SemperSupra 7 points ago +7 / -0

What I find interesting is that they usually only do big shorts when they know something is going to collapse.


On Tuesday, March 11th, 2008, somebody — nobody knows who —made one of the craziest bets Wall Street has ever seen. The mystery figure spent $1.7 million on a series of options, gambling that shares in the venerable investment bank Bear Stearns would lose more than half their value in nine days or less. It was madness — “like buying 1.7 million lottery tickets,” according to one financial analyst.

But what’s even crazier is that the bet paid.

The odds of getting this lucky are impossible. The only way someone went this in on shorting Bear Stearns is they knew what was about to happen.

It was the same story when Soros broke the Bank of England through shorting.

Soros was critical of the Bank of England's actions, but he wasn't alone in betting against the pound. Although he began betting against the pound quietly at first, accumulating around a $1 billion position, he soon became more outspoken.

Soros used his hedge fund, Quantum Fund, to borrow billions of pounds from various banks and sell them for other currencies, such as German marks or U.S. dollars.

However, these measures weren't enough to counteract the massive selling pressure from Soros and other shorts

These hedge funds don't just randomly place risky bets unless someone in the "know" gave them a heads up. The narrative went that Soros was a marketing "genius" who was just so good at "reading" things.

No, they were tipped off. That's why they made these massive bets.

For them to get caught flat-footed on Gamestop (again) and copper means they thought they got fed bad intel and they fell for it. They were told to go all in like usual and they did, except this time it didn't pay off.

Imagine placing a Bear Sterns style bet that it will collapse only for it to skyrocket.

SemperSupra 11 points ago +11 / -0

I didn't know this until now, but copper is called "Dr Copper" (like Dr Pepper) for it's role in diagnosing the economy.

Copper, often referred to as “Dr. Copper” for its historical role as a bellwether of economic health, is now experiencing a transformative surge in demand, reminiscent of oil’s dominance in previous decades.

Traditionally, copper has been a linchpin in various industries, including manufacturing, construction, and electronics

Copper is special because of its role as a barometer of the global economy.

Last year there was suddenly a push to strip "Dr Copper" of its PhD.


The red metal no longer tells investors much about the global economy

Now the end may be nigh for the most illustrious of all such physicians: Dr Copper.

Copper, a metal crucial to the construction of all manner of fittings, pipes and wires, has earned its nickname on Wall Street owing to its role as a bellwether for the health of global industry.

Interesting how hard in one year they turned on "Dr Copper".

SemperSupra 12 points ago +12 / -0

LONDON, May 17 (Reuters) - The copper rally turned ugly this week, morphing into a ferocious short squeeze on the U.S. contract operated by CME Group (CME.O), opens new tab.

The premium over the London Metal Exchange (LME) copper contract ballooned to more than $1,000 per ton, an unprecedented disconnect in Atlantic pricing.

ME has raised margins, opens new tab to calm the market wildness.

The yawning arbitrage should facilitate a re-direction of physical metal towards the United States but it may take time, leaving shorts little immediate option other than to roll positions forward at painful cost.

Shorts have been crushed by a wall of investment money surging into the copper market. More will follow.

CME short-position holders have been caught standing in the path of an investment freight train.

Commodity traders Trafigura and IXM are reported to be diverting metal to the United States to cover positions.

Both are big players in the physical copper market but small relative to the amount of fund money entering the market on the long side.


Morgan Stanley believes copper is currently in the midst of a “short squeeze”. A short squeeze occurs when traders who have either borrowed copper and sold it with a view to buying it back at a cheaper price, or who have used derivatives to simulate such a trade, scramble to exit their positions to avoid further losses stemming from the rising copper price.

The goal of these funds is to physically transfer copper into the USA to meet their short obligations. In theory, these trades are worked out in advance to come out profitable for the hedge fund regardless of moves in the copper price across the markets being arbitraged. But it appears that some funds miscalculated their ability to transfer copper into the US given that both Russian and Chinese metal cannot be delivered to COMEX.

s a result, these funds are being forced into the futures market to purchase the necessary contracts to cover their exposure. Translation: the sum of all these shenanigans is pushing the copper price higher.

Meaning the very short sellers being hurt by the squeeze have to make their own squeeze worse to try and cover their bets.


SemperSupra 1 point ago +1 / -0

See Previous Posts about "Buckle Up"

Drudge turned Black and White on 1/12/2023 with Lisa Marie Presley's Death:


The change happened sometime between Thursday Jan. 12 and Friday Jan. 13, first with a black and white photo announcing the death of Lisa Marie Presley, with photos accompanying other stories remaining in color.

Drudge had turned black and white 2 times before when asked why this was the answer:

“We have clearly entered a historic era. It’s feeling like The Roaring 20’s this autumn with tech valuations at such hysterical heights. The socials, like Instagram Live, are alive with the spirit of Warhol. The sound of the atom splitting is looming over Korea. What’s old is new. So, black and white and read all over!” -Matt Drudge, Aug. 2017

Roaring Twenties = Roaring Kitty

Felix the Cat is often a symbol of the Roaring Twenties. The character lost it's popularity right before the Great Depression in 1928.

Most of the early Felix cartoons mirrored American attitudes of the "Roaring Twenties".

Felix the Cat's Popularity After the 1920s. Following the roaring success of the 1920s, the journey of Felix the Cat took several turns through the decades.


Drudge returns to colored photos on 5/12/2024.

Roaring Kitty returns with a meme on 5/12 and triggers a SQUEEZE.


GameStop shares rallied dramatically on Monday after “Roaring Kitty,” the man who inspired the epic short squeeze of 2021, posted online for the first time in roughly three years.

The post, a picture on X of a video gamer leaning forward on their chair as if to indicate he’s taking the game seriously, marked Roaring Kitty’s first post on the platform — or on Reddit— since 2021. The post has garnered 63,000 likes in 13 hours.

SemperSupra 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm wondering about that.

Star Wars is often red vs blue.

Dark vs light

SemperSupra 5 points ago +5 / -0

Personally, I never made it into a CIA front group, though I tried hard enough. I was “unwitting,” in spook-speak. “Witting” was what the agency called people in the know. They first tested and recruited them into high positions in the student world, then administered a surprise security oath before telling them they were part of the CIA.

Those who "know" the secret meanings were called "Witting".

The author talks how they CIA front group used one called NSA to do its dirty work. Although the author doesn't say it directly, it's very obvious that the CIA likes to use the name of its enemies and rivals to do its dirty works.

For example, if Fred hates Todd then Fred opens up a "punch a puppy" foundation under the name of Todd's Puppy Beaters so that Todd gets all the blame. This is a common tactic with clowns.

So be careful with why they named an organization the way they did. It's often their way to make you blame the wrong person and the wrong group.

Another figure I met at the turn of the 1960s was Allard Lowenstein, who had attended every NSA conference since the group’s inception and had obscure but real connections to State Department and CIA powers behind the scenes.

This is not the NSA, but they made damn sure to muddle the waters and make it easy to confuse the two.

She was “one of the few women in the NSA-CIA club,” Paget writes, noting that “Steinem, who knowingly cooperated with the CIA, is sensitive today about her work with the Agency.”

Not the NSA.

telling the inside story of how the Central Intelligence Agency corrupted the natural and democratic growth of students’ rights movement by infiltrating the National Student Association (NSA) and directing it to its Cold War ends.

But they sure make it easy to confuse the two. The (not) NSA was a CIA front that did a lot of dirty work.

A graduate of Smith College, her name was Gloria Steinem. This was one year before she worked at the Playboy Club in New York City and six years before she wrote “A Bunny’s Tale” in Show magazine and described herself as an “active feminist” in 1969.

She was a CIA asset.

SemperSupra 8 points ago +8 / -0

John Warnock Hinckley's brother, Scott Hinckley (Neil Bush's friend), went to Vanderbilt University (founded by Cornelius Vanderbilt). The family members continued to donate huge sums to the university, but despite their involvement, it was actually the Rockfellers who have given the most to Vanderbilt University. They did it through 3 methods, but the biggest was the GEB (General Education Board).

The GEB's head (created in 1902) was the famous Vanderbilt Alum, Wallace Buttrick, who made sure Vanderbilt got a lot of that sweet, sweet taxpayer money.

Hinckley's brother, Scott, graduates from Vanderbilt. His dad just happens to found an oil company of 20 employees with the name Vanderbilt. Later they move the business to Denver and they move to live in Evergreen, Colorado where lots of rich people live.

They also rub shoulders with Neil Bush and other elite in the Denver area.

The Hinckley's business ran into financial problems until the "Reagan" shooting and then suddenly it started to do very well after that.

Also after the shooting the CIA identified Hinkley's gun (they claim within 16 minutes) as coming from the Rocky's Pawn Shop that is on Elm street and very close to where JFK was assassinated.

SemperSupra 6 points ago +6 / -0

1:07 -- The Pentagram appears

It placed 6th in everything.


Bambie Thug finishes sixth at Eurovision, Ireland's highest finish in 24 years Bambie Thug's "Doomsday Blue" earned a combined 278 points from jury and public voting to finish in sixth place at Saturday's grand final.

3:10 -- ends with CROWN THE WITCH

Interesting name choice on Bambi:


Bambi's creator (the book the Disney movie is based on) wrote one of the most graphic works of child pornography of the 18th century.

SemperSupra 4 points ago +4 / -0

Trump's always been good at the court room fights. Building anything In New York even in the 70s required working through endless red tape. He knows how to do this dance.

I see a lot of leftists though who desperately want to believe that he's upset. He lives rent-free in the heads of the narcissists.

I overheard some of them giggling (Yes, giggling) about how much they hate him and making up all sorts of weird names for him. They have to believe he is miserable or they will be miserable.

The moment someone points out that he looks happy it's like throwing holy water on these people. They freak and go into a rage and start insisting "YOU'RE WRONG!".

I don't understand how grown adults can act like that. They just can't let go of obsession with him.

SemperSupra 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm glad to hear that. I understand that sometimes we write things hastily and it can read in a way we didn't mean or intend for it to read.

I try my best to write in a neutral way, but I also tend to write fast. For example, I realized that I wrote four times in my comment the same phrase. I didn't even realize I had done it until after the comment went live.

SemperSupra 4 points ago +4 / -0

Kind of a condescending reply, here SS. I mean, thank you for informing me of the bleedingly obvious. In fact, I have done this in the past. What I am saying is, anons need to review the whole speech in its full textual and historical context. Do you disagree?

Is it a debate your want or an argument about how you don't like the way I said something? If you just want to get into that discussion then we should take it to pm.

I find arguing with someone's tone just derails a thread.

SemperSupra 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's from the official US archives which also contains a video link to the speech.


Q even points out the JFK reference to secret societies. JFK spells it out that in very plain language.

Like I said: not a popular opinion. Who on GAW would be crazy enough to challenge the idea that Kennedy's speech is about anything by the skull and crossbones, the illuminati, the masons, the knights of Malta and all of those secret societies?

It did not say anything about those specific names. It only talks about a highly organized conspiracy that is using covert means to expand its sphere of influence. It lines up with many things Q said as well. Q highlights many lines from this speech.

BUT critical thinking requires that an objective review of JFK's words takes in to account the time and context in which it was made.

It's also critical thinking to say this is JFK highlighting the cabal. Q also may have highlighted the speech to use it to describe the cabal. Whether or not you think that was what JFK meant (which is how I see it), it is very clear Q posts on insurgency and the shadow government were using it to talk about the cabal.

It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly-knit, highly-efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific, and political operations

A cabal that uses communism and various "isms" as a means to control humanity.

This speech needs to be read and considered in it's FULL CONTEXT, rather than being considered based only on our preconceived ideas of what was the greatest evil in 1960 because of what faces us today.

If you wanted to see the whole thing you can just go find the full context.

I have provided the archive website, but here is an additional link. The whole speech is available:


SemperSupra 6 points ago +6 / -0


It sounds like they want milk this thing for all its worth because anything that attracts eyeballs makes the MSN narcissists go nuts to use it to say "LOOK AT MEEEE!"

They're just trying to use scare tactics to get people to click on their article.

SemperSupra 7 points ago +7 / -0

Other Links


Robert Jay Mathews (January 16, 1953 – December 8, 1984) was an American neo-Nazi activist and the leader of The Order, an American white supremacist militant group.[1][2] He was burned alive during a shootout with approximately 75 federal law enforcement agents who surrounded his house on Whidbey Island, near Freeland, Washington.

Sentences of up to 252 years were imposed.[3] Also prosecuted were members of The Covenant, the Sword, and the Arm of the Lord, a far-right paramilitary allied with The Order which had declared war on the federal government as well. Most of their leading members received lengthy prison terms for illegal weapons possession and racketeering.[12]

Later, ten people connected to the case, including Butler, Lane, and Pierce, were tried for sedition, but were acquitted by a jury.

SemperSupra 8 points ago +8 / -0

Why they surprised? Trump has deep pockets he never admits to. Of course he had the money to post it. He never once looked worried about it.

SemperSupra 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's almost the sun's temperature! OMG! Climate change was real. Why did I ever doubt?

SemperSupra 3 points ago +3 / -0

Humans cannot survive at lukewarm temperatures. Everyone knows that.

Just look at the fiery radar map.

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