what will make Jan 19 so?
Not literal shot like the Minutemen.
"Concord poet Ralph Waldo Emerson dubbed them the “embattled farmers.” They were not American citizens, yet. That would have to wait until 1776 and the Declaration of Independence. On April 19, 1775 they were simply loyal British subjects who believed that they were standing up to defend and fight for their rights. In doing so they changed the world forever.
All things in moderation.
Context depends on the context , thus it is what you make it.
No matter how much you put into infinite space you still have infinite space remaining.
And since I now have to repeat myself ,"Space is what needs to be filled......between ears. Unlimited Space." , "That takes the fun out so I'm done here."
So Who Let the Dogs Out
Maybe a drone can find them?
Bonds ? of an illegitimate currency ? lol Party may be larger than just Commiefornia.
When congress failed from lack of a quorum , who stepped in ?
Put another way : When the American government failed who replaced it ?
Set larger Goals.
1/2 Full or 1/2 Empty
Paradise is what you make of it:
"Neither shall men say, Lo here, or lo there: for behold, the kingdom of God is within you." Luke 17: 21 --1599 Geneva
Space is what needs to be filled......between ears. Unlimited Space.
A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step only if you are walking at least part of the way and you start out on foot.
Getting out of bed you start on foot .
He told them not to eat the fruit too.
He wrote this too , plans change:
And thou Bethlehem Ephrathah art [a]little to be among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me, that shall be the ruler in Israel: whose [b]goings forth have been from the beginning and from everlasting. __ Micah 5:2 -- 1599 Geneva Bible
One man's Paradise is Another's Hell
Space is so ideas have room to work.
If only he were that good.
Congo better hurry the Dutch are trying to give Gates an easy escape route. I prefer he be extradited to Africa.
I don't think America being great and the rest of the world still being a sh!thole constitutes 'paradise'.
Patience is a virtue. And a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
{"God Wins" and time is so everything doesn't happen all at once. (easier to understand)}
This Gutenberg 2.0 fulfills that
Bolsheviks starved the "Ukrainians" for a reason all 5 million of them.
Holodomor not an accident , but needed a bigger cover story.
You miss spelled "World"
Pat & Moonbeam were both Getty owned as is Newscum. So your "illegitiment" timeline may be a bit off.
Earl Warren, before them was Dewey's VP in the 1948 oopsie. This shit is old.
Heaven's Gate.....I guess they have been Buying the Stairway to Heaven
Who mentioned Lice ?
Don't allow psychopaths into positions of power.
I am only an average man but, by George, I work harder at it than the average man. --- Theodore Roosevelt
Personal Harms , Personal Fouls. Not criminal , Not our business. God's problem.
Well it was the 22nd Amendment to the constitution of "Our Democracy"
Just like the original 13th Amendment of the Constitution of the united States was for The Republic.
“Oh, what a tangled web we weave...when first we practice to deceive.” ― Walter Scott, Marmion
Can't find bricks like that anymore. Nor the Masons
Your expectations are being modified. Something about a psyop....
“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity” ― Sun-Tzu, A Arte da Guerra
And the Truth shall set them FREE.
This Gutenberg 2.0 is working. Can you feel the Energy?