I'm in my thirties, I never get the Flu shot. Nothing against PRIOR shots, never did my research on them, But also never woke up thinking Damn i wanna go get a shot today. Get the flu every year, it sucks like being sick in general, but no big deal cause it's just the freakin Flu. Pretty sure i had covid last year and it was just like a week of fatigue and lowgrade fever. Just don't get it, fuck it you will be okay. It's the freakin flu.
The video is even worse, in full context of the video i was instantly reminded of the breakdowns my Granny had during her first couple years with Alzheimer's, Just watching the confusion, frustration and fear wash over her whenever it became apparent she was losing control of a situation and of herself. Biden's never been innocent but i do believe there is Elder Abuse at play here.
Dig Bandmaster a lot ;)
Take a break, i cut down tons of political content in my subscriptions, it was too much. Check up enough to keep up and use your best judgement on what you see. I think the Audits could be very promising, and at the end of the day don't forget you can remove Q from the equation entirely, TRUMP told us there was major fraud and most of us could see it without Q posts. As far as happenings go, This board is great for documenting stuff but we still have to wait and see.
I disagree with the part about fraud in one state disqualifying the ENTIRE election.
Just because they find fraud for one candidate in one state doesn't exactly make that candidate the perpetrator of that fraud, and if you throw out the entire election based on one state what's to prevent this sort of ballot stuffing again and again everytime a party doesn't like the elected candidate? They'd be able to call for audits and be like "welp we found so many fraudulent ballots for Trump in one state, dunno how they got there but i guess we gotta disqualify this whole election"
For those reasons we need all the details, as thorough as can be in order to set a clear precedent for these audits and investigations.
I do agree that Trump knows something more tho and this audit has them scared.
It should be obvious Lindell is not the best spokesperson for the cause but he's certainly a believer. It would be better to have Pulitzer in there or someone like that to make an agruement for why investigation is necessary.
If nothing else tho? It proved Lindell is a nice calm guy who can roll with the punches and Kimmel thinks taking cheap shots and being generally mean spirited is a good alternative to being transparent and proving people wrong.
Maybe it didn't, but i don't see why that matters, Biden/Harris trying to prove how "Fun and festive" they are. They also dyed the fountain green. Obama used to light the white house up rainbow and crap like that, It could easily just them doing more pandering to try to look human.
To be completely honest that's not a thing to be boasting about if you're trying to make the argument these people are just shills. The thing that gets me about this argument is if we are two years down the line many of us may think a civil war/revolution is exactly what we needed, but after a couple years of Biden/Harris we will be in less of a position to organize and achieve it.
Who would be the Shills then? and Whose hands would Q have played into then? I would defend all you guys and this board, i think there is really compelling stuff here still and a lot of excellent work yall have done, and we are too close to the situation to write it off, but personally i'm out if i don't see substantial action by midterms, and that's an incredibly generous timetable. Anyone interested in preserving their rights and a future for their children need to be able to draw a line somewhere.
Pushing responsibility for this moment down the generational line would be an embarrassment.
Trump was a populist, We elected him and he ran on an agenda we approved. Do we really need any more Validation from Elon Musk and random celebrities than that? Maybe Elon just plays both sides to not alienate potential customers, Maybe he's genuinely trying to figure it out for himself. It's interesting when there is crossover but purity testing is for the other side.
Trying to ensure people are "Our Guy" is just gonna keep leading to embarrassment whenever they stray, Even Trump himself, If he denounced his supporters unequivocally today would you care about the election fraud any less or anything else for that matter when you stand with 80 mil+ pedes? ;)
Don't let anyone fool you into thinking you're not part of society or have nothing in common with it, gotta remind yourself now and again that it's not your singular responsibility to red pill the masses and if keeping healthy relationships with certain friends/family is one of your principles you don't have to fight those battles on our behalf, that's what is suppose to separate us from them at the end of the day. There is nothing crazy about anything you're saying, i'd just personally say you're putting a lot of unrealistic pressure on yourself which is a trap i'm sure a lot of us fall in and out of.
The other night my fam watched the completely SJW sequel to the Craft, One of my wife's favorite movies pretty much ruined, But we laughed our asses off and had fun. Remember to have fun, don't drive certain ppl crazy if they mean that much to you, You can red pill some people sure, but always seems to me the catalyst is when something obviously effects them, then most of the work is usually done and they start inquiring about more.
Their loss, Enjoy your thanksgiving with your wife and kid even if it's not perfect, Focus on yall and enjoying eachothers company, don't even bring up the family drama or covid.