Strelnieks 7 points ago +7 / -0

Great way to segway the information to millennials and gen X.

Much akin to how MTG has infected Magic The Gathering spaces & minds since her being elected to her seat.

Strelnieks 6 points ago +6 / -0

Np, very relevant to your most excellent post fren. The non elected federal oversight discussion starts at around 23 min into the video.

Strelnieks 6 points ago +6 / -0

Not sure if you linked to this or not u/TaQo within your imbedded hyperlinks. TC & Mike Lee discussing this very topic.

Lee discusses how all of this started with FDR in the 30s and how the bureaucracy morphed out of control over time. Pair up these non elected entities with the Smith Mundt Modernization Act and it breeds easy enough patterns for perhaps even normies to grasp why this whole system needs to be dismantled.

Strelnieks 1 point ago +1 / -0

I imagine public opinion shaping is similar to and because of the NPC MSM propaganda I've witnessed in the Baltics.

It's pretty easy to see, they just took decades old hate towards the Soviet Union paired with nationalist sentiments towards citizenship then pumped up the hate rhetoric and wha-la, presto-chango the public went from just wishing Russian dissidents would assimilate into 1000% anti Russian everything.

The propaganda is damn effective if you can get NE Euro ppl to stop eating buckwheat, watching the Russian Comedy Channel, and pay upwards of 10x lp & diesel prices.

Strelnieks 1 point ago +1 / -0


Strelnieks 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agreed. AMAZING! as JLP would say.

This post and u/CovfefeMonk posts today pair up well too.

Hypothetical bun:

  • Nicol primary shooter. Wife was insurance to make sure secondary shooter died on scene.

  • (Crooks or Yearick) on roof, secondary shooter but primary target for anticipated response.

  • Crooks or Yearick is the patsy.

Just throwing crumbs at the wall over here...

Strelnieks 2 points ago +2 / -0

We got a lot of notables out of Webb investigating the DNC server, DWS, and the Awans.

Webb's journey coincided with the bakers and board more than once. I don't think he's a WH or BH... not a paytriot so much either.

He's either a sleuth at heart and thus an ally to anons or there's something else going on. Whatever the case Webb doesn't seem to have a negative impact on the GAW, research, or the various boards.

Strelnieks 3 points ago +3 / -0

Probably just normal healing or blow out heals and it looks strange from the video stills.

I've seen a lot of healed up gauged earlobes. Sometimes they heal back nearly perfect with a tiny little "butthole" (sorry for the descriptor but that's exactly what it looks like) or if they did a poor job expanding the gauges overtime while wearing the jewelry you'll get overpressure or infection in areas of the lobe which will cause very visible damage which looks something like "judo ear".

Sewing or correcting the damage via surgery is not typical, or at least it wasn't common place when I was still stomping in the circle pits.

Strelnieks 1 point ago +1 / -0

Jack the Ripper is allegedly based off of Spring Heeled Jack, which has some provenance. Yet, there's a problem with the timeline considering Spring Heel Jack has been documented for much much longer than a human life span.

Idk who or what the Jack's were based off of or referencing.... I'd wager something supernatural.

Strelnieks 1 point ago +1 / -0

This timeline! Libs saying the slippery slope was actually real?!

Strelnieks 6 points ago +6 / -0

My first thoughts too, shes copying the HRC ...I aint in no ways tired... speech. I seriously doubt WH involvement with the faux accent.

Strelnieks 4 points ago +4 / -0

The center ham beast freak literally tweeted about their troupe mocking the New Testament then deleted it after the backlash.

Strelnieks 1 point ago +1 / -0

Transhumanism destroys everything it touches.

Strelnieks 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's all they have. They identify as their sexual desires because they have no character, personality, soul, or other personable identifiers.

NPCs, the soulless, and degenerates.

Strelnieks 7 points ago +7 / -0

This is excellent news frens. This is all they can come up with to feed the NPCs. Using weird in the most casual layman context in an attempt to relate to whatever audience they have left with the intention of vilifying DJT & crew.

Too many folks are waking up! Quick... Let's call them weird!

Next thing ya know they're gonna start spewing 90s & 00s catch phrases to try and regain what they've lost.

Strelnieks 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes that is ringing the bells.

Probably ties into the multiple Saudi mentions within the matching post searches for both Huma & Alice.

Strelnieks 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, I remember IRT when that discovery made the notables. What was HUMA again? Some kinda NGO or something... my brain is failing me atm.

Strelnieks 1 point ago +1 / -0

There's two key phrasings between the posts. Huma & Alice.

There's around 50 posts mentioning Alice, and I can't see the intended pattern between them yet. The drops are mostly older drops, and the context of them is all over the place.

Saudi Arabia & HRC are mentioned frequently amongst drops using the Alice key word search.

Strelnieks 4 points ago +4 / -0

How's this mongrel not in the pound yet?

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