SpaceManBob 1 point ago +1 / -0

As I said, your source for all your claims is "I'm a pessimistic doomer and can see no other possible outcome other than doom".

The only thing that isn't in doubt here is that your preferred coping skill to deal with bad news is extreme pessimism.

SpaceManBob 2 points ago +2 / -0

Late reply, but:

Your problem is quite evident. You simply hate Jews.

It's of course unreasonable to blame all Jews when it's only some Jews. You're 100% right that certain Jews will never convert because their problem isn't a lack of understanding, but that they are evil.

However, there are plenty more Jews who aren't evil, aren't Zionists, etc. and who are ultimately just as mentally confused as many Christians are. What they need is to be shown the truth with compassion, as we are called to do. What they don't need, is to meet some caricature of the evil Jew hater they've been brainwashed to think is a common thing ever since they were children.

And ultimately, if you think Christ can't save, you don't understand God one bit.

SpaceManBob 1 point ago +3 / -2

Yea, the Jews don't believe in Jesus... that's... the entire point.

And they will likely continue not believing in Jesus if Christians become known as "those mean Jew haters".

That was clearly his point with that statement. And regardless of anything else, he is right.

And if we're slinging shit now, the fact you missed it makes you look like the dense one here.

SpaceManBob 2 points ago +2 / -0

So basically: if an exorcism doesn't work, wood chipper it is?

SpaceManBob 1 point ago +1 / -0

My favorite Pope Francis quote is when he analogized trannys to nuclear explosives.

SpaceManBob 4 points ago +4 / -0

If you want kids, have kids and do everything you can to give them a good life.

Don't let the deepstate rob you of your desired life, and by extension, your potential kids of any life.

As far as history is concerned, things are exceptionally easy right now. People have had it much worse than we do. We only exist because they had kids anyway, suffered through hardships in the process, and if anything they were stronger because of it.

SpaceManBob -1 points ago +1 / -2

If Q is connected to someone channeling demons (it isn't), that isn't a good thing.

Not all patterns are relevant. Not all patterns matter. Not all patterns are real.

We can find patterns anywhere, but coincidences ARE real, and sometimes the patterns we draw are just figments of our imagination, or massive straw-grasps. It's simply the way the brain works.

All that matters is God and what He tells us, and God is quite clear on matters of channeling.

And as an aside, listening to all sides is an extremely bad practice, in my opinion. It's all good and fine to think that I could listen to Satan himself and not be deceived since I know who he is, but is that true? To so confidently say yes would suggest to me a god complex and that one views oneself as perfect in their judgement. I am not the arbiter of truth, God is (and in my view, so many who think they worship God really just worship their own intellect).

Really, demons should be ignored, as we know they will never tell us anything worth hearing. Anything they say will only serve evil. Listening to evil and incorporating it into our thinking will never lead to good. All it serves to do is warp and corrupt our minds.

Finally, I'd love to hear a cogent argument as to how my dichotomy is flawed. It's easy to dismiss people as "having their minds made up"; it's hard to actually present a case in favor of, or against, a concrete position. Maybe you have your mind "made up", but mine is fresh and ready for anything you can throw at it.

SpaceManBob 1 point ago +3 / -2

Individuals are always flawed.

As for the Church, I'd say two things (as a Catholic):

  1. It's more likely for kids to be sexually abused in public schools by teachers

  2. A handful of gay priests doesn't invalidate the entire Church, particularly when their heresy is in no way acknowledged by the Church

To be clear, I point out the first one since it establishes that the "pedo church" shit is basically just slander by people who hate the Church. No one who says this ever points out public schools/teachers, because it's not about the kids for them, but about being against the Church. And the multitude of pedos in all Christian denominations are also always ignored.

So I disagree; the doctrine of the Church is perfect. Imperfect men being in positions of power (where God placed them) does not change this.

SpaceManBob 3 points ago +7 / -4

Have fun crying foul (shill) at everyone with a different opinion.

Isn't going to stop people from objecting to a prayer which is by its nature Satanic. You can disagree because it "sounds fine", but that doesn't change the reality of the prayer.

The only argument that could be made is that Flynn didn't know the source, heard it from somewhere, and ultimately just liked how it sounded and thought the message was good. Fair enough if that's the defense, but calling anyone a shill who doesn't accept your (cult-like) evangelization of Flynn when it's based on defending the Satanic prayer isn't going to get you very far; certainly not among discerning Christians who keep an eye out for these things but who may otherwise be open to the idea that Flynn meant well.

SpaceManBob 0 points ago +1 / -1

She either lied about channeling the Archangel Michael, or she mistook the demon that she channeled for same.

There are no other options.

And personally, I don't like to just outright deny metaphysical claims, so I'd lean towards her channeling a demon over making it up. And at that point, to listen to her may as well be to listen to a demon.

SpaceManBob 1 point ago +1 / -0

but i know... lemme repeat, KNOW....

How? Intuition? Or something else? I'm open to whatever reasoning you use to arrive at this conclusion, I'm just curious.

SpaceManBob 2 points ago +2 / -0

Certainly. Our nature doesn't change, but our appearance does. We become "like" God.

Maybe water would be a good analogy. Water can be as stone (ice), or as air (steam), but it is not ultimately these things in its nature. It is distinct while still sharing in the characteristics of those things.

I think misunderstanding this distinction is where the people saying we truly are, or become, God go wrong. The Bible tells us we "partake in the divine nature", not that we become or possess the divine nature inherently.

SpaceManBob 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fair point, but the verse in Genesis 1 still demonstrates the original purpose of creation, which still validates my point. I merely intended to point out that it's unfair to suggest that it's some inherent evil to exert dominion over the world.

Bringing order to chaos (nature) is a good thing, and God wants us to do it. The world does not belong to nature, nature belongs, rightfully, to us (God made it to give to us, and God's will doesn't change).

I'd say it's also important to consider that the Bible was given to us for a purpose, and this happened after sin. It's not like that verse was written right when it happened. Everything in the Bible teaches us something about God, creation, ourselves, etc. So this tells us that it is an inherent moral good to exert our will over nature. It can't be bad, or God would never have told us to do it.

SpaceManBob 1 point ago +1 / -0

Most food isn't actually food, but instead poison for the masses.

The only hilarious copium is to pretend that all "food" today is created equal and that all of the places that make it are worth keeping around.

SpaceManBob 3 points ago +3 / -0

Evil cannot prevail no matter what we do.

This almost sounds like some "we are God" stuff where "God" only works if enough people do something.

SpaceManBob 4 points ago +4 / -0

Can't say I'm a fan of the idea, but at least it's quick... usually...

SpaceManBob 6 points ago +6 / -0

Genesis 1:28 And God blessed them, saying: Increase and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it, and rule over the fishes of the sea, and the fowls of the air, and all living creatures that move upon the earth.

The world belongs to us, and we belong to God. We rule the Earth, and God rules us.

SpaceManBob 1 point ago +1 / -0

Firstly, I find it kind of silly you were downvoted. While blunt, your comment rings true.

Secondly, why is his post not based in reality?

SpaceManBob 1 point ago +1 / -0

The "enemies" I was thinking of when bringing up those verses are "the wicked". The ones that you seem to be suggesting can't be saved and who are good for nothing except to make examples of.

Judging DC and San Francisco in such a way right now, while just, would deprive all who reside there of any further chance to repent. And maybe they don't deserve that chance, but God is merciful and gives us all that chance anyway.

SpaceManBob 1 point ago +1 / -0

If society at large can't get gender right, none of that other shit matters, and society will collapse in the end regardless.

SpaceManBob 2 points ago +2 / -0

Now that you mention it, it is pretty incredible how pervasive the terminology of the movie is throughout society.

Without it, people would be clambering to put into words things that are perfectly encapsulated by the movie and hence by the terms it uses.

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