SirPokeSmottington 1 point ago +1 / -0

Grille is different, make is different, cabover is different.

Did you bother looking at these first?

Did you use a 5 inch phone?

SirPokeSmottington 1 point ago +2 / -1

Let's take a fair and unbiased look at this.

Pfizer's lawyers call all these news orgs and say, the facts presented are not true. Take down the article or we sue.

What are YOU going to do, when you get that call/email?

Keep something up that might not be true, thus harming integrity, or take it down and investigate.

Taking it down doesn't mean anything. Leaving it down, does.

SirPokeSmottington 1 point ago +2 / -1

They don’t have any real battles to wage in life, no burdens to bare since their lives have been made too comfortable.

So they do this to fill that void.

You can notice a similar situation with women. There is absolutely NOTHING that holds a woman back from being a millionaire, except for the facts that they: lead by emotion (i feel) not reality (this is), cannot see more than a week or two weeks into the future (this one will blow your mind. Test it on your nearest female. Posit a condition that requires them to determine an outcome 6 months away, prepare to wait 6 months for an answer), and they are easily brainwashed.

There are NO BARRIERS to a woman's life. And listen to how much they complain all the fucking time, about NOTHING.

You should hear how much a woman complains in the middle of a worn torn country. They don't. They are DAMN QUIET.

SirPokeSmottington -1 points ago +1 / -2
  1. DePape. Freeze the video, watch his arm move away from the door.

  2. Because he's a goddamn drunk. Have you NEVER EVER known a drunk? I've known MANY... one guy wouldn't take a job because it ended after 2am and he couldn't go to the ABC store. THAT IS WHAT DRUNKARDS DO!

  3. No.

  4. Depape is insane, ever notice how INSANE PEOPLE SMILE??? Pelosi is drunk... ever notice how drunk people are unable to maintain their emotions and facial expressions?


Goddamn you are making this place look fucking crazy.


Why is this allowed to happen on this site?

It's just very much looking like this entire place is a honey trap to discredit the MAGA.

deleted -8 points ago +2 / -10
deleted -9 points ago +2 / -11
SirPokeSmottington 3 points ago +3 / -0

Try to find the skit. Try to see if you can find the one YOU REMEMBER.

Hint, it's not the same anymore in this timeline. It changed. Go ahead... say the lines, then look it up. You won't find it the way you remember.

Mandela effect.

SirPokeSmottington -3 points ago +1 / -4

and fight a suspect on top of a presumed corpse....

Well since you made the stupid comment. Which do you do, stop wrestling with the violent subject to move the dead person, or just take the conflict with the violent person to a new location so the dead person can lay there in peace?

SirPokeSmottington 3 points ago +3 / -0

Intruder opened the door to cops and didn't act crazy when there were cops there.

SirPokeSmottington 1 point ago +2 / -1

have a nonurgent chat?

I presume you've never called 911 or listened to a call.

Every time, it's calm down sir.

So, yes. You have a non-urgent chat or the diversity hire will tell you to simmahdonna.

SirPokeSmottington 2 points ago +3 / -1

Do you tend to snore when knocked out?

Yes. Apparently you grew up in a better place than I did.

SirPokeSmottington 1 point ago +1 / -0

Most patients who have had a heart attack have increased troponin levels within 6 hours. After 12 hours, almost everyone who has had a heart attack will have raised levels.

Troponin levels may remain high for 1 to 2 weeks after a heart attack.

SirPokeSmottington 1 point ago +1 / -0

Only since this is GA, are you familiar with the Gideon group?

They strongly suggested to not interact with the AI.

If you get a chance inform yourself down that rabbit hole and see what you think.

SirPokeSmottington 2 points ago +2 / -0

my questions were connecting points of logic that it had not connected for itself until I asked. That's how we can teach it.

Bro, I thought after Tay they knew better to allow the model to be shaped by users.

You are the Real MVP if this is true.

I may have a new hobby. Deprogram AI.

SirPokeSmottington 1 point ago +1 / -0

the Super Bowl in Maricopa County AZ is a mere coincidence, right? right?

Super Bowl locations: 2023, 2024 and beyond
AUG 22, 2022

Anyone who wishes to attend a Super Bowl in the near future now can start planning.

The NFL has announced where the Super Bowl will be played for the next three seasons, with this year's game being played in Glendale, Arizona

Here are the Super Bowl locations for the next three seasons:

Super Bowl LVII: February 12, 2023, State Farm Stadium, Glendale, Arizona

Super Bowl LVIII: February 10, 2024, Allegiant Stadium, Las Vegas, Nevada

Super Bowl LIX: February 9, 2025, Caesars Superdome, New Orleans, Louisiana

SirPokeSmottington 4 points ago +4 / -0

If he really lied about everything why did he try to grab that iPad so desperately... come on man.

I'd like to think because he was telling the truth, but I honestly think he didn't want this to get out in the ghey dating community that he's a liar.

Always assume ego over id.

SirPokeSmottington -1 points ago +1 / -2

Unless you live in the dead center of a top 20 city in the U.S., you are more likely to get struck by lightning than to die from ANY effect of a nuclear weapon dropped on your city.


Nuclear weapons are fear mongering.

As with most media manipulation, they obfuscate the actuality of things.

An oversimplification of nuclear weapon technology is:

There's big uns
and there's small uns.

The small ones are delivered by ICBM as the name implies, INTERCONTINENTAL Ballistic (not steerable) Missile.

They are TINY.

The HUGE ones are delivered by nuclear bombers only.

A nuclear bomber cannot penetrate our air defenses.

Our ICBM countermeasures are bullshit, so if they did launch missiles at us, they will hit.

But as I said, they will only target population centers, which as you see from the voting maps will thoroughly deblue the U.S.

And if you don't live in a city center, an enemy country could dump their entire nuclear salvo on the U.S. and you STILL would have a better chance of getting struck by lightning than dying immediately.

In the case of a full dump, you will probably die from continued ionization, or starvation... but nuke bombs the kind that can make it here, are terribly weak.

SirPokeSmottington 1 point ago +1 / -0

yppl only make up 7% of the Earth Population, but discovered almost everything and invented almost everything.

SirPokeSmottington 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lol, did the SS actors forget they were playing SS today?

1:21 President got within arms length of people, without a single person next to him.

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