Sadtohear 1 point ago +1 / -0

lol. I hope the future brings this. We all do. But in 1916 Russia, there was atrocious things that happened. Evil was commonplace torture rape ect ect by foreigners to the native Russians. Russian population was decimated. And still not recovered. Russian mail orders? Prostitution? Can tell you places I’ve traveled where Russian prostitution was prevalent in the east. Bolsheviks (j) did this because their absolute envy and hatred because gods people. Christians. Soon Ukraine prostitutes will be available . Jews go in infiltrate weaken corrupt war, go in and enslave the population. It hurts my feelings that people believe “that couldn’t happen here”. It’s been happening over and over since Babylon. Now, it’s coming down to the pikes end. Europe was cleansed by a certain 1940 dude. Which bought time but didn’t secure peace for White Christians. Whites are minority. Let’s say Whites in power controll are absolutely minority. (Ones not controlled by blackmail material) thanks epstien type Operations. If you skimmed.. simply read rev3:9. Don’t have to take my word for it. As for Russia. Read the book Gulag archipelago. I think it should be required reading and replace the week of “watching Hollywood jewish produced Schindler’s list” movie and guilt trip week.

Sadtohear 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean not to hate anyone. Anyone who follow Christ shale be saved. Ones who try to follow his words and attempt to live in his way. These aren’t the people I’m talking about nor do I hate the enemy. But I know the enemy. The very arm of the cabal is being flown to a city near you as we speak. I know you grew up probably teachers and people indoctrinate you into “not being racist” as more important than keeping yourself safe. Did you think cabal doesn’t use race as a mean of control? Enticing certain groups to come so they can burn rape murder White folk? Gibs? Be the new Americans? Replacement in progress. See South African farmers. That but on a larger scale.

Sadtohear -1 points ago +1 / -2

You bet. They were also once theorized to be ran by blond haired ancient emperors. That brought architecture aqueducts philosophy. It’s not popular. But theorized older than Egyptians. Where the mitigated starues to make them less White. Take a look at history. Quite interesting. The mark of god and mark of the beast were there entire time. But deceit and rewritten history. Satans plan is to mix the race of god off the earth with other. Iran - the Arab is a mix of lost White civilization with blacks and they tried to reverse it. Babylon -because mixing is no bueno poor favor. But for some reason White nations also seem to be forced to accept lower standards. America was built a White Christian nation period. Now… we will be minority in a decade. Europe too. Russia and Eastern Europe to follow.

Sadtohear 7 points ago +7 / -0

the jews won. Murdered and forced raped Europe by means of the second wave armies of Bolsheviks from the east. Russia today still has the knee of Bolsheviks on them. Many nations cheered when Germans ran the borders. Europe was turning into a degenerate lgbt critical theory shit hole. Book burnings were pedo lgbt movement materials. Their war against Germany is almost complete. And for the rest of the White population. We are all gonna find out soon why Hitler did what he did. And many will wake up. Hopefully sooner than later. Rev 3:9

Sadtohear 0 points ago +4 / -4

Wait until she finds out our entire history has been rewritten to hide the fact that civilization is a White thing. Tribes ect are not. And White have been building and being invaded by out breeds which in turn makes the empires fall always. Once fallen, whites are enslaved. History repeats itself over and over. This time there’s no land to run off too. Babylon isn’t just a small society in Iran. It’s now global.

Sadtohear 2 points ago +2 / -0

19th amendment was a mistake. Ban her internet and tv usage. She doesn’t belong in politics.

Sadtohear 6 points ago +6 / -0

We would all love a massive deportation operation that rivals any reverse migration in history. Maybe even include the groups that can’t stand White people and believe America was never great. I’m sure Nigeria will take ‘em with a small fee

Sadtohear 1 point ago +1 / -0

Evil will do evil. That’s what evil does. Most atrocious. It’s good men and v-word that ensures it’s not done again.

Sadtohear 2 points ago +2 / -0

Civilization that can’t protect its borders and children. Infested with jews and black 3rd world migrants.
Nothing less than a grand reboot, deport would save the nation. At least save it for a safe place for diminishing White populations dwindling. Nobody seems to notice.

Sadtohear 2 points ago +2 / -0

They’ve been doing this for centuries. Very old art depicting this. Kids start going missing. You know there’s a synagogue nearby.

Sadtohear 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you’re unjabbed, not living in a city near migrant replacement armies are forming. And can afford heating and food. Then. Yes you are then safe.

Sadtohear 11 points ago +11 / -0

So I have been distilling my drinking water and using non fluoride toothpaste for years. I revlcentky got water softener and reverse osmosis system so I don’t have to anymore. The stuff left by distiller after it was done was alarming. Use baking soda and water to brush teeth.
But cheap water distiller use glass. I also got a few glass pitchers to fill then distill another batch. Be sure to change carbon every few distills. Stop drinking fluoride. Imagine the government (which proven to allow killing their own citizens to go into a profit war. See Pearl Harbor 9-11 Tompkins ect ect. Imagine them spending extra to make sure your teeth are White and shiny…without telling you. Clean your drinking water

by BQnita
Sadtohear 7 points ago +8 / -1

V is WEF and one of those global leader grads. He tells some truth to get in. Then bends us all over. Don’t be fooled by this implant.

Sadtohear 11 points ago +11 / -0

The plan is a faithless low iq mix of a brown race that consistently votes for slavery gibs controlled by AI serving an elite class of blood libel Zionist. There’s no room for White Christian patriots.

Sadtohear 3 points ago +3 / -0

These “leaders” are blackmailed coerced into doing these horrible policies that have destroyed the countries. Not sure protesting will save anything. I’m not so sure voting will save the west. Something big. Hitler big. Mass migration back to their original countries is the only way to save the west. That and justice for those whose loyalty is to global policy makers. But I guess according to the Bible. It will be horrible.

Sadtohear 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don’t think anyone was disputing the bad stuff. Replacement. Maybe a few retarded liberals on the child trafficking and blackmail corporations.

I think they were disputing the justice and the remain calm military / White hat magic solve issues was the issue. Declassification and some sentancing of high profile people.

Sadtohear 1 point ago +1 / -0

Housing replacement till after people start dying off. Will get so bad people will abandon houses See Detroit for details. Certian districts. Ect. Replacement theory isn’t a theory. Happening real time.

Sadtohear 1 point ago +1 / -0

anyone hear about police raiding NYC underground tunnels finding jews down there and baby carriages strollers ect? Don’t have all the info yet.

Sadtohear 5 points ago +5 / -0

They didn’t have guns nor a plan. No congressperson was taken into custody, no demands created or statement given. No change of power. It was no insurrection

Sadtohear 4 points ago +4 / -0

Nonsense. Every group needs a court jester. I lose respect for people who go out of their way to be intellectually deficient, or naturally have issues picking up simplistic pattern recognition. Pop fun on that clown. Can be stimulating and a a means to build group cohesion. Just be sure to give a little maintenance here and there to keep it coming back for more.

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