Firstly, there's clearly something suspicious going on in these videos.
With that being said, I'd be willing to tell you to get fucking bent if you were to randomly start accusing me of fake bullshit. Now, I'd also do the same thing if I was up to some real bullshit, but let's not pretend that the response would be different.
Crazy how everyone in here is frothing at the mouth for a totalitarian police state. Or a society where people get beaten on the street by an angry mob with no trial or even proof of a crime. Sounds like a 3rd world shithole to me, but what do I know.
Q can be real and fail. It's not as simple as "Q is right or Q is fake".
"ur land is trash, mine now!" -The Government, probably
The limits are what make the happiness possible.
The lows are required for the highs.
Not hating evil IS evil. God hates evil. Hating evil is based and good.
All you can do is prove my point because I am correct.
The fact that you want that particular answer so badly is precisely why I won't entertain the topic. You want your token evidence that I'm "stupid" or "bad" or whatever. Something easy that allows you to write off my entire actual point, since you for whatever reason refuse to engage with it.
Why would I give you the privilege of an answer or of indulging in that particular topic, when your approach thus far has been to ignore my whole point and try to bulldoze the conversation?
I have no interest in discussing it, because the fact that you did exactly what I said you would shows that you're missing my point entirely, and are simply interested in me saying the "right words" to show that I agree with you, rather than actually caring about any form of reasonable discussion.
Depends on if we're talking about broken bones or digestive tracts broken as a result of chronic exposure to toxic food.
Most people in the former category come out better than they walked in. It's the ones in the latter category that get most of the issues.
Nobody ever said this was anything other than the result of one poll.
And you're right, the way "sophisticated pollsters" calculate things is by the "garbage-in, garbage-out" model. They crank in a bunch of trash polls, along with some better ones, and then claim that because the result is an aggregate of a bunch of trash, mediocre, and good polls, that you magically get a good and accurate result, instead of just garbage.
You see nothing meaningful because you choose to define what you see as meaningless.
It's an observation that you, with a seeming total lack of self-awareness, did exactly what I said you would.
Way to prove my point kek
>puts up some flags
>gets pressured by gestapo to take them down
>doesn't care
>gets tires slashed
>doesn't care
>"I'm gonna order more flags and bait these fuckers to catch them red handed
Holy fucking based.
People can downvote away, but you're spot on.
People feel like shit, and so they seek out shit to reaffirm their shit feeling. Then other people see such content and signal boost it, instead of just moving on, as if sending it to a bunch of other people will make any difference.
And then if you point it out, they'll accuse you of trying to "ignore the problem" or "bury your head in the sand" as if constantly traumatizing oneself by reading about gore is going to solve the world's problems.
That as much as you play nice, you're still talking like a perfect little Marxist.
It's a 'they knew each other' thing. If they didn't know each other in advance, they'd likely have followed the trend and sat at a table with people who look like them.
You're the one lobbing accusations at someone you only listened to one time.
Better in that while both get boofed by the power going out, only with one of them do you actually control your own money.
Just ask the truckers in Canada who tried to protest their government how central banking and fiat works out. Fiat currency is morally reprehensible and intrinsically evil.
Further, a commodity backed crypto would be tied 1:1 to whatever it's backed by, preferably gold. This already exists, of course, but don't let that stop you from shitting your uninformed opinions all over the thread.
You think those funds clear the moment you press the transfer button? Surely you don't think that.
Edit: and it was a dodge because you didn't propose an alternate solution to the problem I brought up. You simply ignored, i.e. dodged, my request.
The topic was the DTCC, which you clearly understand nothing about.
And you're picking and choosing where you apply your arguments, which is wildly dishonest. If a power outage kills crypto, it kills stocks too. There's no difference there, because it's all online.
Rapid? You mean it takes a couple of days, and is controlled by big daddy government and the corporations they're in bed with. The fact that they change the numbers on your end doesn't actually mean that the funds have been sent.
And you're missing the point. It's about self custody of your money. Holding silver is great, but silver can't be used online. If you want to use money online, you have to trust the centralized system, whereas with a commodity backed crypto, you have coins backed 1:1 with something real, and you can actually hold the money in a wallet that only you control. And assuming the blockchain used is not controlled by a centralized group, like the government, no one can stop you from transferring your money to other people.
Most people buy things online. You living out in Bumfuck, Alabama does not change this fact. Your entire argument is ignorant of reality and based on your total lack of understanding of the technology at play here.
Racism of low expectations? This isn't low expectations, it's no expectations.
These idiots might as well call black people "retarded monkeys" based on the description they've given of their view that black people are basically functionally incapable and totally incompetent.
Can't use the internet. Too poor to afford the internet. Can't plan to go to a location nor find the location. Unable to acquire basic documents. They literally don't see black people as having the same faculties as them.
That shit is just full-blown racism. It's like their view of black people is perpetually stuck on "no good cotton farmer". Or in other words, these people are the perfect Democrats.
You just described our entire current economic system.
The only part you forgot to mention is that crypto is a far superior option compared to our current economic system for transacting quickly over long distances.
The superiority of physical money for local transactions doesn't change this.
I mean, they'd be right since Trump would obviously be trolling. It doesn't invalidate their claim that gender is fluid.