SemperSupra 2 points ago +2 / -0

Great catch! This video is very interesting. You can see them trying to push so hard for Trump to agree on their lie about Russia hacked the DNC (to cover up that it was an inside job -- Seth Rich).

SemperSupra 4 points ago +4 / -0

Other Connections

Note where it says "Divide they try. Fail they will"

That sounds very Yoda, right?

Well it connects to another Q post:


The "YODA" of the DOJ was a fixer for the DS:


Said fact and heinous lack of accountability for Justice Department attorneys, not just in Washington, but across the country and territories, is largely because of, and jealously ingrained by, David Margolis. What Glen Fine was testifying about is the fact there is no independent regulation and accountability for DOJ attorneys.

They are generally excluded from the Department IG purview of authority, and it is rare, if ever, courts or state bar authorities will formally review DOJ attorneys without going throughout the filter of the OPR – the Office of Professional Responsibility – within the Department. A protection racket designed and jealously guarded for decades by David Margolis. Even when cases were found egregious enough to be referred out of OPR, they went to…..David Margolis.

If you want a solid history of OPR, and the malfeasance it and Margolis have cravenly protected going back well over a decade, please go read “The Roach Motel”, a 2009 article in no less an authority than the American Bar Association Journal. It is a stunning and damning report. It is hard to describe just how much this one man, David Margolis, has frustrated public transparency and accountability into the Justice Department that supposedly works for the citizens of the United States. It is astounding really.

Q was quoting this article:


For years, Schools worked alongside another Justice Department mainstay, David Margolis, who was known as the "Yoda" of the department. When Margolis died, DOJ brass asked Schools to come back to Washington to try to fill those shoes.

SemperSupra 10 points ago +10 / -0

In a historic 6-3 ruling, the justices said for the first time that former presidents have absolute immunity from prosecution for their official acts and no immunity for unofficial acts. But rather than do it themselves, the justices ordered lower courts to figure out precisely how to apply the decision to Trump’s case.

SemperSupra 1 point ago +1 / -0

The original photo was taken in 2018:

The photo was taken during the Congressional Ball at the White House on 15 December, where Trump gave a speech to guests about his plans for the next two years.

Sharing the Christmas card on Instagram, the couple’s representative wrote alongside the photo: “Merry Christmas from President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump.”

The caption continues: “@realdonaldtrump & @FLOTUS are seen Saturday, December 15, in their official 2018 Christmas portrait, in the Cross Hall of the White House in Washington, D.C. (Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks).”


The post links to this video:


SemperSupra 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wow, great digging Wulf!

I didn't think about it being during major football games.

SemperSupra 5 points ago +5 / -0

I think because they wanted absolute control over the setting and timing. The presidential debates have a big impact on how people see the candidates. Their interaction sets the tone. The MSN can only do so much on the debate stage. They put the debates on campuses (hives of radicals) and they grouped them to be as close as possible to the election so they could drop October Surprises.

I find it very telling they set this up right before Bush Sr ran in 1988. Then they used it to make Bill Clinton look good.

SemperSupra 3 points ago +3 / -0

This was the first debate since 1988 that wasn't under CPD control.


And we can see how that is working out for them.

SemperSupra 12 points ago +12 / -0

mistake I wrote "CBD" instead of CPD.

The co-founder of the CPD also sat on the board of First Republic and other banks. He ran US presidential debates.


Fahrenkopf serves as the co-chair of the Commission on Presidential Debates .[3]

Fahrenkopf also sits on the board of directors of six New York Stock Exchange public companies: First Republic Bank, Gabelli Equity Trust, Inc., Gabelli Utility Trust, Gabelli Global Multimedia Trust, Gabelli Dividend and Income Trust, and Gabelli Gold and Natural Resources.


Paul Grattan Kirk Jr. (born January 18, 1938) is an American lawyer and politician who served as a United States Senator from Massachusetts from 2009 to 2010, having been appointed to fill the vacancy created by the death of Ted Kennedy. From 1985 to 1989, he chaired the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

He served as co-chairman of the Commission on Presidential Debates,

The CPD:


In 2024, the campaigns of the major-party presumptive presidential candidates, Democratic incumbent Joe Biden and Republican former president Donald Trump, circumvented the CPD and committed to two debates outside the CPD's purview. Jen O’Malley Dillon, chairwoman of Biden’s campaign, informed the Commission on Presidential Debates that Biden will not be taking part in its events, effectively rendering the corporation both defunct and obsolete.[4]

The CPD was established in 1987 by the chairmen of the Democratic and Republican Parties to "take control of the presidential debates".[3] The commission was staffed by members from the two parties and chaired by the heads of the Democratic and Republican parties, Paul G. Kirk and Frank Fahrenkopf.

The debate on 6/27 was the first Presidential Debate since 1988 that was not run by the CPD.

SemperSupra 4 points ago +4 / -0

At the heart of his complains is one simple claim that could be cleared up by simply asking Julian Assange/ Wikilieaks. The claim is that Seth Rich leaked the DNC Emails. That's it. That's the whole fight.

Establish whether that claim is true or false and all this goes away. But, in order to do this there must be a subpoena or waiver to free Assange/ Wikileaks form their responsibility to protect a source.


If JA confirms what we all know (Seth Rich leaked it) the entire Russiagate narrative falls apart and that means that was entirely fabricated.

SemperSupra 28 points ago +28 / -0

Interesting timleine u/bubble_bursts

I remember how 2 days after taking office Trump went straight to the CIA's HQ and taunted their sacred as just "wall".


"I am so behind you!" Trump said. "You gonna get so much backing. Maybe, you gonna say, please don't give us so much backing, Mr. President!"

No president ever insulted their "wall" before.It was the equivalent of spitting in their face. One of the first things he did was going into the Lion's Den and throw down the gauntlet.

Later Rex fired most of the 7th floor.


This also feeds into blinding the CIA:


SemperSupra 29 points ago +30 / -1

Very nice.

Russiagate was founded on the LIE that the DNC was hacked.

There is one man who can answer if Seth Rich leaked it: JA


If JA reveals that it was Seth Rich who leaked the DNC and not a "Russian hack" then the entire narrative of Russiagate falls to pieces:


Seth Rich was fatally shot in Washington, DC, in July 2016. Police have said evidence indicates he was the victim of a botched robbery, but in the wake of his death, far-right activists and media organizations suggested something far more sinister.

Without real evidence, these far-right activists peddled a conspiracy theory that posited Seth Rich leaked a trove of DNC emails to Wikileaks and was killed in retribution for the supposed leak. The theory was convenient for some on the right as they disputed allegations Russia hacked the DNC, something President Donald Trump had disputed.

They went NUTS at the mere suggestion that it was Seth Rich and not the Russians:


A federal lawsuit filed Tuesday accuses Butowsky of working with the White House on a false (and eventually retracted) Fox News story about the murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich.

According to the suit, the story was intended to undermine the public's belief in the U.S. intelligence community's conclusion that Russia hacked the DNC and obtained the emails ultimately released by Wikileaks.


Butowsky was part of development of the now-retracted 2017 Fox News story alleging that the murder of Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich was an inside job.[2] In 2018 he was a co-defendant in a lawsuit filed by Rich's family alleging that the report fueled conspiracy theories about Rich's death and caused the family emotional distress.

By August 2020, Butowsky still insisted that the retracted Fox News story was accurate.[2] He claimed without evidence that the Seth Rich family were "not innocent bystanders" and that they were "in possession of material evidence indicating that Seth Rich downloaded the DNC emails, sent them to WikiLeaks, and requested payment."[2] In October 2020, Butowsky was "backing away," due in part to Fox settling their lawsuit with the Rich family.[16]

NPR later sued both Butowsky and his attorney Steven Biss for lying to the courts making 3 key allegations which were objectively false;



Server is key. Q posted about Server or JA:


JA released on 6/24/2024.

24 months after Roe v Wade was overturned on 6/24/2022:


SemperSupra 5 points ago +5 / -0

Suffering those slings and arrows.


The actual quote is from Hamlet:

To be, or not to be, that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take Arms against a Sea of troubles,

SemperSupra 7 points ago +7 / -0

NY has a very Opaque Court System.

Opinion: New York’s complex court bureaucracy shields judges from accountability Judges are less accountable to the public than to court administrators who arbitrarily shuffle them around to different courts and issue secret memos to guide their interpretation of the law.

Court administrators, who wield power to control where judges are assigned, have both directly advised judges in New York on how to interpret the law and have created administrative work-arounds around certain laws – such as with the recent bail reform – which have tacitly communicated to judges their view of how such laws should be interpreted.

Because court operations, like much of government work, happen largely in private and off the record, neither the public nor academia have been able to pay close attention to these institutional mechanisms of the court system.

Data and other information about the court system is also in short supply, and where it does exist, it tends to be limited to information about individual judges’ decisions, as opposed to systemic data that would inform the public in an accessible way about the internal incentives that affect judicial decision-making, as well as how judges are selected in the first place, or how and why they are moved around the court system.

The lack of transparency around court administration has allowed New York’s court system to metastasize into an impenetrable “courteaucracy” that’s far more confusing and multi-layered than other states’ court systems.

Currently, judges effectively serve for as long as they want, without any meaningful or public evaluation between their terms.

it’s also passively supported by the inability of anyone outside the judiciary, including elected officials with legal responsibilities in the judicial selection process, to penetrate the black box of court administration.

Judge Vincent Del Giudice’s time on the bench illustrates what happens when these dynamics come together. Del Giudice has spent 22 years as a judge, all of them served as an “Acting” Supreme Court Justice, despite the fact that he has never been elected or appointed to the Supreme Court – and despite a record that, upon inspection, shows that he is an extreme outlier on multiple concerning metrics.

He is a radical, but he has been on the bench for 22 years and gets shuffled around. He answers to know what but the judge administrators who can move him here or there.

Here is how the scam works:

First, a governor has nominated him three separate times – in 2002, 2005, and 2015 – to a little-used court called the Court of Claims, which exists only to hear lawsuits against the State of New York. Second, the state Senate has confirmed him each of those times. And third, the court administration reassigned him to the Supreme Court in 2002, and it has not changed his assignment since.

And this is how they push radical judges into position of power without any accountability from voters.

The ongoing lack of accountability for judges like Del Giudice, whose errors and excessive sentencing other judges repeatedly have to correct, is made possible by the lack of transparency around judicial actions, judicial administration and judicial selection. Elected officials keep appointing Del Giudice despite his record, and the Office of Court Administration is seemingly happy to keep him presiding in Supreme Court, no matter how many lives he ruins. On top of all this, his most recent term expired in 2022, but neither the court system nor the political actors responsible for appointing judges seem to care that he’s still on the bench.

It's even worse than you can imagine:

We see this same lack of transparency and accountability to the public elsewhere in the court system, including in the court administration’s issuing of secret memos that reduce due process rights, in the same administration’s refusal to release updated data on drug courts, in administrative work-arounds that undermine legislation, in county political party leaders deciding judicial nominees behind closed doors, in judges only publishing a fraction of their opinions and much more.

New York's judicial system is opaque and who actually appointed Merchan is well hidden. Who decides decisions is hidden. Who TOLD Merchan to make those decisions is hidden.

Trump is highlighting the incredible corruption of the ACTING judge system of New York.

SemperSupra 14 points ago +14 / -0

Can a president be a convicted felon?

The answer is, simply, yes.

A convicted or imprisoned felon can not only campaign for president and other federal offices, but also be elected.

He can be sitting in a jail cell and still elected president.

However, it causes a situation that the Supreme Court will likely need to address and likely get the issued zipped past the NY court of appeals.

Can a president pardon himself?

Yes, but complicated because it's NEVER been done before.

Can a president pardon himself of state crimes?

More complicated. The MSN screams NO, but actually it's never been tested before. Legal experts aren't sure if he can't or can't because no president has ever tried. The SC has never settled it.

Even though they scream and say the state charges would be stuck on him forever that is not true.

But here is the bigger issue:

If Trump is sitting a jail cell in a NY state prison and he is elected as President, then he can't be held in a state-run prison. That would give one state too much leverage. The other states would say "HEY! One state cannot lock up the President!"

The State of New York would be holding the President-elect/ President as a prisoner.

It's a major constitutional crisis that would have to be settled by the SC. You can't have one state holding a federally elected official as its hostage.

SemperSupra 3 points ago +3 / -0

In New York they call their trial courts "Supreme Courts". Merchan is actually a trial court judge. If he happens to be the trial court judge of a very specific area of New York then he will end up with all these cases because of where they happen.

Above the trial courts is the appellate division and then the final court in the state of New York is the Court of Appeals.

Trump can be a felon and still elected president. Trump could be in a jail cell and STILL elected president.

However, if he becomes president his appeals could be fast-tracked past the New York Court of Appeals and straight to the Supreme Court. This is very rare, but the SC would likely take it due to the risk of a constitutional crisis.

SemperSupra 7 points ago +7 / -0

The entire pride movement kicked off with the Stonewall Riots:

Early on the morning of Saturday, June 28, 1969, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender persons rioted following a police raid on the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar at 43 Christopher Street in Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City. This riot and further protests and rioting over the following nights were the watershed moment in the modern LGBT rights movement and the impetus for organizing LGBT pride marches on a much larger public scale.

The Stonewall Inn and all the gay establishments in the area belonged to the mafia. The mob and the gay pride movement are deeply tied to each other.

The original Stonewall Inn was founded in 1930 as a speakeasy on Seventh Avenue South. It relocated in 1934 to Christopher Street, where it operated as a restaurant until 1966. Four mafiosos associated with the Genovese crime family bought the restaurant and reopened it as a gay bar in early 1967. The Stonewall Inn was a popular hangout for gay men, particularly for youth and those on the fringes of the gay community.

The Genovese was one of the BIG FIVE and it owned the entire gay community from top to bottom in New York City.

The Stonewall Inn, the center of the entire pride movement, had no running water. Glasses were never cleaned. The conditions were grotesque and yet very wealthy patrons went there all the time.

They could have afforded closed door parties with drug and liquor if that is all they wanted. It's clear they went to these places because there was something they need THERE.

Why did the mafia own the bar?

In 1966, young Genovese family member Tony Lauria purchased the Stonewall Inn, then a low-earning 'straight' bar and restaurant. "Fat Tony," as he was known, renovated at low cost and reopened the Christopher Street club as a gay bar, controlling everything from the jukebox to the cigarettes. He bribed New York's Sixth Police Precinct with around $1,200 a month to turn a blind eye to the goings on at the establishment.

Fat Tony was able to cut corners on safety and hygiene. Bartenders did not have access to running water behind the bar, so often served drinks in dirty, used glasses; many Gay Rights groups blamed the Stonewall for a 1969 outbreak of hepatitis among its patrons

The connection between the Pride Movement and the mob go deep.



Nearly 50 years ago, on June 28, 1969, LGBT people – led by drag queens – rebelled against a raid by the New York Police Department on the Stonewall Inn gay nightclub. For two nights, gay men and women fought back against the police until they withdrew. “Stonewall” later became seen as perhaps the most important symbolic event in the modern LGBT rights movement.

Less well known is that the turbulent nights of June 28-29, 1969, were very much a rebellion against the Mafia, as well. The Stonewall was secretly owned by Matthew “Matty the Horse” Ianiello, a high-level caporegime (captain) in the Genovese crime family who held hidden interests in a series of gay bars and porn stores in the Greenwich Village and Times Square neighborhoods. Mob-run gay bars were notorious for charging high-prices for lousy, watered-down drinks from bootlegged liquor

It was a place to get "young" people drugged up and drunk.


Articles try to pain it like the mob lost its grip on the gay pride movement, but I doubt that. The mob doesn't let go of cash cows.

Another fallout from the Stonewall riots was that the mob would lose its crushing grip on the gay community.

Yeah, that's just the "story".

All these companies pay to pride causes because it's just a form of legal "extortion". You better pay or your business will be ruined and accused of homophobia. Pay up or ELSE.

SemperSupra 11 points ago +11 / -0

I'm bringing back this post to remind anons of the history of this photo.

It first appeared on 03/26/2017 in a NYT article

(ignore error in my comment where I wrote 4/26. It was 3/26).

217 days later Q START began (Q's first post).


It reappeared on Drudge on 10/09/2022 (1808 days after Q start).

That was 600 days before Trump's guilty verdict on 5/30/2024.


From and including: Sunday, 9 October 2022 To and including: Thursday, 30 May 2024

Result: 600 days It is 600 days from the start date to the end date, end date included.

Or 1 year, 7 months, 22 days including the end date.

Or 19 months, 22 days including the end date.


SemperSupra 2 points ago +2 / -0

Excellent connection on the importance of Armenia and Iran.

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