I'm torn on ADHD, because on the one hand it's a very real condition (disorder is debatable), but on the other hand it seems like when people are told about it they become lazy fucks. Meanwhile, plenty of boomers and gen x who would now qualify as having it are living perfectly fine lives with some difficulties that they've learned to manage.
The labels, as you say, often take away people's ability to improve by making them unable to see past some supposed disorder. Can't improve if your problem is "incurable brain defect". But people can and do improve, so it's clearly not as clear-cut as the people who push the labels and the people who hide behind the labels would make it seem.
An increasing number of white people hate themselves for their skin color, believe that it's not ok for them to be proud of being white (while believing blacks can be proud to be black), and are below the required birthrates to continue existing.
Random black people aren't behind this, but the people who are absolutely seem to be in quite a strong position right now.
Fair point, but we still need to know who our enemy is and what their goal is. The deepstate's current goal is, by all accounts, "kill whitey".
To do business in Europe? Of course.
If someone is scared by a firework, that's kinda some pussy shit. Maybe there's a valid reason, maybe it's not in their control, maybe it's not as easy as them "getting over it", and calling them that directly certainly isn't helpful in any way, but I don't necessarily see how the term doesn't apply.
There's a reason that most "mental illness" is just one big amalgamation of overlapping symptoms. It's not fake, it's just not real either. The root cause is likely not whatever bullshit the doctors say, and in many cases there is no disorder or illness, and it's just them trying to make life hard for undesirables.
The thing is, the people who want to kill whitey exist whether we acknowledge them or not.
So sure, we can focus on our own lives and likely not be exposed to such people, but that's exactly what is going to allow them to grow stronger. Leaving them unopposed doesn't work, because their entire ideology is to force their worldview onto everyone else. They simply aren't content to just leave us alone.
A blasphemous one, yes.
You would rather spend millions of dollars to fulfil your revenge fantasy over fixing our country as quickly as possible?
How about this: you can play out your revenge fantasy on as many of these fuckers as you can personally afford the cost to imprison for 20 years.
I know by virtue of the fact that I haven't self-deluded myself into believing that I am an all-powerful, all-knowing being, and also because I'm not narcissistic enough to conclude that I'm the only one who really exists.
Additionally, I know that there exist ways of viewing reality which conflict with my own. This confirms absolutely that I am only one aspect of absolute reality, and not a reflection of absolute reality itself.
I'm not God. You're not God. None of us are God.
Blaming all our problems on some boogeyman cabal that is the root of all our problems will not solve our actual problems long term. There is obviously a cabal, but there are just as obviously competing ideologies for the hearts and minds of all Americans. And leftism is a particularly insidious one, as all observation of it shows us.
The enemy of our enemy is only our friend until we defeat our shared enemy. Then we have to contend with the fact that our "friend" wants to murder unborn babies and trans the ones who get through alive. The cabal didn't make them support that shit.
Don’t let them do it.
At least as far as the Reddit randoms go, nothing I or any of us can do will stop these bumbling retards from saying and believing the stupidest shit imaginable. I disagree that there's a shtick here; they're simply true believers, and retarded ones at that. Too blind to see the hypocrisy of their own retarded ideology.
Did I mention that these people are retarded (kek)?
It's not disaster proof if the disaster is no power. Who ever said as much?
You people have no vision. A medium needs to exist to facilitate online transfers of funds for goods and services, which are now the vast majority of purchases.
Metal coins are the backup, not the main instrument.
We truly have the best autists
I think there definitely is a difference, and what's going on is unprecedented.
Is it? Here's an excerpt from https://onepeterfive.com/the-third-pornocracy-the-current-crisis-in-the-church/
"Otto the Emperor convened a Synod in St. Peter’s, in which the bishops and archbishops of his retinue, the clerics and Roman Curia, the leaders of the city and representatives of the people, all took part. John XII, however, had quit the Eternal City. When the Emperor asked the reasons for his absence, the Romans replied that they were to be found in the Pope’s immorality, which was described in a long list of crimes: simony, sacrilege, blasphemy, adultery, incest, abstention from the sacraments, use of weapons and trafficking with the devil.
All of them, clerics and laity alike, declared that ‘he had turned the Holy Palace into an actual bordello’ [brothel]; ‘he had blinded Benedict, his spiritual father, who died shortly afterwards; he had killed John, Cardinal Subdeacon, by cutting off his genitals; he had set fires; he girded himself with a sword and armed himself with helmet and shield: they testified to all of this. All of them, both clerics and laity, cried out that he would toast to the health of the devil; they said that in games of dice he would invoke the help of Jupiter and Venus and other demons; that he would not celebrate Matins and the Canonical Hours, and wouldn’t make the sign of the cross.’"
The article goes into much more detail on the whole topic. Seems like the same thing to me. Certainly nothing new. And as the article mentions, virtually none of his teachings survived, likely because they were all heretical nonsense. Doesn't mean he wasn't Pope. But the Church was not stained because a single man could never do such a thing, nor could an army of demons, nor could Satan himself.
So without first squaring the fact that there have been some pretty atrocious Popes, I don't see any way to further a discussion on a topic which is itself steeped in modernism and renaissance thinking; namely, the idea that random laity (or a priest who's ripe for excommunication) can decide for themselves whether or not the Pope is really the Supreme Pontiff. It flies in the face of authority, hierarchy, and tradition. It IS modernism.
My anti-Catholic Church mind was changed when God freed it from the chains imposed by Sola Scriptura. I certainly didn't go from being a Protestant to being a Catholic just to go back to being a Protestant.
And I don't appreciate the anti-Catholic rhetoric and so when people throw it out, I rebut.
On this we surely agree kek
If you can't comprehend the 'why' questions, maybe you shouldn't be telling people they have little heads.
This 'why' in particular is the most fundamental question that separates Catholicism from Protestantism. It's the single most important question to answer. If you don't have an answer, you don't have a real reason for being sure in your belief regarding Protestantism vs Catholicism.
Personally, my answer is quite clear: If I went back to being a Protestant, it'd be me worshiping my own mind over any external, objective truth.
The rate is average as compared to the population at large, if not less than average.
Get the fuck out with this bullshit.
Jesus did much more than just pray. He took action and prayed. He didn't sit at home and pray everything the way He wanted it, He went out and affected change in the world around Him through action.
What I'm saying to is this: I think the idea that we're meant to just teach and convince and pray and be passive and so on and so forth is totally and completely wrong. It's a modern conception that no one held for most of Christian existence. We should be actively attempting to solve the very problems you claim we could never solve, and we should be praying as much as we can while doing so, because it is ultimately God that enables us to perform miracles on the Earth.
And to be clear, I would be absolutely comfortable in saying that if the monastics who dedicate themselves to worshiping God weren't here, then the world would certainly be a far worse place. My intention with mentioning monks wasn't to be derisive or to invalidate the concept of resigning oneself to the worship of God.
I suppose I could admit that I leaned a bit too far away from prayer having an effect. The monks don't take action in the world like I've been suggesting we do, but I'm certain that what they do has an effect because I'm certain that the effect of prayer and worship is real. However, it's also the case that certain things require action as well as prayer. At least, the action helps, especially when God has our backs.
Way to ignore all my actual arguments.
But yes, you see one thing and I see another.
That's why our opinions on God don't matter, and an objective, external source of truth must exist. The Bible isn't it, since everyone interprets it differently.
If you have a better suggestion for such an objective source than the Catholic Church, I'm all ears.
There is no difference. Do you think every Pope was good and only said things that were true? The Pope making randoms statements doesn't constitute official church teaching. He can say things that are wrong and still be Pope. He isn't God.
It simply doesn't matter what problem you are trying to solve, since decrying the Pope as invalid is a vehemently anti-Catholic thing to do. It IS just cause for excommunication. There is a hierarchy for a reason, and we are on the bottom of it.
Sure, but it's not. It's only white people who can't be proud. For some reason, everyone except white people are supposed to be proud of their race, while white people are supposed to hate their race.
It's "kill whitey", whether we like it or not.