Not bored at all. There's certainly something brewing on both sides of the spectrum. I personally believe another shoe or two will drop soon.
Then we have the vote certification process in January to overcome, which I'm hoping will go smoothly, but I have a sneaky suspicion the left is going to pull some additional shannigans.
Crime will be off the charts more than it already is... now the illegals have no food, no skills, soon no housing... get ready to rumble in NYC. And coming to a city near you!
Part of the plan to destabilize America?
Excellent recap and reasoning for the close election results. Although to us here, there should have been a much greater disparity between these results, but you make a logical explanation why it is the way it is. Thank you!
God bless everyone here fighting the Frontline battles at home, work, communities, doctor's offices, and everywhere we find ourselves. We are the majority and must behave as such... even when behind enemy lines.