Rooks 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ok, yeah, so you really don't understand how it works. And you may be the one brainwashed, but don't lump others in with your lump.

Its ok, but i would advise you to read up on how the structure of the Judicial REALLY works. Knowing generalities and platitudes will get you exactly as far as the mess we are now in.

Comprehension and a working knowledge of the Judicial system is worth the time, and is 1/3 of the Constitutional govt. Worth the time, trust me.

Rooks 4 points ago +4 / -0

Listen to The wise council of frens. I took the better part of a year off in order to continue living life. In the end, for those not directly involved in the action, one of the things that you can do to counter the evil is to live your life.

That is what they want to take from us, And that is what they dont want us to do: Live our own lives.

It is okay to take a break period whether it is days, weeks or months. Consider it leave for all the work you've done and researched so far.

Like others said, make sure not to push red pills too hard. a little seed is better then trying to force transplant a tree. Watch the seed and see if it grows comma if it does offer just a little bit of fertilizer.

We all know how hard and jarring it is to awaken, don't rush it And you may find people to be more receptive.

Good luck.

Rooks 3 points ago +3 / -0

I wish not as many shills and ai bots would be on here. I tend to think this is more the prevailing thoughts of pedes on GAW, but shills and dormers counter hard.

Rooks 1 point ago +1 / -0

Who are you talking about, specifically?

SCOTUS isn't some ruling council that can push edicts from on high. Are you sure you understand what they are allowed to do Constitutionally?

So far they have been fantastic the last few years. A couple rulings that seem to have not gone our way were, in fact ruled correctly for the cases.

They can't just make stuff up, or go off on tangents, or stuff not specifically related to the cases presented.

Rooks 1 point ago +1 / -0

I tend to agree what you are proposing won't happen. However, that is not at all what I'm expecting to happen.

What is happening now, with a Justice reviewing The information, that is more in line of what I was expecting to happen.

Something triggering someone using common sense, most likely the supreme court, to get a reasonable argument that would be based in law that would enable them to overturn it.

Nothing unreasonable about that.

Rooks 2 points ago +2 / -0

Avoid hyperbole, your statements seems to encompass the entire US court system, which is grossly inaccurate.

The primary issue is with several key federal and some lower court judges who are getting 90% of media attention, so of course it would seem 90% of the system was bad when in actuality it isn't that many.

Rooks 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bigger problem is, the supreme court doesn't like to set too much precedent if it doesn't have to. The fact that he was so willing to take it up Means one of two things:

  1. The evidence is so clear that it is plain on its face constitutionally what it means, so he wants to make it known what is supposed to happen.

  2. The evidence is clear against what we believe to be accurate as far as a technicality of the law, he wants to jump to it and get it cleared up.

In the past, the supreme court has made it very clear that they do not want to be the ones to Determine the results of an election. That has been the direction of most suits asking them to overturn given x election.

I think of all the cases that have come to them about elections so far, this has been a fairly clear-cut one. With reasonable requests. it provides a fact of law that does not overturn an election per se, And allows for a very clean remedy to the issue period that is the kind of stuff that the Supreme Court likes period

Rooks 6 points ago +6 / -0

"I do not believe you!"

I wonder if she met him outside.

At least she answered his question... after throwing a royal hissy fit.

Rooks 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not a trusted sauce. Gives heartburn.

Rooks 1 point ago +2 / -1

Not sure why this is important. If they have 100s of homes, selling knick nack and brick-a-brack from one or two of them doesn't mean anything, unless it is symbolic for some reason.

The families are allegedly worth billions/trillions. This seems like a garage sale.

Rooks 2 points ago +2 / -0

FWIW, I don't think either has made many, if any, contradictory statements. If a pede listens closely, it should be so. Word choice at that level is exacting and specific. The ability to make the delivery seem natural is a skill they have to master.

Rooks 1 point ago +1 / -0

Rats, I thought I had something qith Post 1943, then I saw it was AM.

Rooks 6 points ago +6 / -0

Maybe I can help clarify, cause you have a lot of questions.

"No matter what happened with the vote in 2020. It doesn't really matter. The president is not voted in with a popular vote."

Mostly right but wrong. The popular vote typically is what determines which electoral committe is approved and sent to DC. Cheating on the pop vote in 2020 skewed that determiner and triggered the wrong electors. Many states challenged it for review. The challenges were ignored, counter to tradition.


"Each State sends its own Electoral College people. That system is the final check against fraud. That system failed. They have us looking everyplace else but not at the very reason that the EC exists in the first place. The EC voted for Biden. That vote is not disputed therefore Biden is the legitimate president."

You contradict yourself already. Yes, the EC failed. It failed per my answer above. Contrary electors were sent from several states. Several challenged and disputes were sent by MANY states (has happened before). THOSE CHALLENGES WERE IGNORED by the house (NOT normal). several congress people were threataned. The process of approving the electors was NOT normal, and there are LEGITIMATE questions against it. Biden is MAYBE TECHNICALLY president.

"There is a constitutional process. The problem is I don't understand that process. I just know that Trump is not President. I am not sure about him being CIC. I do know this. President Trump is not just an EX President."

The constitutional process was NOT followed. You are correct, most of your misunderstanding comes from not knowing it. Trump is not president in name only. There is a great disconnect in DC and many at the fed level because the Dems have challenged every election period. This creates the illusion that Trump only challenged it as that is the norm, so business as usual. It has taken 3 years for people to see he actually was right, there was somthing wrong.

"Some think that President Trump is a President in exile. I don't understand what that means. Sure the US has protected President's in exile in the past. The only reason the "President in Exile" was even a thing is because the US was accepting the concept and protecting him."


*No such thing as President in Exile, not a real defined term. No, none has ever been "protected" in the past. This referrs to the fact that Trump is the Real President as something has gone horribly wrong, and one side refuses to even consider it until recently. *


The bigger issue is there is no specific remedy for when this happens. The Constitution gives a lot of instructions as to how to prevent this, but never goes into details as to what to do if it does. The framers never considered it could actually get so corrupt that it was a possibility

Are Russia, China, Iran and others accepting President Trump as the President in Exile? If they are not President Trump is not a President in exile.

We don't officially know if they do or not (again, PiE is not a thing). Based on the way they react to Biden vs. how they react to Trump, most pedes on this board seem to assume they recognize what is going on.

One thing is for sure. Everything is not as it seems


Rooks 6 points ago +6 / -0

Honestly, why aren't we badmouthing those that trump can't? Were not under a gag order.

Rooks 1 point ago +2 / -1

While I agree, you have to be really careful on that one. All of a sudden the dems start calling all sponsored bills and laws by Republicans unconstitutional to get Republicans arrested.

Rooks 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fair point, but now think of the amount of energy needed to create each gallon of gasoline or diesel. Just because we've refined and optimized the process and it takes place behind the scenes n most ways, doesn't mean the tremendous expenditures don't exist in pumping the oil, transporting it, refinement, transport again, then more processing/mixing, then transportation to a distribution center, then delivery. That's just to a gas station.

The real issue isn't emissions, that is just a smoke screen (pun intended).

The issue is, once the initial infrastructure is built out, is the sustained creation of the fluid justified in lower costs, and less overall energy to create the product.

Secondary concerns include stable storage, distribution, volume of product supply meeting demand, disaster impact and recovery and containment considerations, cost analysis along the entire supply chain, etc.

Emissions is more for the politicians to figure out.

Rooks 2 points ago +2 / -0

Got news for ya, you are on it now.

It is only a matter of time:


Here Lies

James Clapper

Tried for Treason and Sedition against the U.S.A.

Convicted for his crimes.

Executed forthwith.

May God Have Mercy on Your Soul.

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