remember when all these Nazi cucks were heading to Antarctica together and @jack tweets "it was a trap" and the world started to change? That was pretty cool....
obvious skin suit malfunction.
Funny their were saying this was DeBoonked like 2 days after the dudes live talk went viral.
Crack open the Cope A Cola...
Perfectly Normal. Just like Ric Grennell going to Bosnia to make peace. Lots of "former" cabinets dictate National Policy instead of the "current" one......
Some even have Bonus Holes!
I'm starting to believe in clones and shit lately.
bigly. they are getting downdooted less and less.
ya. But he has too much soy running through his veins to achieve the spell.
probably trying to hex him.
I can only imagine how much T×3 doesn't talk about...
sidenote anyone hear this Carl Jr. co.mercial for a Diablo burger and they priced it at $6.66. these people are really trying to normalize this shit before it goes mainstream.
looks like they stretched a pedo symbol out.
I mean.....when was the cut-off date?
thats not good.....
ya, much better to just auto reply "You'll never be a woman." and go back to the "rising" tab. Always works for me.
I get it in 2016 if your a vote blue no matter who, but Holy Shit.
How are his likely voters so cucked???
Big Tent Supremacy!!
I've heard theories that JFKs family set him up and that's why Trump won't declass.
great post!
If you don't get chills.......
I'd rather get caught with a cock in my hand than a bud light...