The decision makers at that pharmacy who were helping to push the vax are prob cringing so hard at that statement. That 100% sounds like some shit that was said to this employee that she wasn't "supposed to" repeat to patients and the fact that she is makes me laugh so fucking hard. It's entirely aside from how wantonly unethical every single goddamn thing surrounding all of this is, but I'm imagining it in the context of like: Store owner creates BOGO sale, mentioning to employees "yeah now these idiots who only need 1 will come in and buy two" - and then an employee, later when a customer inquires about the sale says "yes so you idiots who need one will buy two"
I am curious to see how liable the pharmacy will be held for the employee saying this. I'm sure they'll scrape together some bullshit defense about this "not being their official stance" and then they'll go on to blame the employee 100% and fire her, pinning all the blame on her and ruining her life. I'm not against this woman getting exactly what she deserves if she's pushing the vax and this bullshit rhetoric but on some level it is true that she was following orders and those people need to be held accountable too.
I think you'd be surprised by how many people have started to take note. Even the most normie non political dipshits I see in my everyday life who vote dem bc "good guys" are starting to see thru it. They're not pushing this shit anymore, and a good portion of them are done with getting vaxd. They just won't speak out against it bc they don't care. Even as public opinion starts to sway in our favor tho, most media coverage is still going to be pushing the same bullshit they are now - they'll just have to lie more and more about how many people agree with them. Don't get it fucked up, even when the media personality is the 1 out of 100 pushing the vax and other related bullshit he's going to continue screaming as loud as he can that 98 agree with him and you're the outlier.
Isn't it fun how quickly they ditched all that "trust the science" "dumb anti science trumper" "stupid anti vaxers don't trust science"?
Everything still up in the air - nothing proven either way yet? Double down on trust the science, demand everything is settled and your viewpoint is definitively true.
Science actually comes out not really in your favor at all? Pretend you never cared about science to begin with. Act misinformed. Claim it's a comfort thing. Just let them live bro if they wanna wear a mask let em wear a mask.
Aren't school boards elected? I know I'm over simplifying here, but can't we just fucking take it? There's no way the woke nonsense beats out the traditional "children first. Education and success is priority. Body is colorblind. Rewards success, and helps those children who struggle - and has zero opinion on sexuality, race relations, sociopoly standing, wealth, etc." Like has anyone ever been boo'd down saying "we think parents should have the final say in teaching children morals, not teachers" ?
Why even build them then tho?
That kinda doesn't make any sense. Like they're willing to lie, cheat and steal their way thru everything but have this twisted notion of "oyyy we can't do any of it unless we sneak it into a monolith on American soil somewhere!" Doesn't it seem more likely that they were the work of someone who bought into the ideology but was dumb enough to think it was good and just and didn't need to be a secret? I don't think it would be crazy to assume that actual evil globalist fucks wanted them gone bc they were too on-the-nose.
No - not at all. I guess I was seeing the latter "avoid petty laws and useless officials" and "...fair laws and just courts" but I guess they kinda lose all credibility after maintain @ 500,000,000 as previously pointed out.
I more just wasn't sure if there was more to it here than just the message on the stone or not.
Edit: fuck - I missed the 2nd part of the 2nd point as well where it says "improving fitness and diversity" ok yeah this is pretty bad
Is the border issue at least in part self containing to a degree?
This is entirely anecdotal but a large majority of fresh immigrants that I've met are pretty deeply rooted in more American conservative ideals. Yeah people flooding thru the border, having it allowed to happen is for sure a fucking problem but I take some solace in knowing that it isn't gonna help the left the way they think it will
Edit: typo
These are always such cut and dry mental health cases, it's really insane that every time something like this happens they to straight to "ban the guns!!!!" instead of "whoa, the fuck happened to this kid that he ended up this insane and desperate?"
Yes, lock him up and throw away the key but I'd better top dollar there was a least a few people who knew this dude was violently insane.
Also - fame cycle, showing his face, name ... etc etc etc.
I'd really like to know what their plan is here.
5, maybe 10 years from now it's going to be glaringly obvious how bad of an idea all the vax stuff was. There's not gonna be a debate once there's mountains of hard evidence (that already seems to be piling up)
I wonder - will they flee the country? Will everyone involved just resign as billionaires before they ever have to see any actual consequences? Or will they be bold enough to say "yeah we knew but you offered us billions and told us nobody could sue us so go pound sand" ?
I got to witness a 1:1 effect of covid a few weeks ago.
I got the shit and gave it to my gf. I have 0 vax, she has vax and a booster (maybe 2? Idk.) Our progression of symptoms, degree of illness etc were all identical.
I came down with it on a mon - woke up pretty sick but I had an abscess on my leg so I assumed the fever was from MRSA or some bullshit like that and so did the ER doc when I went in (abscess + fever can have you dead pretty quick so I went in)
Tues she jumped a plane to her sister's across the country, weds morning woke up with the exact same symptoms and level of general malaise that I had on Monday. Out of genuine curiosity I tracked her symptoms alongside mine it was legitimately 100% the exact same illness and progression to the day. The only difference is she was actually worse coming out of it. Had a lingering wet cough that's just now subsiding 2 weeks later. Prob also worth mentioning that she is all-around way healthier than me - eats right, works out, etc, genuinely takes care of herself a good bit better than I do.
Tldr: gf who is prob 5x healthier than me in terms of lifestyle who is double vaxd got covid the same time as me and hers was -worse-
While it does seem the vax adverse affects are unacceptably common, they're obviously not common enough to be irrefutable. What that looks like is exactly what you described. "Most of the people I know are fine." Generally there is the caveat of "there was that random stroke aunt Susie had tho..." or "my friends cousin was in the hospital shortly after vax."
I think the worst part of what you are saying being true is that just by pointing it out you would immediately be labeled a nazi sympathizer / apologist. You are not allowed to comment on these things outside of "nazi Hitler kill 6 billion jews is bad."
These people are seriously fucking insane.
Legitimately nothing has even happened other than the scotus saying "yeah killing unborn babies is not a constitutionally recognized right, sorry" and they immediately start talking about going and burning Christian towns to the ground, as if THEYRE the problem? They're seriously so damn insane. I wanna see the weight of the justice system brought down on these people. These are the same people that wanna constantly say "your free speech doesn't cover dangerous misinformation or calls to arms" in reference to covid or j6 - I really hope to see them eat those fucking words.
Yeah ... reading the news report it's so clear how much they're grasping. They've got this supposed "paperwork" and made sure to mention the riot shield ten times so everyone knew it was justified.
I seriously don't understand how people are squaring this away in their heads right now. To support the BLM "protests" and watch cities burn all the while saying "it's their right to protest," then seeing this and saying "oh good yeah we can't let them go, what if it they riot!" ... just, how do you make that make sense?
As I see it, there are two possible mindsets: A) there is zero logical cohesion when it comes to separate incidents. They are completely unable to see similarities or set general standards and therefore legitimately don't even see the hypocrisy
B) they do not give a single fuck and are fully prescribed to "the ends justify the means." I've seen this so much lately, where it's like we start with "those are the bad guys" then reverse engineer a case of just nab them on literally anything they feel like
The amount of people I've seen posting and commenting on this article of "yeah terrorists get what they deserve blah blah blah" is wild. I legitimately do not understand how they can support this while ignoring half of the country being burned down thru 2020.
In all seriousness though, it's scary how fast this is happening. Luckily I rent privately from a decent human being so the raise on my rent thru all this has only been $50/months, but I have 2 friends who live in developments who got notices of $400 and $500 raises respectively because it's "current fair market value" or some shit. I get where this guy is coming from cause I worked my ass off the entirety of my adult life and just started to get ahead right before covid. Now I'm slowly watching the bottom rise up realizing I'll be joining the poor crowd pretty soon. Not that I'm wealthy now or anything, but to finally have some financial comfort and watch it slowly drifting away is so incredibly frustrating, especially when you see it happening over some stupid bullshit lies and being done by a bunch of fake bleeding heart con artists.
One of my favorite things on the internet is watching 2 people argue about how it wasn't their attention to argue.