TaskGirl 1 point ago +1 / -0

But posters in my dog rescue shelter forums are all in for the Harris/Waltz ticket b/c he rescued a shelter dog. 🙄

TaskGirl 3 points ago +3 / -0

Like others above, our school district is seeking a new DEI rep. It's not going away here locally.👎

TaskGirl 1 point ago +1 / -0

Please just stop with this. It seems harassing now given the time past on this post. I am not a "lurker"; but really--who cares if I observe/"listen" more than I "speak"/post(?). Not everyone is in a position to go full guns and join every fight or cause. Stop provoking with your opinions to the point of losing listeners.

TaskGirl 1 point ago +1 / -0

Loyalist...no, not at all. You seem like a provacateur.

TaskGirl 2 points ago +2 / -0

Our small "community" district has PACS that keep the majority on the school board. The PAC group of 4 outvotes everything the other 3 (usually involves a new rep every 2-4 years) attempt to do. Running for the school board is pointless in my community. It's a sad state of affairs; and I'm glad my child has chosen to graduate a year early and has only one more semester left.

TaskGirl 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've been taking Lugols for years after researching for years before starting it, and never read of this. Very interesting. Also, I believe Selenium is a co-supplement needed with iodine. I take Life Extensions selenium.

TaskGirl 8 points ago +8 / -0

Exactly; and "Let's be clear" sounds very familiar.

TaskGirl 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you for sharing. I've used/am using the paste, but not at that level you are. I wondered about the pills, but the paste is completely tolerable for me and cheaper.

TaskGirl 3 points ago +3 / -0

Are you using pill or paste, and how frequently do you take it?

TaskGirl 2 points ago +2 / -0

Substitute taught (long term leaves) for 2 years...this term still makes me cringe when I hear it/read it. Ugh!

TaskGirl 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's late, but will admit that I had to mentally pause when I heard "children" during the video. Maybe "Trump's adult children" or "Trump's family members" (which anyone keeping up would know who that is) would be better than "these children". Anyway--your last sentence re: reading a dictionary made me laugh, so thanks for that!

TaskGirl 2 points ago +2 / -0

I live in a college town full of academic elitists. The local school district is rated highly in large part b/c of paid Niche.com rankings. Mismanaged funds, rubber stamping, and nepotism/cronyism runs rampant w/n the distrct.

The admin (w/the newly installed Super) just ran a referendum renewal a year early and it, unfortunately, passed. One of the main mouthpieces in a Facebook forum responded to the union teacher rep's gloat that it was especially "impressive" that it passed in a time when the price of everything (cited rent, mortgages, food, etc) is going up substantially.

For real. Embarrassing and enraging are the words I was thinking of.

TaskGirl 0 points ago +1 / -1

Also: take selenium with it as well as making sure you aren't a candidate for Hashimotos thyroiditis (<--read about this years ago before opting in on iodine, but can't recall all the details).

TaskGirl 1 point ago +1 / -0

We had a couple of Goldens when our kids were young before our GSD girl now. A trained and properly cared for GSD is an amazingly capable animal. It's sad that Commander has not either been properly trained and/or received the love and care he should. (And has an inept owner/handler...).

TaskGirl 2 points ago +3 / -1

I agree. We have a GSD and am team "dog" in many instances, but that looked like an attempt at redirecting the dog's path vs a kick. JB can't maintain his own steady path and shouldn't be put in charge of keeping control of any dog; but especially an untrained GSD.

TaskGirl 6 points ago +6 / -0

I have several DIY "influencers" that pop up on IG; and they all use this product. One is 37 weeks pregnant and continuing to use + shill it; and another shows her little toddler constantly "stealing" her AG1 for himself. But the affiliate links bring them $$ which pays for "school" (daycare) so they can pretend to be home designers, eat Home Chef meals (another shill product), buy cheap Amazon junk (more affiliate links and shilling), get their nails done, and play with gifted tools from big box sponsors. 🙄 It's just a sad state of existence, imo. What a trap they've become ensnared in.

TaskGirl 3 points ago +3 / -0

When I read "Forget Trump" and "Must be terrible for you", I found myself reading it in NJ dialect (before reading where you're from). I wish I could have heard you/this convo in person. I find East coasters so quick witted/minded/tongue, and I love it. I'm proud you spoke and did it so smoothly.

TaskGirl 4 points ago +4 / -0

I am an INFJ and empath. Mom to 3, provided in-home childcare, PTO'er, and a long-term Teacher sub. I had some tears and stifled them with tissues; but there was no judgment from the mostly age 60+ packed theater today. The woman next to me, commented on how impactful the film was...

You will likely be okay; and if not--you're likely not alone in your sentiment.

TaskGirl 7 points ago +7 / -0

I'm sure you will anyway since you're here at GA--but stay for the end message.

TaskGirl 4 points ago +4 / -0

Obituary today for a prominent local college admin who was "...a highly valued team member of the Covid-19 advisory committee" (assuming vaxed since the Uni required it). 48 years old and died suddenly of a heart attack.

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