Memo to "climate alarmists" everywhere: Your time is up. You've had almost 50 years to make your case, to PROVE your case, and you've failed. So just go away, and take that moron John Kerry with you. You are not wanted or needed in America now.
Slowly introduce the idea of "culture"... great literature, great music, great art. Once exposed to Joseph Conrad, Beethoven, Mozart, Ralph Vaughn Williams, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and other icons of Western civilization, it's hard to go back to the cotton candy of Disney et al.
I'd pass too, I've never watched one of those Disney movies in its entirety; however, when I've visited friends and family often their children are watching such drivel and I've seen various scenes in passing, and this was one of them.
I'm still not sure why people (mostly normies) still allow their children to watch such mind-numbing things, but alas, they do. And it's a waste of time to try to explain it to them.
I think it's one of the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series.
This was just so sugary delicious that I think my cholesterol levels went up!
In other words, we EFFED around and we're FINDING OUT.
Excellent read. When I compare events that Burning Bright is talking about, I compare them to the book "The Fourth Turning" (1997; Strauss & Howe) and realize that these two authors were describing the same events, but predicting them back when the book was published, 1997.
We are at the closing of an age, this current and soon-to-end Fourth Turning. I believe that Trump is the "grey champion" that the book talked about who will lead us into the next First Turning a couple of years into the future. I suspect it will be a time (a Turning) of relative peace and prosperity, and hopefully national unity.
In the book, every Fourth Turning in history (about 80 to 100 years apart) produces a "grey champion" who coalesces forces and leads the nation out of a "Crisis" Fourth Turning.
We are at such a time in history now, and it has be downright glorious to watch it fulfilled.
Thanks. Somehow I've managed to miss or overlook him. But I'm on it with intermittent reading today, along with other stuff I have to do. Thanks for the leads and links.
Are you KIDDING?! Since early Nov. 2017, just a couple of weeks after Q first posted, that's all.
Nice! A new rabbit hole to go down... OK, I have all weekend, so here we go...
Follow up thought: This would be the ultimate Black Swan event, wouldn't it?
Ah thanks... that puts his post in proper perspective.
Read the oath a long time ago... I seem to recall that it mentions poverty, chastity, and obedience. Not much too controversial in it.
92 years old? Yeah, I don't see that happening.
Who is Joe Lange? And is he in a position to know such things?
It might be a full exoneration of all charges in hopes that these two cockroaches don't go to jail.
Not for much longer, I'm betting.
Privately run prisons are under contract to provide certain amenities, including meals, showers, clergy, etc. If they are cutting rations, then the prison is in breach of contract.
Fascinating. I wonder what it was at 4:50 ("REDACTED") that they were unwilling to talk about?
(They) were COUNTING on people's compliance.
Ah, right you are, it was a typo.
It's dated 1997. Have these views increased or decreased since then?