I’ve seen him say that on his replies to people. It’s what he’s been saying all along though. He will still run it for now until it gets stronger and then will slowly find someone to be CEO. Here’s just one of the replies I stumbled across. https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1593084628709314560?s=46&t=CywrXhzNgUMzpBumcZKTAw
Got it, so a splitting headache with sniffles lol
Yeah, engagement gets the post seen by more people on their feed
I totally agree. I changed up my prayer “strategy” and intention and noticed a big difference. For me, I feel the power behind the prayer much more now.
It absolutely makes a difference! As God’s elect we have the power and authority in Jesus’ name to cast out demons and foil their plans. The battle belongs to the Lord. Satan fears we wake up and realize this. We appreciate it prayer warrior, shout down their plans and declare the Lord’s victory.
Haha I like it!
"In this episode we speak to one of my personal friends and brothers in Christ, Pastor Will Donato. We discuss growing up with religion, what Christ centered marriage looks like today, what it was like being a Marine, and how to be good stewards in the times ahead. Especially what it means transitioning from being a soldier of the world to a soldier of Christ."
Rumble: https://rumble.com/v1rdvlc-prayer-garden-podcast-episode-5-pastor-will-donato.html
Prepare your heart for the worst and hope for the best. This is a trial of endurance. Keep faith frens! No matter what happens we keep going.
That’s what I am looking for, but didn’t come across it yet. How was the money given? I can donate to DeSantis and other political candidates right now on their sites; that doesn’t need his acceptance. Also, that’s another good point. Trump was billionaire status, he could turn down donations. That’s why he was the perfect man from the job. Didn’t project Varitas come out saying democrats were donating to Kari Lake because they thought it would be easier to beat a MAGA “extremist”. I’m sure DeSantis is well off, but is he in a position to turn down donations? Has anyone asked him/confronted why the Bushes donated to him? I still have a lot more questions than answers at this point so I don’t want to jump to any conclusions. I definitely think there are lions in sheep’s clothing who are supposed to be “on our side”. But the same thing, I still think there are people yet to come out as white hats. Was it confirmed 100% it was Jeb Bush? Are there any other Bushes that could potentially be white hats? I mean, even Obama’s brother is against him. I think there are still players that will shock us. I honestly see both sides still with this one. Definitely good to be discussing!
Just trying to think it through all angles. Could the Bushes give money to create that illusion? So that we turn on DeSantis? It is interesting this came out before midterms to create more chaos. This Could also be a tactic to divide the republicans so the dem has a more united front leading into voting.
Oh…in God’s time. All will be exposed. And if God calls me to be a witness to that, I will happily be obedient.
I think that's what it is for me now, I feel like I no longer have a constructive way to release my anger. I initiated two lawsuits myself and am part of a group that collectively came together to file against them as a corporation. I won the first one when they tried to denied unemployment. The EEOC decided to remain neutral on my religious discrimination suit for them denying my religious exemption (Philly courts are so corrupt, I'm surprised I even won the wage suit). But them remaining neutral was a loss to me; I am now paying back thousands of dollars to them because they were paying for my Master's. I signed a contract I would work for them a year after I graduated. Getting fired meant I broke that contract and "willingly" left and have to pay them back. The group one is still up in the air. I spoke up to all I could about it, but was ignored. I'm not on the clinical side; I was in care coordination/administration. So my voice means nothing in the medical realm. I'm the low man on the totem pole, but it was kind of fun to debate those doctors and win. All they could rebuke my claims is tell me "we have the data we need to prove it is safe and effective". I feel like I am just waiting at this point to see if my friends and family may be part of the "suddenly" group. I've been praying continuously for them. I think I need to find a way to feel like I am helping again. Thanks for sharing that verse, I don't feel as guilty about the anger. I know I need to work through it with God and He'll show me the way. Thank you.
I am praying for God to bring judgment onto UPenn and Penn Medicine. I had a meeting with two of their medical directors and HR before I got fired. I showed them proof how there is absolutely no evidence that these injections are safe or effective and the "evidence" they are using are manipulated, cherry picked reports. The true data at the time showed strong support against the vax, but this was still earlier on (August of 2021). They refused to look at it. They wouldn't even review it in front of me when I brought it to the table. Even with the rising death rate I see they still deny it.
I know it's bad to carry around this anger. But to look at the beast right in the face and then to be laughed at and mocked as they knowingly kill people, I'm having a hard time with this. I can really use prayer in this area frens. Let God bring judgement and let my soul be a peace. It is out of my hands now.
Wow, thank you for this response! I am in complete agreement with how you explained faith and how that is what is needed to receive God's blessing. I'm sorry I don't quite have the time to give as much as a detailed response. But everything you mentioned I definitely agree with.
The only difference is that I no longer think we are in the final end days. (This term is tricky because yes we are technically in the "end days", but I don't think this is the great tribulation. That is soon, but not now (imo). I used to think it was now, but certain things don't quite add up yet. The biggest one being the church is not ready for Christ's return. (Church meaning Christ's body, not the fake religions claiming to be Christians today). I think we are about to enter into the greatest revival in history. The deep state (under satan's influence) tried to quicken the one world government timeline, but failed, and failed miserably. It's been funny to me to see their desperate attempts to salvage it. However, they pushed it too far and more and more people are waking up to their craziness. It seems to me that we are going to see the wheat separated from the chaff. Too many in the church are deceived by religion. In confession, I was one of them not too long ago. I went to a high school where the priests molested the students there. Looking back there was satanic influence there too, I just didn't understand it at the time (the property used to be owned by the DuPonts). It made me think the church and religion was made up by man to control and exploit people. I still believed in a higher power, but thought men in power hid the truth and is what led me to turn away for a season. And in truth, that is true about religion, (to an extent) but not about Christ. I lost my way because I did not have good leadership as well as wanting to pursue my own desires (I don't want to put total blame on others, I am guilty as well). The only reason I am here is because Christ pretty much slapped me awake one night back in January 2021 haha (that testimony is a whole other story lol). But I still know many that are stuck in the same place I was. Those of us God chose to awaken are the elect to help guide those back to Christ and the truth during the "happening" as we call it here lol (for both "fake" believer and non believer). I think we are about to see many miracles take place that will no longer allow people to be luke warm in their faith. This will be the first time in many generations that the church will truly be walking with Christ and will gain momentum and more true believers. However, not all will want that and won't repent. Their hearts will grow harder. Some people just don't want to be submissive to God, they want to be their own gods and will chase after satan and his antichirst because it allows them to keep their desires of the flesh. And that is where we enter the great tribulation (again, this is just my opinion). As the church grows stronger the true one world government will be building as well, and are furious at us Christians. Now what is the tipping point? I am still praying on that and am not sure. Could be the church is no longer on earth and that allows them to gain total power (could be rapture, could be that we are attacked and killed off), could be many lose faith and go back to their old ways after another generation (like in Nineveh). I can't even give an educated guess at this point or timeline. I just feel in every ounce of my soul that we will see something like a 21st century "Red Sea moment", but on a global level. This time from the deep state and across many nations. Only God knows how that will happen. And I think it will happen fast, we are just waiting on Him to lay down that final hammer at this point. I do expect things to "appear" worse at first, but that is still the media trying to control the masses with fear. It will take faith and those of us awake to come together to keep each other accountable and be ready to be the light to help guide others home. (Turning our coin into many-referring to the parable) Please let me know what you think! and to challenge any of these ideas. I just want to keep true to God and His plan, whatever that may be.
Lol you missed my point. What I am actually saying is that things can be one way one day and change totally the next. Keep faith. God killed Pharaoh and his army in one instance. God gave many chances, but pharaoh’s heart grew harder each time. We are certainly seeing that again today at this moment.
Also adding, you mention the 40 years. Who’s doing was that?….their own. That’s not what God wanted. And why was that the punishment?. Major lesson to be learned there. Again, keep faith and do not turn to fear or false idols.
The great awakening, ultimately, is seeing the truth. What is the truth and the way….Jesus. People don’t even know they are enslaved. Satan is tricky like that. Gives just enough to give an illusion of freedom, to keep the masses “happy” and complacent. All that you listed is the awakening to that slavery. But who is our redeemer? The LORD! We are truly in a matrix. The world has completely lost sight of the truth. Only God could set the Israelites free from Egypt, and only God can free us from the deep state. Now, God is using anointed people here on earth to help carry out his recovery mission. Like God used Moses. We are seeing history repeat itself on a global level. Like Q said, it will be biblical. Hope that sheds some light.
God only needs one day. One day is all it took to free all the Israelites from Egypt. The interesting thing about today, is that most don’t even know they are enslaved. Like Q said, it will be biblical. We will see , and it will be soon.
can confirm. I was on Broad street when the Eagles won the super bowl. It was really bad. I got out of there asap
That is really interesting, wow. The major sports teams seemed rigged, so yes I think that adds up.
I'm a life long phillies fan. We always used 'Red October' whenever we were in the playoffs. However, what is really interesting is that we spent most of the season next to last place. We are all shocked we are heading to the World Series. The fact that the one team that uses Red October as their playoff slogan for now the nation to see, yepp just another "coincidence".
All day everyday, unfortunately.