I doubt Will Smith trashed his reputation. Remember the cucks and normies will believe whatever the "Bolshevik" in the TV tells them to believe and the Santa Inc. Elves will worship Will Smith for his black-on-black violence.
Also, (((Hollywood))) will likely give Smith a lucrative movie deal for his help.
We'll know if this theory is true because both Will Smith and that other black person will do the late night TV comedian rounds and the narrative will be nothing but love. The hosts will respect them both and the audience will clap when they are told to.
Matthew 5:18 KJV "For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled."
And then Jesus permanently fulfilled the Old Covenant and permanently ended those laws. It passed from the law. It was ended.
You may commence with down-voting New Testament scripture or not. It's your choice.
I'm not a huge fan of Old Covenant Jewish scripture that God stamped out and replaced with the New Covenant.
It's interesting but also undeniably full of misguided Jewish beliefs about mutilating babies, performing the Pagan bird blood magic of Leviticus 13 and commanding husbands to REMORSELESSLY attack and slaughter their entire family for the crime of not being Jewish (Deuteronomy 13:6-10).
If your "god" compels you to bite off chunks of God's perfect little babies or slice them up with knives, to spray your home with blood and remorselessly butcher your loves ones... then perhaps you're being misled by some sort of fucked-up demon?
I respect Christians who follow Jewish scripture, however I believe God stamped it out for good reason.
Jesus Christ is the One True Path to Salvation whereas the Jewish Torah and the Old Covenant almost certainly leads somewhere very unpleasant.
God wants us all to become Christians.
God's chosen choose Jesus.
All of that goes away when the FED RESERVE goes away
Yes and no. The Federal Reserve isn't the problem - it's a symptom of the disease. If the Fed was abolished tomorrow, it would be recreated by Friday afternoon by our ZOG.
Once again Ron Paul danced around naming the disease for his entire political career and instead focused on one of the many symptoms.
Don't get me wrong, I am thankful for the productive contributions that Rob Paul has made over the years (I'm less impressed with his son), however he is a smart man who pretends not to see the elephant in the room because it's easier and safer which also makes him part of the problem.
America and western civilization is at the front line and at the end of the line in a war for our survival... and the defeated photo of Ron Paul in the OP's post perfectly expresses how Ron Paul has impotently sat on his hands during what is likely the most important battle in human history.
Ron Paul is a good man who has done more than most, however he's also done almost nothing to help.
Because your plea for censorship is as misguided as our Jewish controlled mainstream media who maliciously attempt to conceal the truth about African-American crime culture by selectively not describing black criminals.
Because Q directs us to pay attention to "coincidences".
Truth never needs censorship to protect it.
EDIT: You are now stalking my comment history and harassing me. You have been blocked.
You have no idea about the origins of the "six million" number: CONFIRMED.
I think it's strange how you never even wondered about it enough to research it, irrespective of your biases.
All you have is mud throwing.
Wikipedia, the History Channel and Hollywood is not your friend.
Eh, at least I tried to help.
Like Q says, the truth won't be for everyone.
You may resume your personal attacks, but know that I will pray for you.
Disclaimer: There are lots of good Jews, however it's blatant that all of the New World Order "elites" are Jews or are people who are bribed or extorted by Jews.
I suspect every person who's had even one jab will eventually die from vaccine-AIDS as their immune system deteriorates. Most AIDS patients are lucky to last eight years without treatment until they die from minor infections like the seasonal flu.
(((Big Pharma))) / the (((New World Order "elites"))) (the same people who injected everyone with vaccine-AIDS) may be planning to bankrupt every first world nation by selling outrageously expensive AIDS treatments to the governments so they can be given away for free. This will kill the economy of every country shortly before all of the VAIDS infected people die from lack of treatment.
I have faith in God and I suspect President Trump has someone awesome planned. I mention the bad news only because I expect that is what (((they))) are planning.
I wonder if you were speaking to the same veterans who also lied about Jewish soap, Jewish lampshades, robotic Nazi prison guards, hand-swap surgeries, the pedal-powered-brain-basher and the gas chamber showers at Dachau concentration camp? I wonder how many of those veterans were treasonous, criminal communist members of the Jewish German Communist Party (KPD) who created Antifa in 1930?
Or did you speak to the Jewish veterans who recall their time at Auschwitz as being pleasant - summers relaxing by the pool or playing soccer with the Nazi prison guards and enjoying regular live theater performances, live orchestras and film screenings in the dining halls for their dining pleasure?
You have no idea about the origins of the "six million" number: CONFIRMED.
It's a shame because you had a chance to learn something today.
The smart non-jogger thing to do [if this wasn't all totally staged to attract views and attention to the failed ((( Academy Awards )))] would have been to laugh and about the joke and discuss the disease like an emotionally mature adult. That would educate the public and make anyone with the condition feel more accepted.
Instead we got filthy Hollywood degenerates being degenerate.
Have you noticed how indoctrinated people are about topics like President Trump, global warming, Russia, the Ukrainian Khazarian New World Order Jews, Q and the Covid-19 holocaust hoax that their NPC programming immediately kicks-in and they start uncontrollably screaming, throwing mud and having a conniption fit?
Have you noticed how these people only have down-votes and personal attacks because they literally only know NPC programmed talking points?
I bet you don't even know where the "six million" number came from, do you?
Oregonians are inspired by the moral imperative that is Jewish nationalism for Israel: the country for the Jewish race.
It would be antisemitic to oppose Oregonian's white nationalism.
What are you, a Nazi????!!!!!
(use this argument against liberals and watch their heads explode. almost 1/3 of the time the head explosions are not because of the Covid-19 vaccines)