Stekky75 1 point ago +1 / -0

The entire stock market is a sham. Its not based on supply and demand, its based on whatever the market makers want the price to be.

Add to that most peoples money is tied up in 401k funds where every fund supports shitty companies. The illusion of choice on which globalist / deepstate company to give money to. Ive seriously thought about quitting the company Ive worked at the past 12 years just so I can move the money to an IRA.

Stekky75 18 points ago +18 / -0

Politics aside, I really don’t find her that attractive. I guess she isn’t fat, so that’s nice. Like 7 /10? Maybe because her Congress peers she sticks out? I really don’t understand the fascination, I certainly wouldn’t glance at her on the street.

Stekky75 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just a matter of time before they turn off cloud flare and payment processors.

For those here against decentralized crypto, this running theme should be a wake-up call.

Stekky75 11 points ago +11 / -0

Let’s be a little more honest here. DeSantis was groomed for politics and used the military as the traditional path to being a career “republican” politician. He didn’t join the marines at 18, he signed up as a lawyer after he finished bumping elbows at Yale and Harvard. This to me is a HUGE red flag.

Is he a good guy or another DS puppet trying to win people over? I couldn’t tell you. I don’t think his actions over a short period can tell you anything though.

Stekky75 3 points ago +3 / -0

Why would you use the house outlet when you can get a funny picture to post online?

Stekky75 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yep. A few of my family have gone from “EVs suck” to talking about how great my car is after I let them drive it.

Stekky75 -1 points ago +2 / -3

I at least know a train conductor doesn’t work on the actual train. That’s the engineer you fucking retard. A conductor works via radio. Your blaming the wrong person retard. Super low IQ? Must be big locomotive since my work brain is better than the local negro. Good job dipshit.

Stekky75 -7 points ago +8 / -15

You tried one? Im guessing not.

Granted I despised dealers and all their shenanigans but that made my decision easier. My model 3 has been mostly perfect. Ive had some condensation in the headlights that Tesla repaired 6 or so months after I bought it but since then its been great. The drive is quiet and amazing. The interior is sparce but great. We have 2 local tesla charging stations near us but we almost never use them because the garage charger is enough. If we are moving to 2 EVs which we are thinking about, we will put 220v in the garage instead of 110.\

Personally, I think the tweet is Tesla talking about future automation. (humanoid robots).

Stekky75 2 points ago +2 / -0

I expect robot advancement. Maybe inserting the tethered humanoid robots into the line in the next 2 years (elon time). Some people will take this as a negative thing. IMO, its eventual.

Stekky75 1 point ago +2 / -1

Your vision sounds like a jobs program today. Guarantee few if any people take the job seriously and instead spend it on their phone. What’s the pay rate for people who don’t see home every night? Why is a CCD camera bad again?

“Get rid of traffic lights and hire crossing guards because technology bad!”

Stekky75 3 points ago +3 / -0

The execs aren’t going broke. They are highly compensated when the company goes under.

The employed and shareholders are. Company boards are no longer made up of primary shareholders. Executives prioritize social issues over their own businesses health. ( There are theories that certain consultants are hired on to destroy long standing companies in order to short the stock and sell off company assets.) This behavior now even flows into financial markets who these corporations rely on.

Stekky75 5 points ago +5 / -0

It’s a demoralizing tactic. It’s about destroying “culture”. Take the things that you love and connect with and taint them into something you don’t connect with.

They are doing it all the time to the west. Gotta get that one world government and you can’t do that with a bunch of deeply prideful people.

Stekky75 2 points ago +2 / -0

It’s the ones where it doesn’t show up on their resume you should be worried about. Probably doesn’t happen as much with the FBI or DHS but CIA and NSA have tons of shell companies to keep workers hidden so they can infiltrate companies discreetly.

Stekky75 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well that now makes me not trust them.

by Opossum
Stekky75 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trump made a peace agreement with the Taliban in 2020. If “patriots” are still in charge, I don’t see why giving the group supplies as apology (911 was caused by someone else) is unthinkable. I recently watched a bald and bankrupt YouTube video in Afghanistan and it seems like the Taliban is doing a decent job at keeping daily life going for Afghans.

Stekky75 32 points ago +35 / -3

It’s possible he is just playing a role right now. He’s got 6.5m followers and his conversation with Elon on all the shit going on at Twitter seems a bit scripted to me. Like 2 people standing on a podium talking loudly to each other about how miraculous their new laundry detergent is.

Stekky75 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’ve got a few thoughts on this.

The activist ultra liberal Twitter users already left or deleted their Twitter in protest and are no longer flagging posts that used to be flagged as hate speech.

What qualifies as hate speech has changed since the takeover. This would probably be easy to look up but I’m lazy.

He said hate speech impressions. He is talking about how many people viewed tweets with “hate speech”. So, perhaps Twitter now instead of deleting “hate speech” it just filters those posts from anyone who is not a follower. Probably also fairly easy to test.

Stekky75 -2 points ago +2 / -4

So we should all deal with long lines at delays at checkout so old people can socialize? They need to find a club or go to bingo night. The reason self checkouts are popular with people is precisely this reason. I’ve got better things to do than wait in lines at the local store. I remember the days before self checkout. It was ALWAYS a 10-15m wait while (mostly women) took forever with coupons and the checkbook that they wouldn’t bother to even look for in their purse until after the cashier told them the total. At least I have a option to avoid that nightmare now.

Stekky75 1 point ago +1 / -0

It’s a physical audit. It’s physical assets that are supposed to be there but are not. With the amount missing it’s likely there is a large amount of stuff being purchased with receipt from complicit suppliers and the money is funneled into black projects or pockets. Likely both.

Stekky75 3 points ago +3 / -0

I would need more myself. Maybe sentences that end with red and next starts with two. No punctuation.
“…in the red Two months… “

Stekky75 6 points ago +6 / -0

Nice association I would have never seen. Not sure it means anything but now I will be looking out for red2!

Stekky75 1 point ago +3 / -2

We know she’s not but this is an unfair position. If she’s a good person and takes care of her body and has a quiet non public life then there really isn’t anything for strangers to criticize. Now, I highly doubt that’s true but it’s unfair to judge her just because her parents are vile.

It’s like Ivanka Trump, hate her or like her. I understand either way.

Tiffany Trump. Shes just trying to live her own life. Leave her alone.

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