Pro tip: dissolve it in a hot cup o’coffee. You can’t tell it’s mixed in there.
Not gonna lie—my first instinct was: some other guy? 😂🤣
…they were ALWAYS on the same level as Target. 🤡 Just pricier.
FAFO losers! 🤣 it’s going to be glorious watching your stores shutter in the coming economic reset.
Wonder if NK is paranoid—some globalist enemy might plan to derail a toxic chemical warfare “accident” all over their pristine, non-polluted, non-industrial, almost Amish-level unspoiled countryside…🤔…I mean, that’s never happened anywhere anytime /s.
There we have it, folks.
Now we just need some electronic / phone record/ paper trail showing clowns were actively protecting or promoting Jeffry’s circus ring.
…Interesting lil tidbit that flavors how he-of-all-people, has the VP gold ticket
Watching her scuttle to defend her “first black female candidate—who turns out isn’t even a tiny bit black”
👉That’s some world class programming, folks. 👈
Friend, the horse paste (gel) mixes/ dissolves beautifully, undetectable in coffee. Just FYI…
(I was a colon cancer stage 3 survivor, refusing chemo and cancer free on tests now—Praise God!)
Horse paste was my only source. Saving my pills from India for a stormier day.
I took ivermectin: 250lb dosage daily for 7 on, 3 off (multi sugar channel blocker -starves cancer cells)
fenbendazole: 250lb dosage daily for 7 on, 3 off with a 12hr gap after ivermectin (again multi sugar channel blocker -starves cancer cells)
and OTC Cimetidine tablets (Tagamet 800mg nightly) (binds to free floating C cells in the bloodstream looking for a home, creates a protein bond on them that essentially prevents them from being able to stick to blood vessel walls and thus they die and are flushed and prevent metastasis)
And I avoided sugar and most carbs like the devil they are.
❤️God bless you and be with you as you work to save your momma.❤️
…how he’s throwing the occult ‘devil horns’ hand sign during his lil “performance”
Just one more reason to love him: he has good taste.
I don’t speculate on highest military.
But I’ve suspected for some time now that the Alphabet agencies and supposed “civilian’ platforms (who began as military,) recruit the same: find highly intelligent pedophiles and other talented cyber criminals. Cherry-pick the useful ones. Blackmail and threaten them with extinction if they do not comply. Offer them a cushy government job that covers their ass. Now you have them on a short leash, and it explains how so much of Washington is literally straight from Hell.
Well the jet-set pedos are not going to like someone else poaching on their private hunting grounds.
Lemme guess: he was a “deeply disturbed” young person, being both heavily medicated and long under the influence of a councilor/ psychiatrist…whom well never hear another peep about.
Bonus if:
Also, he was in possession of a cache of top-shelf weapons/gear we actual gun-enthusiasts cannot afford…and there’s no record of who, where, how he got them 🙄
…I thought they didn’t know what the definition of a woman was….🤭🤣😂🤣
Frankly I’m stunned any of them could navigate a poll without being triggered into a meltdown
👉Obama LOVES to insert Big Mike.👈
I’ll see myself out.🤭
I’m still not ruling out they try and ~insert~ Big Mike (as a Hail Mary) 🙌🤣😂🤣
In desperation, trying to rekindle The Obama Reign especially with young and minority voters,
Waiting til the very last moment…because they’ve been unable to fight the tranny memes, and can come up with no evidence He is a biological She.
🤡 ~I honestly think that’s why this whole tranny acceptance thing has been crammed into our faces in recent years. I believe our perv globohomo elites are smattered with trannies, and they desperately demanded acceptance, sympathy and complete submission to their degeneracy…which has backfired 🤡
I mean…that…would explain ALOT, to be honest…guess I was just wrongfully assuming that she was completely and utterly retarded…in a 1980’s bimbo sort of way.
Which is so unfair—To actual folks with a learning disability.
I am so sorry for ever associating them with the likes of her.
Probably went right back to the CIA farm for their next assignment.
Of COURSE they had to blow up the cooling towers…Queen Hillary had a nest full of facehugger eggs stashed in there.
The only other decent thing to do was to nuke it…from orbit…but the German people are a hardy bunch who love adversity and the cold!
Dunno about the comms. But if this dog belongs to Tim Walz, someone needs to check its butthole for monkey pox. Just saying.
🙄 He “self-identifies” as someone with valor, rank, and a set of balls…
while he’s supporting the castration of others— who also self-identify as something they are clearly not. 🤡
Whoop—There it is 👀
Dear God in Heaven: Please let this NOT BE a sign that Newsom has tentacles into some branches of the military, and instead proves to be the opposite—so justice prevails!
Somebody should check Hillary’s purse. Right next to where she keeps Bill’s.
There’s no season on scavengers, pests and invasive species. Seems unfair to make us buy tags.