I hate every ape I see from chimpan-A to chimpan-Z. Oh, you'll never make a monkey out of me!
They are looking for a nuclear warhead that was stolen in transit to the US and intended to be used to create a designated survivor type event on January 9th or 20th, but it was obviously thwarted.
I like a lot of what Trump says and does, but I do not like this. Never trust robots.
Amen. I'm in a state where they are supposedly not allowed, yet I see them daily.
True, but if that null law will still be enforced you, its effects are real.
The score of this post was 69, but I could not let such a suspicious post possess the sacred sexual oroboros number, so I voted it down. No, I'm not a hero, just a regular guy doing his duty with meaningless points on the internet. Meme on, frens.
It's not even supposed to be happening in my state, but every clear day, there they are. This is why the 2A allows us anti-aircraft weapons. (I wouldn't really shoot it down, I just want it to stop.)
They replaced guns with porcupine hair.
What's the British word for porcupine? Probably something like "Poffgobble." Oi, you got a loicense for that Poffgobble wear, innit?"
He said, "but people are too fat over there." Hence the joke.
Sensationalist reporting. Even on YouTube. "Bro, this storm system is going to be unlike anything else!" "What they aren't telling you about this new weather front."
They should add another point to that star.
No useful purpose. It's degenerate filth, BUT the government shouldn't be involved. People should avoid it by choice, not censorship.
Or most "diagnosed" cancers are just scams.
How often do you hear of celebrities getting cancer? Politicians?
Parallel universes is bullshit invented by jews and satanists to undermine the perceived value of your eternal soul. There is one unique you in all existence. You have meaning.
That last picture is so "oh bother."
I feel like the fact this is making sense to me means I don't understand it.
Why would they make all of their opponents so sensible looking and attractive? They really don't understand how this works.
Toothpaste is a scam. Learn to make your own tooth powder. One use and your teeth will feel cleaner than they ever have before.
In person IT jobs are (mostly) wasteful. Otherwise I'd consider it. Elon needs a paradigm shift on this.