SelfReliancePepe -2 points ago +1 / -3

Oh there was definitely a New World Order "Bolshevik" coup on November 3 2020 and they installed their puppet president on January 20 2021.

He films all his WH crap on some stage they built for him. Fake everything.

I've seen zero evidence of this.

I've seen people confuse the South Court Auditorium of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building that Biden often uses for virtual conferences and I've seen photos of Oval Office film sets that may have been used in a dozen Hollywood films... but nothing else.

SelfReliancePepe -3 points ago +1 / -4

Why should we believe in Fake Biden?

All I've seen is photos of Biden's plastic surgery, photos of Biden that were horizontally flipped to make his ears and age spots look different and peeling face tape that professional makeup artists use to make old people look younger.

You'll need to present a good reason if you expect people to do what you say.

SelfReliancePepe 1 point ago +2 / -1

I hope President Trump has had time to reflect on the list of New World Order people he took poisoned advice from, such as Bill Gates, Dr. Fauci, the CDC, Jared Kushner, etc.

I want a return to the 2015 version of President Trump that promised mass deportations of illegals, to actually ARREST treasonous criminal members of the Deep State and lock her up and focus more on merit based immigration reform rather than pandering to the blacks. I wish President Trump has pardoned those arrested at J6 rather than freeing pandering to the blacks and instead pardoning black drug dealers. So much pandering all for nothing.

SelfReliancePepe 0 points ago +1 / -1

Why do "they" all have Israeli passports or are funded or extorted by people with Israeli passports?

Weird, huh?

SelfReliancePepe 5 points ago +5 / -0


What they need is the Elves who have infiltrated our mainstream media and social media and internet and government and academia to cease poisoning their minds with ALL of their holocaust hoaxes.

We need to name and cure the disease rather than forever chasing symptoms.

SelfReliancePepe 1 point ago +1 / -0

That'll be difficult without explicitly showing that Israelis are pulling Joe's strings.

You could pretend that Jewish central bankers don't control China and China is pulling all the strings... but then you've just created misinformation and helped conceal the truth.

That red-pill won't go down well, even among some conservatives.

SelfReliancePepe 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is copied straight from one of u/Bread_Sandwich's outstanding posts:

It all started as Russian wartime propaganda claiming four million Jews were exterminated in the gas chamber showers at Auschwitz concentration camp, located in Poland.

This story was presented without evidence during the Nuremberg trials and assumed to be true, without question, by every judge.

The number was quickly increased to six million to also accommodate the gas chamber showers at Dachau concentration camp.

The Polish government later officially revised the estimate for Auschwitz down from four million to 1.1 million after their investigation determined it would be scientifically impossible to execute more than 1.1 million Jews using Auschwitz's gas chambers and ovens.

Dozens of teams of scientists later forensically tested the walls, structure and soil from both the Auschwitz and Dachau gas chamber showers and found no residual traces of the deadly Zyklon B gas. Many tests were performed by different teams because nobody could believe the results, despite every team producing the same results proving NOBODY was gassed in the showers at either camp.

Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site staff posted signs in several languages to inform tourists that their "death camp gas chamber showers" were just normal showers.

And that's where the six million number originated.

The only points that Bread_Sandwich failed to mention was every Nuremberg trial confession was extracted under torture and the Jewish judges acknowledge this on the official record, during the formal trials. Those tortured prisoners confessed to everything, including all the claims that were medically and physically impossible and were debunked during the 1950s and 60s.

It's also noteworthy that the World Conference of Jews (Jewish leaders from all over the world) officially declared 14 Jewish holocausts between 1926 and 1945. Almost all were met with laughter because of how silly and blatantly false they were. Even during 1933, Samuel Untermyer, Chair of the World Conference of Jews, claimed innocent Jews were being crucified and burned at the stake in the streets of Berlin.

SelfReliancePepe 2 points ago +2 / -0

How'd like them apples?

Not so fun when it happens to you, hey Zoglensky?

SelfReliancePepe 6 points ago +9 / -3

I felt the same way when I learned how the six million Jewish holocaust death toll was originally calculated. That was one of the biggest red-pills I've ever taken and I see the world very differently now.

SelfReliancePepe 4 points ago +6 / -2


China owes their (((Rothschild))) central bankers $44 trillion (see Q post #135).

The CCP can't take a shit without permission from their Jewish central banker usury slave masters.

SelfReliancePepe 27 points ago +29 / -2

"Ha ha ha - CCP are amateurs!" - Mossad

  • 80% of the Democrat Party leadership are Israeli

  • 80% of the White House Cabinet are Israelis

  • Israelis control our banking, medical, academia, Hollywood, mainstream news media, social media and internet

  • Israelis even control our Antifa and BLM domestic terrorists through George Soros' Open Society Foundations

deleted 2 points ago +2 / -0
SelfReliancePepe 5 points ago +5 / -0

Fuck Jordan "clot-shot" Peterson for:

  • Encouraging everyone to get the clot-shot because "compliance will end fascism";

  • Choosing to only interviewing Ukrainian New World Order fan-boys and push New World Order propaganda about the war;

  • Endlessly pushing every Bolshevik fan-fiction false narrative about WW2 including all the lies that were forensically debunked in the 1950s and 60s;

  • Discussing and promoting the benefits of gay marriage on his podcast show;

  • He's a tranny.

There's a reason YouTube and Google promote Peterson so heavily and it's not because he's your friend.

Peterson getting into bed with Ben "dancing Israeli" Shapiro should have been your first red flag!

It wouldn't surprise me if Peterson made this video only because a lot of people are noticing a wildly disproportionate number of Jews and crypto-Jews in positions of power within the New World Order / Democrat Party leadership / White House Cabinet / mainstream media and social media an internet / Bilderberg Group / Davos Group / every New World Order banking institution / etc.

SelfReliancePepe 1 point ago +1 / -0

Remember the fortnight of retardation back in 2018 when Veterans on Patrol members claimed to have found a child sex dungeon in Tucson? They claimed to have rescued children from that dungeon and found bloody knives, a rape-tree complete with bindings and a rape torture machine and also skeletal remains?

Almost everyone in GAW went crazy. Within hours, everyone was a rape-tree and child rape dungeon expert and our members had linked that Tuscon sex trafficking hub back to Hillary Clinton and BlackRock.

Users were being accused of being pedophiles and down-vote-brigaded for suggesting the story seemed fishy.

Then we learned the Veterans on Patrol were known scammers and they weren't real veterans either. Then we learned the child rape dungeon was just a boring campsite root cellar. We learned there were no rescued children and no skeletons. The rape-trees were just normal camping harnesses to keep bags off the ground and the rape torture machine was a small children swing set.

And nobody spoke of it again. Now you'll never find anyone from GAW who claimed they were fooled.

Sorry chum, but you can't change history by pretending. Many of us were fooled for a long time by President Trump's repeated promotion of the deadly clot-shot.

This is the truth, even if you wish it weren't.

SelfReliancePepe 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah. I've never worn a mask even when shops demand it and I've always walked in the opposite direction to these arrows.

Since 2020, I've only been asked to leave shops on four occasions. Several angry old people have asked me where my mask was. One old man was enraged I was walking the opposite direction to the arrows.

If asked, I always immediately leave a shop without a fuss. I say my piece and politely leave.

It saddens me to see old people be controlled so easily. I'd always hoped that after a lifetime of experience, they might learn the basics.

Watching my brothers and sisters, neighbors and community live on their knees only makes me hate the enemy more.

SelfReliancePepe 1 point ago +1 / -0

I doubt this will be enough to break the Democrat streak of total injustice.

Not a single major arrest.

SelfReliancePepe 3 points ago +3 / -0

They need to kill as many Christians as possible because of the upcoming biblical war that will be the Great Reset.

SelfReliancePepe 4 points ago +4 / -0

We'll see the same with monkeypox because it's the same condition that untreated AIDS patients suffer after about three years because their immune system is dying.

"Monkeypox" a.k.a death by vaccine-AIDS will become widespread among the population but the Bolsheviks will be fine. Also I suspect Israel will be fine because they aren't showing any post-vaccine pregnancy issues like every other country is.

SelfReliancePepe 3 points ago +3 / -0

Almost everything the cabal does is based on their scripture and the official teachings of their most respected religious scholars. Everything from their master race fantasies which is why they're obsessed with pinning awards on each other during any and all award shows, using banking usury as a weapon to enslave us "lower lifeforms", feeling proud about lying, stealing, human trafficking, abortions and raping and killing and eating children and their hatred of Jesus and Christians.

This is the reason they want us to eat the bugs and live in a pod - not because there's limited resourced but because it makes them feel superior and they feel it validates their divine master race religion to humble us.

Sadly, their religion also claims they are destined to steal everything and enslave everyone. The Great Reset.

They could be stockpiling resources but I'm not aware that's directly part of their religion. I suspect resource prepping isn't very compatible with their cultural and religious views because everything they do is about them dominating: being seen to be rich and power and superior. They are more likely to infiltrate the entire food infrastructure from farming to transport so their "workers" can ensure they get everything they want, right out in the open for everyone to see.

SelfReliancePepe 4 points ago +4 / -0

No we didn't.

Many of the most influential conservative social media influencers like Scott Adams, Jordan "clot-shot" Peterson and Ben "dancing Israeli" Shapiro and a certain U.S. president have been promoting the deadly clot-shot from day #1.

I remember back in 2020, users on T_D were being downvote-brigaded and banned for begging people not to get the Covid-19 vaccine because they were violating the rules about supporting President Trump.

Few people are willing to admit the truth, but many of us were initially fooled.

SelfReliancePepe 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wrong again.

There's no need to prove commonly accepted historic fact that every reasonable person already agrees with.

You're the only person disputing that the Khazar empire existed and converted to Judaism or that the Zelenskyy bloodline is not Khazarian.

You're the only one who isn't convinced and that pleases me. I sleep well knowing that you've empowered me with choosing to educate you or not. I happily choose for you to remain ignorant and you've spent days screaming and crying about it.

Feels good man.

You may resume screaming and crying.

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