TewaPatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

They just want to keep the tax payers/ normal citizens from making money and keep us poor, giving a large percentage of our checks to taxes though of course. I turned 150$ of DogeCoin into 3800$ recently.

TewaPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

once they started crying Russia i knew it was bullshit, its so pathetic its becoming a meme. Just use it for anything at this point. Russia made Biden molest Hunter and his granddaughter. Russia said its hip and cool to sniff little girls.

TewaPatriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm sure most of these kids have parents who went to college, got indoctrinated, began teaching their kids like the picture above at a young age the propaganda. Said kid goes off to college themselves and gets a nice polish on that brainwashing, graduate in debt with a degree is Crayola art. Get angry. Joins antifa/BLM cuz its the rich white man's fault and capitalism. They like not working for a living they rather post things on social media and get hand outs or free government money/aide.

TewaPatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

I remember when Tebow was at his height in the NFL, kids around the country in college or H.S. football started to kneel the same as Tebow and they were getting kick out of sports or suspended. But its ok if its for America hate or defunding the police, just don't pray and point your finger to the sky.

by BQnita
TewaPatriot 50 points ago +50 / -0

I'm ready for these people to hang im tired of these games, everyone is hip to their bullshit its over you fucks.

TewaPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fuck MCD it seems like when everything got locked down for the scamdemic their prices went up. Its almost 28 dollars for 2 big Mac meals, raised the price of a Mcdouble to almost 3 dollars for one, I never frequented mcd but I did visit awhile back and was appalled by the price hikes. I always like burger King the whopper has stayed the same size my entire adult life, the big mac gets smaller and smaller. Burger King has a real value menu.

TewaPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not being apart of the group behind Q its hard to say honestly. Its hard to judge who's winning and whos losing if you can't watch the game. I don't see Flynn or the other patriots panicking so thats a good thing.

TewaPatriot 8 points ago +8 / -0

Everything your seeing now would of happened in 2017 under killary. Trump winning just delayed the Cabal/DS 16 year plan. Xidens handlers are now playing catch up.

TewaPatriot 7 points ago +7 / -0

I think this a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. Trump pushes vax out to counter lock downs and economic crash to implement the great reset. Trump hopes supports know vax is voluntary, hopes supporters make educated decisions. Trumps knows he has a large following 80 million +, normies are on their own when it comes to vax, but Trump hopes to wake some of them up. Trump always pushed therapeutics along side the vax. Its choice.

TewaPatriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

In Hopi tradition the owls are bad. They watch you and tell the evil beings things about you to use against you.

TewaPatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Baseball the only sport any kid can pick up and be decent at from day one. The only position that requires skill is being a pitcher. Never liked baseball tried playing at a kid but all you do is stand around, no athletic ability needed just get good at hitting a ball with a stick. Baseball, Nascar, and soccer could disappear and I wouldn't bat an eye.

TewaPatriot 6 points ago +6 / -0

well at this point its become lucrative for black mothers to teach their kids to be aggressive and combative with police. If they get shot and killed mom sues city, BLM gets their cut and the mom is now rich. She's so glad she didn't abort him now. Clown world.

TewaPatriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and rabies are pretty close to zombie like. Imagine all these lefties/normies brainwashed today mix a like psychosis, paranoia, and loss of an already low intellect from the CJD, id say you got some good zombies ripe for violence.

TewaPatriot 12 points ago +12 / -0

Mad TV was always better than SNL.

TewaPatriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

Watch the classics. Full metal alchemist, cowboy bebop,and Trigun. Thats just some.

TewaPatriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thats the craziest atm I've ever seen, looks like it has a lot of features on that are not, but plan to be, rolled out in the not so distant future.

TewaPatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

He must of got a print out of the teleprompter.

TewaPatriot 5 points ago +5 / -0

I believe it. I posted months ago that a business right by my house was the only business open for dine in when everything else was shut down, it was packed all day every day, even more so after church on Sundays. Guess what its still packed every day now.

TewaPatriot 11 points ago +11 / -0

Lindell is a patriot. Lil Jimmy trying to say he was doing all this because he was nuts from smoking crack really pissed me off.

TewaPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

What you become when you allow your mind to be enslaved to the propaganda and Demons.

TewaPatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Definitely bad from an optics point of view. Ask anybody if they would want to be associated with a pedo, outside of family ties, 100% would say hell no.

TewaPatriot 8 points ago +8 / -0

My son got written up twice at school for arguing with his teacher, who is a double, triple masker soon kinda gal, 1st time that they didn't work, 2nd time Ducey lifted the mask mandate. Then the other day said he's glad I'm his dad or he might of ended up like the stupid people. My daughter likes running around and going to the store without one on, she sees all the other kids staring at her.

TewaPatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

This right here. Too many emotional problems, a lot of white girls tend to ride through life on their looks and when that day comes were their bodies have fallen apart from poor diet and excessive partying they go and find some smuck with low self esteem, get pregnant and pack on 90lbs. I'll pass. Plus I've always liked tan dark haired women since 7th grade. My grand mother on my mom side was spanish/Mexican, my grand father French Canadian. My dad is a polish German mix. A little diversity is a good thing to mix things up. I'd like my son and daughter to both marry whites though for sure.

TewaPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Its why when my kids were young my wife just stayed home. The world is sick right now, I know not everyone is pedo, but its hard to trust strangers interacting or watching your children.

TewaPatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

I watched a guy break it down. He said basically the vax will give you mad cow disease, it takes 18 months for full mental break down and death eventually. His segments were called shedding Wu i believe.

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