SneakyWino 3 points ago +4 / -1

I kind of think he's AI. Could be wrong, but it sure seems that way. White hats just plug in new info and the script changes. Same catchphrases and segues in every episode.

SneakyWino 5 points ago +5 / -0

Murkowski is not dead. What are you talking about?

SneakyWino 10 points ago +10 / -0

Someone's chopping onions in here. Wow. And on Christmas Day. I LOVE MY PRESIDENT!

SneakyWino 3 points ago +3 / -0

I just don't see how they can pull it off with Big Mike. Most people are not on board with the tranny shit. When the truth comes out to the normies that Big Mike and the Kenyan lied to them for a decade I don't think they will have any popularity left.

SneakyWino 3 points ago +3 / -0

I personally believe Fauci has already been taken care of. Too many CGI Fauci's and the only reason for that would be if he is for some reason "unavailable." I've also seen a double or a clone.

I think the end of the medical industry as we know it is going to be the outcome of this. I don't know how the country can hold all of the doctors, nurses, pharmacists, etc. personally accountable unless we dump them in the FEMA camps and do to them what they wanted to do to us.

SneakyWino 5 points ago +5 / -0

I think part of the Great Awakening is going to be the dismantling of these big box stores and monopolies. These multi-nationals have all been involved in trafficking through ports around the world. That is why the CEO's are paid so highly - it's organized crime. If the white hats are cutting off these funding sources, then these corporations will likely collapse. Bed Bath & Beyond, Target, CVS, Walgreen's - who is next? The pinnacle will be dismantling Amazon.

SneakyWino 2 points ago +2 / -0

Use your own discernment. This seems blatant to me. I've seen them called out before. It's disappointing

SneakyWino 2 points ago +3 / -1

Too much truth. Everything else can be laughed off, especially with non-religious dems who don't believe satan is real. But these three descriptions directly hit the target of what is going on. TGP is controlled opposition. They tell some truth, but it's what they don't tell that shows their true colors.

SneakyWino 4 points ago +5 / -1

They "just didn't list" the most interesting ones. Don't be daft. They hid that sound file where no one will ever go listen to it for a half hour. Why not just post the full 2:38 of the word association instead of the shortened, EDITED clip? Why exclude only those three? So obvious.

SneakyWino 6 points ago +6 / -0

The title of the post links to the TGP article that includes a censored clip of the actual clip of Charlie Kirk playing word association with Roseanne Barr. Here is what they published in the article:

During the interview, Kirk asked Barr to play a word association game and describe a list of people using only one word and her answers mirror what is on the minds of most Americans.

Kirk: Zelinksy

Barr: Criminal

Kirk: Putin

Barr: Scary

Kirk: Elon Musk

Barr: Scary

Kirk: Donald Trump

Barr: King

Kirk: Hilary Clinton

Barr: Satan

Kirk: Michelle Obama

Barr: Satan

Kirk: Joan Rivers

Barr: Victim

Kirk: Of?

Barr: Satan

Kirk: Kamala Harris

Barr: Satan

Kirk: Lebron James

Barr: Cuckoo

Kirk: Tucker Carlson

Barr: King

Kirk: Jimmy Kimmel

Barr: Freak

Kirk: I’m gonna save a good one for last…Nancy Pelosi

Barr: Satan’s Boss

What TGP left out was her referring to Pedo Joe as "Jim Carrey in a mask", Hunter as "Undercover," and Desantis as a "Trojan horse." Now why would TGP leave those out and also greatly edit the clip they post also removing those references? We know why.

Sorry for the JooTube clip (2:38), but here is the entire game including these references by Rosanne: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DAfP9BA_Zw

Very funny (yet true and scary) stuff - I'm surprised YT hasn't censored it yet.

SneakyWino 3 points ago +3 / -0

That video was hilarious! People are really going to grab onto a plane and take off with it. The dude running in front waving his hands was an awesome addition to that farce.

SneakyWino 1 point ago +1 / -0

And no one in the background is wearing a face diaper? KEK! Weirdo.

SneakyWino 1 point ago +1 / -0

Too bad it ended with a shot of pervy Morgan Freeman. Yuck. But that lady was awesome!!!! Couldn't have stated it any better or any more clearly. I wish we could see the faces of the board members.

SneakyWino 12 points ago +12 / -0

I read somewhere that it may be the case that only 5% of the batches were lethal. I pray that is true.

SneakyWino 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think the original Marina and Killary are long gone. We are watching a movie. This must be where they get exposed.

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