Like Trump said to the actors union: Who cares?
Just get off social media, stop showing your life to everyone and stop watching others. Focus on your life and stay in contact with your best buddies.
I was a fan of LeBron and NBA once. Now they can suck CCP balls with their woke shit
Who are these people? Actual racists
I know Q said "Hello George" at the end of one of his posts
Duuude the suspens is so high
This dance is legendary, I miss him would be a shame to not use the Youtube algorithms against themselves...
They found out he was too intelligent for the public
Ultimate sacrifice... killing your own child? This is horrible
They know they have a bunch of normies that would bu... ah no they don't have money.
He better call Lindell back and give him air time asap.
Is there any video proof that EOs he signed were correct? Just to know if it's the same signature as the EOs put online
YouTube removed the video already. They don't care if it's blatant censorship of real info...
Brad handed them pizza? She means his adopted children?
"Could you please tell us more about your secrets Space Force?" that's how she sounds
Pedophilia is a world wide* problem. I prefer to see the soldiers hunting those monsters rather than dying on a battlefield of an endless war.
My mood right now:
Yes and that impeachment confirms that he has technically won the election
What pisses me off the most is the TOTAL SILENCE of MSM.
He tried his best with what he got. So far, for a REAL outsider of politics, he did a better job than all the presidents of his era. He's the Chosen One, he must succeed.
MSM should be ashamed for not reporting it ENOUGH. Instead they call us names and distract viewers attention from the REAL problems.
After 3 weeks on this forum I really believe Q is real. The predictions blew my mind (3 years delta and Trump posting right after Q for example). Q posts combined with the different interpretations of Anons gave me a plausible viewpoint of the situation. I might be wrong, we all can be wrong, but when it's happening we get even more involved in the forum.
It's a crazy ride I jumped into and I am, like everyone here, seeking something MSM don't show: TRUTH.
Why did they change the Inauguration Day?