SkepButOpen 5 points ago +8 / -3

Yeah, me neither, I actually went from running a small forum dedicated to talking about drops to becoming more skeptical over the years because I’ve seen people in this “community“ lie to my face about predictions they made that now they claim they never did, I’ve seen them move goal posts repeatedly while claiming never to do so, and I watched as analysis that seemed fair at the time come to be called “date fagging” to discourage predictions as if they were trying to remove any objective measure of success for their interpretation of the meaning of drops.

Meanings that change almost daily at this point.

Which is what happens when you only have interpretations of victories and not real tangible victories of any great importance, such as arrests.

That said, there’s not one single person in the mainstream press that knows a damn thing about what they’re talking about. Again, I’m pretty skeptical at this point, but the media doesn’t even have a broad understanding of what they are talking about. They don’t care to, they barely even have to pretend to because 99% of the population doesn’t, either. So they can say whatever the hell they want about “Qanon” and who would challenge them?

And a lot of the people who claim to be the most devoted followers of Q are also people who I have seen bend logic, forget things they said last week, forget things they said six months ago, forget that they told me that either I would believe what they said and agree with them, or I am clearly a shill or a robot or typing from Jerusalem. They were the ones that were wrong and I was the one who is the Chinese bot.

I mean it’s our own damn fault that we don’t have a ton of credibility in the media. Look at the people who we allowed to continue to grift us. I do think some of them might be plants, but then some of those very same people continuously get reposted here, or talked about here, or in the circles we travel on Twitter and other social media. We can’t Cry wolf repeatedly and make guarantees and declarations and then forget we ever said them six months later when they prove to be ridiculous and prove to have been hopium all along. We really make the medias job easier with this “Biden is a clone“ bullshit. I mean look at all of the fucking embarrassing shit that came out from spaces just like this one between election day and, say, the February/March that followed. Hell some of it still continues to persist. Look at all of the terrible information, awful predictions, wild claims that were patently absurd from the beginning that we continue to pass around is hope. Honestly we bring it on ourselves sometimes.

SkepButOpen 0 points ago +2 / -2

He was based often on the now defunct Opie and Anthony show. As were a lot of their guests. Hell, Patrice O’Neal once predicted on the show that Trump would be president someday. YEARS before he ran. Patrice had a lot of “conspiracy” theories. He was a guy that wasn’t always right about everything, but even when he was wrong, he was fun to listen to and fun to disagree with, and he openly interacted with racist Anthony in a way that was fun and Anthony was right about a lot of stuff anyway.

I never found Jim particularly funny but I have a soft spot for anyone who ever appeared on Opie and Anthony. They weren’t exactly awake or anything (argued a lot with 9/11 truthers) but Anthony was very conservative and still is, got fired for racist tweets that destroyed the greatest radio show in the history of mankind. It’s a damn shame that Opie and Anthony don’t get along anymore otherwise they might have had a reunion somewhere.

Some of the comedians that appeared on the show have become woke in recent years, but in its heyday, Opie and Anthony in its prime was just as funny as Howard stern without being… You know… (((Stern))).

They got away with a lot of racist humor, racial humor, and saying things that you just absolutely 100% cannot say anymore on radio. Stern isn’t even trying anymore, but these guys would be if they were still on the air. They were bastions of free-speech and defended Don Imus and others that they agreed with an even didn’t agree with, just because free-speech was so important to them. Damn shame they’re gone.

If anyone wants to listen to some hilarious radio, they did a segment every October for about six years called “Jocktober” that made fun of and exposed regular radio for the sham that it was. Very funny stuff.

Jim had a lot of very good appearances on Opie and Anthony, most of them are on YouTube, if you really enjoyed Jim’s comedy or his point of you, you might want to check them out.

SkepButOpen 0 points ago +2 / -2

Wow. See I just wish he would STOP ENDORSING ASSHOLES.

How about that plan? The idea that we have to give someone power or position to expose them reeks of excuse making for bad decisions.

But that’s the way it is there’s always an excuse, a convenient excuse. Makes just enough sense to continue to believe that everything is running along smoothly but doesn’t make enough sense that we don’t have to bend logic into a pretzel to explain it away. Doesn’t even register for anyone that may be it’s just a bad decision. No it has to be part of some convoluted plan. It can just be a mistake. And if it is part of a plan, that’s great, it’s over my head and when it works, finally, someday, maybe in another five years, the payoff will be huge. But I mean five years in and we still need to twist things to make them look like they “worked”.

I was told he was promoting Fauci as part of some trap to expose him. He did untold damage to our nation and never paid for it, everything he touched was made worse and I have to squint to see any purpose behind the Fauci bullshit. And I’m sorry, the explanations I’ve seen here don’t cut it. They just don’t make any logical sense because anything that anyone says they “accomplished” by putting Fauci on TV every day could’ve been done in a much less damaging way.

SkepButOpen 11 points ago +15 / -4

Then why is he sitting on mountains of irrefutable evidence he claims to have?

Why does he release interviews with known and proven (by THIS community) liar JohnHereToHelp as “proof” of his claims to this mountain of evidence he has.

He has crucial life-saving info on pedophile rings and hasn’t released it YEARS afte claiming he has it.

I don’t know that he is full of shit but I have tons of reasons to doubt that he’s legit.


Where is it?

SkepButOpen 2 points ago +5 / -3

Lin either never had or is still sitting on tons of PROOF (his word) of evil doing that we can’t even imagine. Where is it, Lin? The names, dates, places, videos, pictures, specific and irrefutable damning proof you have claimed for years to have?


He released lame interviews with “JohnHereToHelp”, a known, proven liar. That doesn’t cut it.

He may be on the up and up and may be a Patriot.

But I have severe doubts about him.

He talks SO MUCH SHIT and never delivers.

by IAmOne
SkepButOpen 0 points ago +2 / -2

We have no choice. But the patriots who are in control?

They are in control or they aren’t.

Pick one.

by IAmOne
SkepButOpen 0 points ago +2 / -2

Sweet son of God, sweet Jesus, this is the epitome of evil.

by IAmOne
SkepButOpen -1 points ago +1 / -2

Or a drop of wet shit or a unicorn.

This is fun!

by IAmOne
SkepButOpen -1 points ago +1 / -2

My brother had Down (or Down’s also works) Syndrome.

He was mentally retarded. He called stupid things retarded. He never took it mean that he was stupid or bad or lesser.

He wouldn’t find it offensive, and neither do I.

We know what you mean. I doubt anyone here wants to censor your words.

She is a retard.

Let it fly!

by IAmOne
SkepButOpen 0 points ago +2 / -2

Half the country eats this up and people are still waiting to convince others to wake up before we do what we have to do for the plan. Sure. Yeah that makes sense.

I keep hearing that we can’t do what needs to be done, or the white hats can’t, until more people are awake. They really need to stop wasting their time. This couldn’t be more plainly evil to anyone who’s even remotely open minded.

If part of the plan is waiting for more people to wake up hopefully they stop wasting their time.

SkepButOpen 12 points ago +14 / -2

Well, maybe he’s playing along. I mean if patriots are in control, then they controlled her getting the nomination and the confirmation.

So at some point, someone has to question the idea of whether or not “patriots are in control“, even if they’re part of the plan themselves, because otherwise it would look really suspicious. No? Isn’t that the logic we usually follow? If there’s information, misinformation, and disinformation - all of which are necessary. Right? That’s the excuse (or true reason) made over and over again when things look like they didn’t go the way we thought they would.

Or maybe there truly are real patriots out there who just simply don’t believe in secret agent superspy decoder ring messages on the Internet because, let’s be honest, that’s a pretty wild and unprecedented thing to have happen. There is a team of white hats secretly working behind the scenes to save the world, it’s something out of a science-fiction novel. That kind of thing can be hard for people to grasp. I was going to say “even if it’s true” but really, “especially if it’s true.”

Especially with the piss poor track record of success from many of the grifting Paytriots who get furious with anyone who doesn’t agree with their claims and predictions that later turn out to be outrageously inaccurate. Some of those same dick wads whose work constantly gets posted and passed around and promoted within the same community that doesn’t understand why people don’t believe their claims.

SkepButOpen 3 points ago +5 / -2

Someone else could’ve used the bike, man.

SkepButOpen -1 points ago +1 / -2

Oh it allowed an election to be stolen too?

by BQnita
SkepButOpen -1 points ago +1 / -2

It would help if the people who are on our side would kick people out of the community who promote complete fucking horseshit that destroys our credibility.

The “tEH prEsIdeNT iS a CLonE!!!!” and “LoOk aT tEh CoLORed LigHtS oN teH wHitE hOuSe iT’S A CodEd MesSaGe YEW guYZZZ!!!” types and Paytriots whose careers are a long string of never being right about anything make it entirely too easy for the other guys to make us all look retarded.

SkepButOpen 9 points ago +11 / -2

When my father was still in the business there were cull numbers like this at big ranches almost every other year. This number is high but not all that unusual.

It’s a blip, not worth the breathless fear porn.

SkepButOpen 0 points ago +1 / -1

Actually we don’t hear from farmers on it because it’s not unusual at all for this many chickens to be exterminated, but dunderheads in the media are trying to hype up the fear porn yet again.

This is a non-story.

by BQnita
SkepButOpen 8 points ago +9 / -1

I honestly don’t give two shits about opening their eyes anymore. We just need to get it done. Just do what we have to do, don’t worry what they think, they picked their side.

SkepButOpen 0 points ago +2 / -2

They sure as fuck don’t matter to me. I don’t want more of those things. I only care to stop white abortions.

SkepButOpen 0 points ago +1 / -1

If it’s Hal Turner’s Natural News I avoid it like the plague. One of the biggest liars on the net.

SkepButOpen -1 points ago +1 / -2



I was told that expecting results is stupid. Just the promise! That’s all we need!

SkepButOpen 0 points ago +1 / -1

Why would that stop anyone here from posting it anyway?

(Besides, it’s funny and well made, so fuck it)

SkepButOpen 0 points ago +3 / -3

I mean keep making fun of them, but they stole 2020, got away with it, and are now the ones laughing. But go ahead. Keep it up with the memes and all of the prophecies and losing while they dominate our world and destroy our republic.

That’ll show them!!!!!

SkepButOpen 2 points ago +3 / -1

Cracker and Jack don’t rhyme either. And they aren’t selling crullers.

Is there a gas leak in here today?

SkepButOpen 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yeah I’m sure the world-controlling cabal assumed no one would add the word “head” to the search to find the info anyway.

SkepButOpen 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yes they could. Why not? They get away with everything else they want to do. Who would stop them?

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