicks still don’t… it’s all these mentally ill trannies that do.
Yup, pretty much.
Been waiting years…
Looks like a Pedo faggot to me.
No headband. Her shirt should read Who Gives a Fuck. kek kek kek kek
Please post it on Rumble and/ or paste link to source here. Thanks!
Do it Q+!!!!!!!
Same ‘swim team’ assigned to Loretta Fuddy no doubt.
Meets all the criteria of a TV General.
Jacinda has the biggest cock of them all!
Liberal chicks are fine. It’s the Libtarded that you stay away from. Most of them are Dykes anyways.
The charges were dropped because they were bogus.
Maxine Waters???
Khazarian Mafia was famous for infiltrating Royal Courts, killing the King and/ Ruler of a territory then replacing him with a double.
We all know it was a hoax. Corrupt Government.
Hey, I was gonna say yes!!!
Hopefully trade that piece of shit for hostages.
Not a Fat Pig!!!