Maybe that’s the diabolical plan. Flood the market with that stuff so that it can be priced to any budget. Turn us all into a bunch of junkies sacrificing our children and we literally become hell on earth. In which case Satan wins. In which case that kind of ruins my year
Flood high trust high intelligence societies with third world mud people didn’t help. Federal takeover of education, great society, FDR, Wilson and the federal reserve, income tax, “reconstruction “ before that—-tyranny doesn’t happen over night. Like the frog in the pot of boiling water.
Unfortunately it’s as easy as shutting off the tv as an experiment for a few weeks. I’ve had people not even be willing to do that, I’ve got no time for those folks. Control what you can hold what you’ve got, but Bottom line is has been an eye opening exercise to determine who around you is an imbecile, who is a coward, and who is the enemy.
I’m sorry if you didn’t realize this guy was a fucking fraud and a grifter after he said that he thought handshakes we’re going to be a thing of the past because of this whole thing LAST APRIL I don’t know what to tell you. And furthermore, never before has there been a more accurate visual representation of the IQ of the people around you and all of this mask shit. And I’m surrounded by fucking morons and I am terrified.
Counterpoint – – many of the current older generation of boomers came about in the 60s. They did all the sex, they had all the drugs, they ruined rock ‘n’ roll. They frittered away their time on materialistic pursuits, eschewing The hard work and traditionalism of their parents to a greater extent than any generation prior. Technology did not help this. Now they are sitting around either naïvely wondering how this whole situation came to pass or secretly telling themselves they fucked up but who cares because there are close to death anyway. That thinking has ruined my generation and the generation that will come after me.
I went along with this nonsense for the first two weeks haven’t worn a mask since last August with a couple of notable exceptions