Nostrafrogus told this board this would be the exact way this shakes out 2 yrs ago. Well, I didn't see the 4/20 rub in the mix, but that's going to be the least embarrassing aspect of the downfall of the AZOV goons! 🐸✊️
It was always out in the open via RU MOD. I'm no psychic, just a frog with a pension for forecasting the weather.
- Ridicule them into submission via finger pointing and horse laughing in their dumb blank NPC faces.
Seriously though, you're right TaQo. We continue the mission. Although, a good many will ultimately wake themselves as response to further habbenings on the timeline.
Downdooter probably worried about forced removal of IUDs
Agreed. Before the subreddits got ban hammered, we were estimating appx 100k unique users weekly best I could tell from moderating on my end.
And that's probably a conservative figure considering plebbit was obfuscating all of the various totals. YouTube as well. I remember when the Rudyland research Discord broke away from PSSB, there were about 60k unique viewers and subscribers for both according to sites like SocialBlade.
That would corroborate the original subreddit estimates of <100k. And that was early Spring of 2018!
IMHO at the peak of the Q drops timeline, I'd say globally we were well into the millions of active followers. At least half a mil commenters, contributors, and spreaders.
Now, as the plan as unfolded, normies are becoming anons at an increasing rate, cumulative effect. Given enough time the bread will bake itself.
Absolutely. It's not the only front though. In time we will learn about entertainment media and other corporations recieving the same funding and molding the same zombies. E.g. Netflix, Hasbro, Bethesda, Bioware, etc.
This is how they brainwash those that do not use social media. Inject their favorite media IP consumption chalk-full of both blatant and subliminal suggestion.
This. If anons have thought of a hypothetical habbening of great significance you can be certain that scenario has already been predicted and planned for.
laughs in Muttley
Kek, get rekt Al Green you dastardly racist retard!
Oh no! What will puppet Steltzer do without his deeply rooted DS tentacle?! 🐙
When the DoD pays a media giant like Reuters millions for social engineering I'd say it's a safe bet that's exactly what it was intended for.
Great post u/LordKekingtonEsquire
TY for including my Reuters DoD contract post link. I was bored waiting in the dentist office and tried to slap together a quick post but yours is much more encompassing of the various connected entities and money trails.
All that and a bag of chips! Well said fren! I think the NPC meme does a good job of a blanket explanation for the nefarious phenomenon:
I support the current thing! Of course, anons should recognize that the same poisonous puppet strings have been used on conservatives as well pre-C19. E.g. MIC support, war mongering, muh terrorists narratives, ISR support, financial bailouts, etc...
Just wait until they find out Tiananmen was funded by USAID.
China may be asshoe, but would you allow a hornet to build a nest in your house?
You've hit the nail on the head fren. Marxism is the root synapse of the socially engineered NPC mind.
You must create an oppressor & victim definition of society. Whether it is cast out upon other subclasses or focused inwardly at one's self.
In otherwords, these people have been largely brainwashed into pinko lemmings and they have not the spiritual fortitude to understand their ego has been crafted and controlled. Truly zombie-like, craving only more of what has animated them in the first place.
No doubt. I'm actually surprised it's not a larger figure, 9 mil is peanuts. But, something tells me this isn't the only media contract with the DoD or USAID.
Looking at the phenomenon from the perspective of the Enemy, the NPC social engineering campaign has got to be one of the most crucial elements to their nefarious plan. If billions were flaunted publicly and sent to MIC & project Ukraine. Then I'd clandestinely spend twice that to brainwash the folks at home into accepting everything from A - Z.
I'm sure more will come to light. Wanna bet there's similar contracts with the NIH, CDC, WHO, and other connected NGOs?
SS: Hat tip to DOGE & POTUS for disclosure and transparency. $9M C19 contract from the DoD to MSM racket explicitly for SOCIAL ENGINEERING aka brainwashing.
Copy/Pasta Below
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)Code 54 : Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 5417: Scientific Research and Development Services 541715: Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (except Nanotechnology and Biotechnology) Product or Service Code(PSC) RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AC: C – National Defense R&D Services AC62: R&D- DEFENSE SYSTEM: ELECTRONICS/COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT (APPLIED RESEARCH/EXPLORATORY DEVELOPMENT)
This is something we've all known for many years, but the normie public is fixing to get a yuge awakening red pill suppository regarding Project Mockingbird and the truth shown that the NPC class was created to support the plandemic.
Yuge news already familiar with anons, but watch this shit catch fire on the populist streamer sphere. That's right folks, you (normies) were all mentally conditioned to accept everything from lock downs to chicks w/ dicks to dethjabs and everything in between.
Mods, if you wanna put a better flair up please do. The default flairs were not the best choices. TY
You need community styling enabled, it links to the corresponding Q post.
At the rate of discovery we're witnessing, by the end of the movie the normies will know USAID has funded everything from Tiananman Square to the Gulf of Tonkin and every Maidan & Srebrenica in between.
That's a bull, not a heifer.
This is the way. I commend your parenting of the next generation of digital soldiers! o7
This is no surprise and I can confirm correlation. The Baltic States have a history of being in the business of cyber crime.
We have CS 1.3 videos playing on petrol pump screens. I'd guesstimate a quantifiable portion of males age 25 - 45 know more about networking, hardware, and coding than American counterparts.
This comes from after Soviet times. Everyone was pirating everything. Imagine late 90s teenagers literally running FTP servers and generator breaking into every media IP products available to consumer at the time. Not so much because everyone was dirt poor, but because global markets did not care about Baltic States as consumers. So, cause/effect: you won't make or sell product here? OK, we'll just figure out how to pirate everything and create our own hardware.
This is almost a tradition in some aspects. Look back to Soviet times for a plethora of underground music, film, and computer production studios!
Now if you'll excuse me, I must spin my bootleg Ritonis Stooges album while playing Diablo2 on a computer made out of an old Tandy running on a roomful of daisy-chained empty pint beer bottles filled with pickle juice and smelted scrap iron. /s
Ahh, my favorite Sebadoh album.
Absolutely a must. All the trash blocking plugins are required.
If using the link above, if someone has trouble with the default server mirror, click the megacloud mirror to reload. Pause video for 15 seconds to allow buffer, then stream to your heart's content.
Lots of great old stuff on that site as well. Worth a peek for those that do not wish to financially contribute to the big six media companies.
Oh absolutely, that's an admirable anon action we can all contribute to as well!
Would be a shame if a bunch of anons wrote these nasty restaurants hazing and scathing reviews on fb, yelp, uber-eats, tripadvisor, etc
Could go both ways. Could be opposition attempting to push the green goblin out of power.
I'm not seeing anything on TASS, RT, or local LSM as of yet but the espoused plan is exactly what the Russians have been calling for since Ukraine broke the Minsk2 accords.