Rooks 7 points ago +7 / -0

So he has permission to file, doesn't mean they'll grant the motion to dismiss.

Hope they do though.

Rooks 3 points ago +3 / -0

OK, OK. All he has to do is ask. I'd be honored to be the next AG.

I'll be the "Hanging AG", coordinate with the Marines, be sononymous with Gitmo.

It's a rough job but someone's gotta do it.

Rooks 1 point ago +1 / -0

The electoral college votes won't count for a candidate until they actually vote. That typically doesn't happen for a bit yet , so if the popular vote goes the other way in the meantime, the electoral vote, in many states, are required to vote with the popular vote, which is why they keep counting the same votes over and over and over.

Rooks 2 points ago +2 / -0

It depends on a lot of circumstances. Typically yeah, a concession is given in a blowout election right away, or when the tipping point is reached. Also it depends on what was said, did the press call it a concession or did she actually give up, etc.

If I had to guess I'd say she gave up but someone forgot to tell the fake ballot printers about it.

Rooks 2 points ago +2 / -0

Understandable. I've not seen/read her concession, so not sure how they'd try to rescind it. I believe, regardless of merrit, if they think they have a chance through cheating they will try to plow through, as others have said, they won't stop until physically forced to.

Rooks 2 points ago +2 / -0

Of course they will. They're defying court orders now, they won't stop just because of the law.

My point was a concession wasn't a trivial matter to be flippantly disregarded, though team evil does just that on a regular basis.

I'm sure if they thought they could get away with an outright coup they would do so, and still might try it. If they don't know 100% they are done, they will soon, so what have they to lose besides everything?

Rooks 9 points ago +10 / -1

A concession means a lot in the USA. More than a formality, there is legal precedent for concessions.

in an election, a concession is seen effectively as the person giving up/quitting and is therefore the end of the election, regardless of actual counts. The count is almost always finished, however, for accuracy and the cultural value of elections in America, where "everyone's vote counts" (not sarcasm).

There are rare instances where, once counting is done, the quitter would have won had they stayed in the race.

There is legal precidence where someone conceded then found out they won and sued to get the position. IIRC (probably not) depending on the way you conceeded (actually gave up, gave a vague speach, etc.) Has a lot to do with if you can still win the election.

Rooks 2 points ago +2 / -0

What he needs is a 5lb. Rectal red pill.

Rooks 4 points ago +4 / -0

Chunk is in despirate need of Jesus.

Even if he got his head out of his butt for 5 seconds, I'm not sure I'd want an ally like that.

He's the guy when shipwrecked in a movie would take all the food for himself and the only weapon and try to hold everyone hostage with no plan, and would end up eaten by a giant mutated alligator, with everyone watching cheering while he screamed.

Rooks 1 point ago +1 / -0

Let's pray for this for sure.

Chunk has always promoted team evil and openly mocks religion, conservative values, and anything not liberal trash. His hubris is only exceeded by his disdain for anything contrary to his insular world view.

Can we wield the crazy to do our bidding for a time? maybe. Remember though, that is what the Democrats tried to do and look what happened.

Rooks 1 point ago +1 / -0

OH, and picture is a bit too fake for my taste.

I realize it must only be representative of what is happening, but it is stuff like this that makes it feel like it isn't even real, and their not even trying.

Rooks 6 points ago +6 / -0

I've always said, Dems are not the type that when they dont get their way they take their ball and go home.


If they can't have their way they will light the playground on fire, and burn it to the ground if thats what it takes to get their way.


If they can't have their way, no one will have anything. It's the level of crazy that makes them funny, but also the level of extreme which makes them so dangerous.

Rooks 9 points ago +9 / -0

Illegal entry to a country? I maintain my solution from 2015 is still a good one. Hire any redneck with a pickup and two friends. Two boxes of ammo each, a case of beer, and a full tank of gas. Give each one a stretch of boarder, shoot anything that crosses in their sector.

That should hold for quite a while.

Rooks 21 points ago +21 / -0

This. Multiple comments here pointing out obvious AI flaws in the painting.

Despite, I wish Fake news would pick this up and try to run with it. Would be so embarrasing for them.

Then again, there isn't much left to embarras them with.

Rooks 3 points ago +3 / -0

I was there with you when you started this, and continue to be here, with you. I don't speak up much, but I'm here.

Thank you so much for your steadfast efforts, and commitment to us all, and your dedication to the Lord. It has been a consistency which has warmed my heart, and many others. Being in the digital trenches as it were, having a drum beat, a cadence to encourage has been a God send.

God bless you and keep you.

Rooks 8 points ago +8 / -0

Poll worker here. Not a big surprise in a red state, trump leads by huge margins. We saw large numbers of first time voters of all ages.

We were about the smallest precinct in the county, and had record numbers. Nonstop voters, we couldn't even stop for breaks. My feet hurt so bad....

Good news, we instituted "poll sheriffs", basically crowd management. Helped a lot with queueing, though everyone was pleasant so kind of overkill for us.
But they also checked id's, then sent voters to check in, who also checked id's, did signature checks, then sent to us, and we did checks before we set them up.

The machines we used weren't dominion, and did paper receipts, stubs for count comparison, and printed a backup physical copy of each vote that the voter was able to physically check as it printed. So cool.

Rooks 1 point ago +1 / -0

Both would be awesome (though unlikely). I was thinking more of nuclear fusion, as we technically have the tech just not the financial backing to build the plants. There was a guy what, a decade or two ago that had all the math and proof of concept figured out, even a mostly working prototype. They were looking for more funding, needed 100 million or so to build a fully functioning plant.

As I recall it was all shut down by the existing nuclear energy commission. They trash talked the project as they need all the funding for the mammothly huge fission plants.

Fusion plants are a fraction of the size, are comparatively inexpensive, and generate a fraction of the waste material. So obviously we shouldn't have it. πŸ™„

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