There's one about an hour out from me I pass occasionally so I'm sure there's more in my state. Last time I ate at one was a couple/few years back, just wasn't the same as it was back in the day.
The one near me as a kid had a little spring horse for birthday pics, I'll have to look through and see if we still have mine.
I will say the McDonalds near me as a kid was cool too, had stained glass windows of all the characters throughout. Too, their boxed chocolate chip cookies were the best lol
Nice, first link is linking a Reddit video
How many of those "Mexicans" are actually Mexican?
I wouldn't think many, here in the DC area the Latino population that is Mexican is pretty slim. At least in years past it was, may have changed though.
Either way, sounds like we're getting those that other countries don't want...
I read about halfway through, quite the read but I've always said no to Nostradamus. I've dabbled in reading his writings years ago and recall the 9/11 correlations but found his "predictions" vague as you're seemingly saying.
I don't believe in psychics, and my take on Nostradamus is the only ones believing are the same that call 1 800 psychic numbers.
Wait, what... That can happen without any airplanes flying into a building?!
From C5*:
I've been lead mod of GA, a job I do for free, for seven years. We didn't put JWST in LaGrange Point 2 to tolerate you arrogant faggots.
This is why I'm always grateful when the inevitable flat earth thread comes up for this exact reason. Normally I perma-ban flat earth retards. There is no dealing with you fuckwits. Why? Because I don't work for you; I work for critical thinkers and researchers, literally the best of the best minds, not mental midgets who can't be arsed two shits to figure anything out.
Move along. Lurk, or take this time to find a new home on a different WIN.
Hopefully that's not the case. I'd love to see some light shed on what's exactly going on in Antarctica but would hate to see it overrun by people raping, pillaging, and plundering potentially a "New World".
And the fact at that speed centrifugal force must be extreme, yet water rains down while bodies of water aren't flung off.
None of it "holds water" when you break all the various aspects down that support this narrative.
All in a magical universe infinitely expanding that started from essentially nothing that decided to go BANG!
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I like dome-icile (domicile except with a dome lol) myself.
So funny how many people here believe nothing that is pushed on them except this. DS is all lies, constructed our reality, but yet this is the one thing they're honest about.
Yes, the CIA started this "conspiracy theory" to make us look bad. No way they started it as a conspiracy theory to cast doubt on its legitimacy. The CIA, just like the DS, is only lying about FE.
We've been indoctrinated since birth, but nope, no way the earth isn't a globe.
The DS had centuries to perfect their indoctrination, building "evidence" to support it. Each century their confidence builds as they pull off bigger and bigger narratives. Honestly, it has nothing to do with FE vs RE, they're dividing us further and further from God.
Just another wedge driven in between We The People that entertain "conspiracy theories". Regardless of your belief we shouldn't be insulting and casting aspersions on others because they believe in "conspiracy theories" you disagree with. That just makes you sound like a dem/libtard, can't converse or discuss, only call names and regurgitate what others have said.
I provided sauce, an article discrediting it. That in itself is sauce, sauce doesn't have to support a story, refuting a story is sauce as well.
I think I can speak for the majority here when I say that anything being "fact checked" is a good indication it is in fact, fact.
Wow, amazing powers of observation that.
Thanks, I have Yandex bookmarked but keep forgetting it. I tried Brave but turned up nothing relevant in the top several results so I just went with what I'd found/posted.
I miss Roys, they used to be fairly abundant in my area growing up in the 80s & 90s. I liked them way better than CrapDonalds or Burger Skank.
Thankfully we have Guardians of the Dome dogs to keep those pushy pussies in check!
If you want some real cat entertainment, check this out!
Wouldn't doubt it, but love the meme!
Loved Spy Vs. Spy growing up!
Next stop, who knows, it's a wild & crazy ride!!
Ha, what a great vacation idea, fly to Mexico, come across our border and get all expenses paid tour of the US!
I wonder where they shipped them off to, really is a travesty this Biden BS and using humans as pawns.
Ha, pretty easy to flip the script with just changing the location!
Something is out there they're trying to keep hush hush.
Honestly, I'd be fine with seeing a major regression in technology. It's too easily used nefariously.
Fuck TGP and their clickbait/sensationalized headlines, there was no "meltdown". She was calm, cool, and collected throughout the video presented.
Good video and showing blue two facedness, but I really dislike TGP headlines.
Rant off.
Wow, what a shithead douche lead mod catsfive is