At this point, is almost a dead giveaway.
Ooh, that'll show them!
No one is trustworthy but God alone. Men are weak and prone to failure. Even me. Even you. Men will let you down. God will lift you up. Do not trust in the arm of flesh. Trust in God alone.
Now you know. Go forth and zing.
It follows the tried and true formula for effective insults. Adjective > expletive > creature. You insufferable shit weasel.
I hate so much how these propaganda vomiting filth llamas are able to take any statement about anything a twist it into lies.
I think he misspelled abolishing income tax and property tax.
They say that "macron" is ancient French (or Fraunshe) that means "maun actualle" or "actual man." They say.
All holidays are made up.
Right tool for the right job. I've had neighbors tell me about power outages during winter cold that I never even knew about.
Give Warren an Oscar for quintessentially playing the part of hysterical ignorant woman.
I live off grid with solar as my primary energy source, occasionally supported by a gasoline generator if I get several cloudy days in a row. It works very well, but that is on a small scale for one family. From the perspective of my experience with solar, I do not see it being viable in a centralized, large scale installation. The overhead quickly outpaces the benefits.
Nuclear, on the other hand, is the opposite.
Chuckie Schumer's never had a REAL job in his LIFE.
I think the absence of the T is more encouraging. The Q is confusing and strange, the T is outright dangerous.
It's unlikely to be one thing. These operations are too well planned for that. Who are they getting rid of or silencing? And what is this distracting everyone away from? What will this show them to do now that they couldn't get away with before?
In person IT jobs are (mostly) wasteful. Otherwise I'd consider it. Elon needs a paradigm shift on this.
I hate every ape I see from chimpan-A to chimpan-Z. Oh, you'll never make a monkey out of me!
They are looking for a nuclear warhead that was stolen in transit to the US and intended to be used to create a designated survivor type event on January 9th or 20th, but it was obviously thwarted.
I like a lot of what Trump says and does, but I do not like this. Never trust robots.
Amen. I'm in a state where they are supposedly not allowed, yet I see them daily.
True, but if that null law will still be enforced you, its effects are real.
The score of this post was 69, but I could not let such a suspicious post possess the sacred sexual oroboros number, so I voted it down. No, I'm not a hero, just a regular guy doing his duty with meaningless points on the internet. Meme on, frens.
Everything I know is wrong. Why do I think Indiana is one?
Found it. I lived near Indiana in 2002. Indiana didn't start doing DST until 2008.