Tallester_Skittles 0 points ago +2 / -2

If the military is in charge why are the letting all the unchecked immigrant army move so far into our territory that they can never be removed? It's a coop, they have control

Tallester_Skittles 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sure. But that's already done. And most people don't even know the plans have already been out there, on some but torrent, for years

Tallester_Skittles 1 point ago +1 / -0

Make free energy devices, but don't tell people until you have secretly build several devices and installed them at trusted friends and family. Never talk about it on line or on phones.

Tallester_Skittles 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ok, but do you agree it's a misleading title because it implies that corruption but the amount being only $1000, it makes the story and headline irrelevant.

I know it's the original title, but you could have changed it or not posted it. It's not news

Tallester_Skittles 2 points ago +2 / -0

$1000 bucks. Who cares.

I hate news media. Misleading titles.

Edit, oh wait. That's OPs title. Just say $1000 in the title so people don't get a stiffy like I was getting until I read it was only $1000

Tallester_Skittles 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dr Andrew Kaufman made books and a movie called "terrain" Dr Stefan Lanka does talks. Dr Sam Bailey made book,

This is a start, you can look for their associates and studies. There is a book call "what really makes you ill" and it's like a text book to explain what it says

Tallester_Skittles 2 points ago +2 / -0

I also used to believe that. I don't believe things anymore. I check and trust me, we were fooled. I can point you to some names you can check yourself?

Tallester_Skittles 1 point ago +1 / -0

Shit, I knew as soon as they said china virus, whatever vaccines that would be coming would be bad. It's not rocket science when you understand that virus theory is a pseudoscience hoax we've all been programmed to recognise and be afraid of

Tallester_Skittles 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's because viruses are a hoax. They are particles you can see, but they are just cell trash, not harmful or contagious.

The virus hoax is controlling you, even if you don't realise it. The only way to combat the nonsense is to awaken and research "terrain theory" to start. But because, the topic is littered with psy ops. Look for dr. Stefan Lanka, dr. Andrew Kaufman, dr Sam Bailey.

Viruses don't hurt you, the government hurts you. They make you think it's viruses and you need a vaccine. Wake up.

Tallester_Skittles 1 point ago +1 / -0

Blacks and Mexicans support MAGA. It won't be a race war.

Its just fake scare. They send in their protest pedos and hope for drama, the fan the flame, and pretend it was a forest fire or something. ..you don't have to worry about the people, its the government

Tallester_Skittles 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's the irritating part. Terrain isn't a theory. It's just, everything we can prove in science today.

And viruses aren't one of them. It's virus theory that is nearly baseless and even totally ridiculous, when you read a book about it

Tallester_Skittles 2 points ago +2 / -0

Virus are a hoax. If people die it's because of toxins they choose to injest

Tallester_Skittles 2 points ago +2 / -0

I lost hope in people to break the programming. They will be feared into slavery and that's good for those who want to live a happy life.

Tallester_Skittles 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ya, it was a trip. It woke so many people up to what this place really is. I was already following the UNs mock virus rehearsals and knew viruses are nothing to be worried about, particles that couldn't harm anyone. So ya, the mask arguments with people, I told them it's moot because viruses are a hoax. They just wouldn't believe it. Books, seminar, studies. Nothing got through. Some people opened up, and some were stone shut.

It's gonna happen again too, these fools still didn't wake up.

Tallester_Skittles 3 points ago +3 / -0

Right. California got bad in certain parts, but most was clear. Idaho didn't care. Netherlands and Denmark were lax, long as you had a Vax QR code. Just show your US Vax card and they gave you QR pass. Stupid

Tallester_Skittles 14 points ago +14 / -0

Kind of poetic how he closes that at the end. I lived in Riversode county during corona hoax. The sheriff refused to enforce masks, so the entire time I was able to walk into stores and tell people to just pound sand.

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