You seem to be well informed on this. It is the biggest health safety risk to society, bar none. There's a reason for it's funding and promotion..... and all of these schemes that are shoved in our faces boils down to the same basic goal of depopulation.
Is it any coincidence that Israelis and Palestinians are closely related genetically?
A study by Ariella Oppenheim and her colleagues, published in Human Genetics in December 2000, showed that about 70 percent of Jewish paternal ancestries and about 82 percent of Palestinian Arabs share the same chromosomal pool. The geneticists asserted that this might support the claim that Palestinian Arabs descend in part from Judeans [Latin, Iudaea'] who converted to Islam. Not Judahites.
With their closer relationship to Jews, the Palestinian Arabs are distinctive from other Arab groups, such as Syrians, Lebanese, Saudis, and Iraqis, who have less of a connection to Jews.
This should be a no-brainer to foresee this. A very good Post with excellent commentary was placed on GAW by u/catsfive on on 08-28-22 on this topic. It seems things haven't gotten any better since then.
Gays are hyper-sexual and suffer from eroticism and impulsive sexual behavior especially with meeting strangers. Read investigative journalist, Steve Sailor's "Why Lesbians are Not Gay". I have long said that the LGBTQ movement was cobbled together not by their own organic grass roots efforts, but by large funding from the international Cabal, who are transfixed on depopulation. By empowering these disparate groups they would attack Christianity, the family, and corrupting the youth.
The entire LGBTQ coalition is a manufactured sham funded by the global elites. It’s sole purpose is misanthropy and anti-Christ.
Even “gay marriage” was a total sham that doesn’t fit the “gay lifestyle” at all, but rather an attack on Christian belief regarding marriage. The very definition of homosexuality is hyper-sexual promiscuity. This is why there is only a 4.5% fidelity rate for sodomites. Who actually wins in the gay marriage battle? Lawyers win big time. That 4.5% fidelity rate is a gift that keeps on giving. The Gay Marriage Act redefines the family and permits adoptions and early age indoctrination. Now, the cross-dressers and drag queen pedophiles are emboldened to make indoctrination of young children to sexual perversion public policy.
The LGBTQ coalition is cobbled together with such disparate groups, that it is through ignorance and the commonality in their hatred of Christianity that they seek to be empowered. Just as lesbians and homosexuals after World War II were empowered to be commissars in communist Eastern Europe to terrorize and torture Christians, they are again being empowered to persecute Christians in America and Western Europe. The American public is woefully ignorant of the pedophile behavior of these factions making up the LGBTQ coalition.
Gays are not by behavioral definition 'monogamous'. This is why 'Gay' marriage is such an oxymoron and boon for divorce lawyers. The real intent of gay marriage was to destroy the traditional family. It permits gays to adopt children. A high percentage of gays are pedophiles. You can see where this goes.
Pedophilia is much higher in the homosexual community then in the normal society. Sodomists have a behavioral trait of being hyper erotic. It is intrinsic with this behavior that fantasies of erotic encounters with children exist. We know those children didn't get monkeypox from 'casual' touching. It is also innately part of this behavior that fantasies of necrophilia and bestiality is present as well. We also know that dog didn't get monkeypox from someone petting it. In fact here's more:
Psychiatrist Jeffrey Satinover reflects on the Journal of Homosexuality’s “Male Intergenerational Intimacy”:
“This special issue reflects the substantial, influential, and growing segment of the homosexual community that neither hides nor condemns pedophilia. Rather they argue that pedophilia is an acceptable aspect of sexuality, especially of homosexuality. Indeed, the San Francisco Sentinel, a Bay Area gay-activist newspaper, published a piece arguing that pedophilia is central to male homosexual life” [Satinover, Jeffrey (1996). Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, p. 63.]
Rather they argue that pedophilia is an acceptable aspect of sexuality, especially of homosexuality. Indeed, the San Francisco Sentinel, a Bay Area gay-activist newspaper, published a piece arguing that** pedophilia is central to male homosexual life”** (7).
Gay advocates correctly state that most child molesters are heterosexual males. But this is a misleading statement. In proportion to their numbers (about 1 out of 36 men), homosexual males are more likely to engage in sex with minors: in fact, they appear to be three times more likely than straight men to engage in adult-child sexual relations (8). And this does not take into account the cases of homosexual child abuse which are unreported. NARTH’s Executive Director Dr. Joseph Nicolosi, for example, says that about one-third of his 400 adult homosexual clients said they had experienced some form of homosexual abuse before the age of consent, but only two of those cases had been reported.
While no more than 2% of male adults are homosexual, some studies indicate that approximately 35% of pedophiles are homosexual (9). Further, since homosexual pedophiles victimize far more children than do heterosexual pedophiles (10), it is estimated that approximately 80% of pedophilic victims are boys who have been molested by adult males (11).
NAMBLA—the North American Man-Boy Love Association—was once the lone voice lobbying for the normalization of pedophilia. NAMBLA representatives marched in gay-pride parades as a fringe element of the gay-rights movement.
Then in 1990, the Journal of Homosexuality produced a special double issue devoted to adult-child sex, which was entitled “Male Intergenerational Intimacy” (1). One article said many pedophiles believe they are “born that way and cannot change” (p. 133). Another writer said a man who counseled troubled teenage boys could achieve “miracles... not by preaching to them, but by sleeping with them.” The loving pedophile can offer a “companionship, security and protection” which neither peers nor parents can provide (p. l62). Parents should look upon the pedophile who loves their son “not as a rival or competitor, not as a thief of their property, but as a partner in the boy’s upbringing, someone to be welcomed into their home...” (p. 164).
A British university professor wrote: “Boys want sex with men, boys seduce adult men, the experience is very common and much enjoyed” (p. 323). A professor of social science at the State University of New York says he looks forward to the day when Americans will “get over their hysteria about child abuse” (p. 325) and child pornography.
In fact, the authors of the Psychological Bulletin article propose what they consider may be a better way of understanding pedophilia: that it may only be “abuse” if the child feels bad about the relationship. They are in effect suggesting a repetition of the steps by which homosexuality was normalized. In its first step toward removing homosexuality from the Diagnostic Manual, the A.P.A. said the condition was normal as long as the person did not feel bad about it.
Few laymen are aware that the American Psychiatric Association recently redefined the criteria for pedophilia. According to the latest diagnostic manual (DSM—IV), a person no longer has a psychological disorder simply because he molests children. To be diagnosed as disordered, now he must also feel anxious about the molestation, or be impaired in his work or social relationships. Thus the A.P.A. has left room for the “psychologically normal” pedophile.
A Pandora Box has been literally opened.
Did you notice every smart meter there was melted? Why is there black goo on every meter? Was it sprayed on the meter to hide tell-tale signs and evidence? It appears that anything with metal is selectively effected......As he said not so much wood..........Microwave energy?
I like David Ike in the sense of possibilities.... to assure the expansion of considerations. Albeit, I know Ike's stuff consists of a "mind field" of possibilities, but IMHO not all of it is worthy of pursuing...... That being said, Ike also has to walk carefully in Britain with his criticism of Israel... Otherwise, he'd end up like Simon Sheppard did. I suppose couching his criticism of the "chosen" in the same breath of Trump disguises it somewhat. All-in-all, Ike is British. They don't understand Americans or our politics.
It's strange that under Trump ISIS funding dried up and they were defeated in a very quick time. They then, seemed to vanish from the news altogether. Biden gets in office and now we are seeing the Obama operation restarted. Isn't it odd when ISIS had Syria on the ropes, ISIS never once threatened or attacked Israel? I always thought that was bizarre. Why?
Remember John McCain getting his photo taken with Al-Baghdadi? Edward Snowden revealed that the British and American intelligence and the Mossad worked together to create the ex-EIIL or Islamic State Iraq and the Levant, according to Iranian news agency Farsnews. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, so-called “Caliph,” the head of ISIL (Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant is, according to sources reputed to originate from Edward Snowden, an actor named Elliot Shimon, a Mossad trained operative.
It's the lobby and if crossed, few survive it. It's strictly Masonic-Zionism from the highest level. When the Fractional Reserve Banking System comes undone, Israel being technically a welfare state and completely depended on FRBS funding (whether its from the Washington DC or the City of London), it will soon after fall. In other words, when the City of London falls, soon after Israel will. Perhaps, this is what's meant by "saving Israel for last".
"Bullshit" hah? What "many" videos? Since Hamas is an Israeli creation, are you sure that these "well armed and uniformed terrorist, many with American weaponry, Body armor, M-16's night vision, matching camo uniforms" weren't Israeli poser? It's a land grab. Everyone knows it.
Israeli Think Tank Publishes Blueprint For Palestinian Genocide
The Palestinians and all the Arab neighboring countries know Israel's plan. Condemning Hamas is rightful, but even they know what Israel's real intentions are. Ishmael Haniyeh, a Hamas movement leader, says that Israel's goal is to move the residents of Gaza to Egypt and the residents of the West Bank to Jordan. By recognizing Israel's ulterior plan, Arab countries like Egypt, Jordan, and Saudia Arabia know by allowing this, only permits Israel's plan to succeed. Naturally, they oppose giving refuge to Palestinians because they believe Palestinians should retain Gaza and the West Bank.
Recently, a Tel Aviv-based think tank published a blueprint for self-proclaimed Jewish state’s final solution. In a white paper released over a week after the Hamas-led surprise attack on Israeli military bases and kibbutzes, The Institute for National Security and Zionist Strategy outlined “a plan for resettlement and final rehabilitation in Egypt of the entire population of Gaza,” based on the “unique and rare opportunity to evacuate the entire Gaza Strip” that Israel’s latest assault on the besieged coastal enclave provided.
Kit Klarenberg popped the lid on the plan days ago with his new exposé on the Israeli thinktank-generated plan to completely cleanse Gaza.
Four days later on October 28, Israeli culture magazine Mekovitpublished leaked a document issued by Israel’s Ministry of Intelligence recommending the occupation of Gaza and total transfer of its 2.3 million inhabitants to Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula. The Israeli plan to ethnically cleanse Gaza was leaked. The document recommends beginning a dedicated campaign that will “motivate” Gazans “to agree to the plan,” and make them give up their land.
“Gazan should be convinced that “Allah made sure that you lost this land because of the leadership of Hamas – there is no choice but to move to another place with the help of Your Muslim brothers,” the document reads”.
Further, the plan states the government must launch a public relations campaign that will promote the transfer program to western states in a way that does not promote hostility to Israel or damage its reputation. The deportation of the population from Gaza must be presented as a necessary humanitarian measure to receive international support. Such a deportation could be justified if it will lead to “fewer casualties among the civilian population compared to the expected number of casualties if they remain,” the document says.
The document also states that the US should be leveraged to pressure Egypt to take in the residents of Gaza, and to encourage other European countries, and in particular Greece, Spain and Canada, to help take in and settle the refugees who will be evacuated from Gaza.
Finally, the document claims that if the population of Gaza remains, there will be “many Arab deaths” during the expected occupation of Gaza by the Israeli army, and this will damage Israel’s international image even more than the deportation of the population. For all these reasons, the recommendation of the Ministry of Intelligence is to promote the transfer of all Palestinians in Gaza to Sinai permanently.
Classified US intelligence warned of possible Hamas attack on Israel
The Mossad, the CIA, and MI6 are all complicit in this Israeli planned Operation. With the constant public leaks that are undermining the operation’s narrative of ‘Hamas attacking innocent Israelis’, how does one publicly cast doubt on that? You lie.
You get ahead of the leak that Egypt provided to avert this operation from being derailed. This is why Michael McCaul, the chair of the US House foreign affairs committee stated this.... His statement acts as a solution to prevent any escalation between Israel and the Egyptian government.
Let's face it. Netanyahu called the Egyptian official a liar.
McCaul said it was not clear at what level the warning was given. This is because the United States knew and were likely supplying Israel with 5-EYE Intel.
Ron Paul provided evidence in Congress that Hamas was created by Israeli Intelligence. Someone asked me wondering if Hamas was still controlled by Israel. My answer to this was identifying ISIS as another Israeli-Mossad organization. ISIS has never threatened or attacked Israel. I always thought that was bizarre. Why? Remember John McCain getting his photo taken with Al-Baghdadi? Edward Snowden revealed that the British and American intelligence and the Mossad worked together to create the ex-EIIL or Islamic State Iraq and the Levant, according to Iranian news agency Farsnews. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, so-called “Caliph,” the head of ISIL (Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant is, according to sources reputed to originate from Edward Snowden, an actor named Elliot Shimon, a Mossad trained operative.
To me, it is pretty obvious that this entire false flag operation was planned by Israel. Some people criticized me for saying this. However as the days passed, evidence is coming out that vindicates my words. This Israeli woman claims that her sources confirmed that Netanyahu issued a deliberate 7 hour ‘stand down’ order to all IDF at the start of ‘Al-Aqsa Flood’. If true, this would confirm the entire thing being a Pearl Harbor and 9/11 style false flag. That’s not to mention the Israeli settler woman who, in a new interview or Here, confirms that it was in fact the IDF/Israeli police who slaughtered most of the “hostages” in the Hamas raid on the music festival. Not only does she state the IDF tank fired into the building killing all the hostages inside, but that police forces killed many of them in the cross fire. Interestingly, it was noted elsewhere the festival was to take place farther away, but was moved to a new location right next to the Gaza border only two days beforehand, which makes it smell of a setup.
The open borders and all the outrageous breeches of Israel's border is a script that could have been written by Hollywood. Did you know that there were IDF tanks already there, with festival goers hiding behind them, which obviously calls into question the narrative that Hamas raided the innocent festival for the sole purpose of massacring civilians.
IMHO, this is an orchestrated FF event. As Igor Lopatonok noted, “that all [of this] sounds like a biggest false flag operation to kill sacred victims and ignite a war”. Hamas can be compared in the same type of contrived production as the Michigan Governor Whitmer FBI operation. This is much bigger and radicalized. Just like ISIS, it is all under the control of Israeli Intelligence. The real fact that the Masonic-Zionists running Israel have no issue with sacrificing Israeli citizens lives as long as they can advance their goal of land grabbing is well documented.
Allan Brownfeld, is editor of the American Council for Judaism’s periodical Issues and contributor to the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, cites the murder of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, who had started to make peace with the Palestinians, writing that it was just one “in a long line of murders of Jews who followed a path different from that ordained by rabbinic authorities.” Brownfeld reports that Shahak and Mezvinsky “cite case after case, from the Middle Ages until the 19th century.” The authors report, “It was usual in some Hasidic circles until the last quarter of the nineteenth century to attack and often to murder Jews who had reform religious tendencies…”
Most of the Israeli citizens are non-practicing Jews and are for peace. This makes them a target for Masonic-Zionist goals.
Israeli military manuals echo extremist teachings: “kill even good civilians” Israeli military manuals sometimes replicate extremist teachings. For example, a booklet authored by a Chief Chaplain stated, “In war, when our forces storm the enemy, they are allowed and even enjoined by the Halakhah to kill even good civilians…” Such teachings by the IDF rabbinate were prominent during Israel’s 2008-9 attack on Gaza that killed 1,400 Gazans, approximately half of them civilians. (The Palestinian resistance killed nine Israelis during this “war.”)
Chicago writer Stephen Lendman has described these teachings, giving a number of examples.
Lendman writes, “In 2007, Israel’s former chief rabbi, Mordechai Elyahu, called for the Israeli army to mass-murder Palestinians: “If they don’t stop after we kill 100, then we must kill 1000. And if they don’t stop after 1000, then we must kill 10,000. If they still don’t stop we must kill 100,000. Even a million.”
Then there is this. The author of the following quote, Juan Cole, in an article for Informed Comment:
*"But for the more aggressive in the extremists’ ranks, of whom there is no shortage, the belief is that the Palestinians will be “vomited out” of the land. Indeed, for the most zealous, it is a mitzva, or good deed, to kill such people. The notion of attaining genuine peace with the Palestinians, a peace that would entail ceding land they believe God gave to the Jews in his covenant with the Jewish people, is not just scorned, it is seen as sacrilegious.
The extremists’ attitudes towards fellow Jewish citizens of Israel who are secular-minded and peace-oriented are no less loathsome. Many of them hold that efforts by any Israeli government to force Jews to withdraw from West Bank settlements are to be combated, including, if need be, by civil war. The increasing frequency of “price tag” operations, violent acts targeting Jewish Israeli citizens and Israeli military personnel perceived as blocking the extremists’ path, serves as a stark reminder of this threat."*
Not necessarily...... The degrees are meaningless..... I'm humbly long time retired and I learn each and every day. The good Lord shows me these things.
Those so-called charities all seem to be the same way. 99% staffing and 1% for the cause.
What's you husband doing for his cancer? Is he using Ivermectin or Fenbendazole?
I can't tell you how many times in the last 2-years or so I've posted on this. It's like playing 'Wac-A-Mole'. If you like, you can cut and paste the information I posted on that other link. u/FractalizingIron is actually the researcher that has done more in exposing this fake news network of Baxter and Dimitrys.
This is republished from the "The People's Voice". u/FractalizingIron has posted the following:
"A Baxter Dimitry used to write for Your News Wire, which apparently rebranded itself as NewsPunch. Michael Baxter, along with his mate Dimitry something or other, have been doing fake and clickbait news for a few years at least.
Maybe Baxter Dimitry has no connection or relation to Michael Baxter, but they certainly seem to trade in the same sort of news."
"The People's Voice" aka "NewsPunch" aka "YourNewsWire", aka "RealRawNews" established and run by a super-gay couple is clickbait and disinformation at best, and at worse, (more likely) deliberately designed to poison the information Sphere, generate a foundation for 'debunking' legitimate concerns and a core manipulation of actual truth seekers, but getting them to engage via emotional reaction and decrease ability to apply critical thinking and discernment muscles.
Using "Newspunch" as an example, let's see how Wikipedia adds to the network of deception.:"
When you read what Wikipedia says about 'NewsPunch', I noticed their clever deception by grandstanding as the 'authority' while 'calling out' NewsPunch as a "fake news website". While doing this, Wikipedia uses this opportunity to falsely 'connect' (link) well-accepted evil acts to NewsPunch, thereby discrediting it as a whole. You can see this by their following written examples listed under "Fake News Stories": • Stories pushing the debunked Pizzagate conspiracy theory.[18][19] NewsPunch was one of the first sites to propagate the conspiracy theory, publishing a falsified story that was later used as a basis for Pizzagate's viral spread among the alt-right.[20] • Claims that the 2017 Las Vegas shootings and Manchester Arena bombings were false flags.[21][22] • Anti-vaccination hoaxes alleging that Bill Gates refused to vaccinate his children[23] and "admitted that vaccinations are designed so that governments can depopulate the world".[24] • Claims that Hillary Clinton's popular vote victory in the 2016 United States Presidential election was the result of voter fraud.[25] • Allegations that Clinton was responsible for Anthony Bourdain's suicide,[26][27] invoking the conspiracy theory that the Clintons had murdered people.[27] • False claims that Justin Trudeau was the love child of Fidel Castro.[11] • False claims about the World Economic Forum[28][29][30]
Do you see how this works? It's a case of poisoning the town's water supply by first discrediting NewsPunch, to which is a PsyOp front for disinformation as part of the war on information, and then connecting it to revealed evil-doings of the elites. Truth is now contaminated with the fake news. This is a pretty sophisticated operation. We know there is an entire company based in Tel Aviv employing dozens of individuals whose only job is to assure the content of Wikipedia reflects the interests of Israel. I'm sure MI6 in London has a similar operation as well. Wikipedia is undoubtedly used as part of PsyOp of information warfare. Fake news websites like 'The People's Voice', aka 'NewsPunch', aka 'YourNewsWire', and others are intricately woven into this elaborate PsyOp.
You calling them out and making it known is important for maintaining our credibility as a social platform. Failing to vet the source leads us into peril and the spread of discrediting (poison) throughout the community.
One last thing.... I try to refrain from using the word 'conspiracy' because so many people now associate it with 'conspiracy theory'. Did you know there is no adequate synonym for the word, 'conspiracy'? The best I could come up with was 'plot'. The word 'conspiracy' has been completely destroyed for it's original meaning. This is similar to the word, 'gay', which has lost its original meaning. There is a war on words.... The intent is to confuse, confound and indoctrinate into a new way of thinking. In marketing 're-branding' products works this way.
We just did de-worming protocol using wormwood a little while ago. I'm not sure if the wormwood did it, but I had a weird and concerning issue with my ankles swelling up a bit before going to bed. In the morning back to normal. Even the socks I'd wear were leaving indentation marks. It was WTH concerning. After cutting the dairy and cheese intake, going more gluten-free and less grain, Plus the de-worming, Plus the gall-bladder and liver detox, the ankles are now back to normal. No more problems with the socks either. It's quite amazing because I believe the sock indent issue was a several year phenomena. I'm not exactly sure what was causing it, but I'm suspecting a gall bladder issue.
Doing de-worming is a periodic protocol. So, is fasting. The problem IMHO is doing it too frequent and continuously can lead to other problems. The optimal balance of the body needs to be maintained and should be a concern of permanently altering it. Read my comment describing this at:
Also, there's a lot of Big Pharma paid misinformation on the Internet. Just look for Ivermectin curing cancer for an example. Regarding blood not having a changing PH is not necessarily directly related to this topic. Simply by looking up the definition of Acidosis to know. Cancer can only form in a body having acidosis. Yet, the corrupt medical field tries to put the cart before the horse. In other words. "cancer causes acidosis". See how it works? Their 75 years of pathetic cancer research hasn't moved at all away from the starting blocks.
Acidosis -- a condition in which the body’s fluids are more acidic than normal: acidosis may be either respiratory, when the lungs fail to adequately expire carbon dioxide, or metabolic, when the kidneys fail to maintain a normal balance of acid and base.
It's a good question regarding the poles... The poles are purported as weakening and accelerating in its travel. This of course, is another example of toroidal geometry and relates to the Fibonacci sequence. The dynamics of it is complicated... If you consider it magnetically with the flux lines entering and existing at the poles, it is believed that it charges the Earth like a battery of sorts or even like a giant capacitor that charges and discharges. The energy coming from the solar winds seem to charge the Earth. We see this energy in the form of aurora borealis. This energy from the solar winds is said to charge the Earth causing its core heat up its molten mantle. Volcanism is one of the results we see from this. With the weakening of the Earth's magnetic field, it causes a weakening in the magnetosphere. This is the so-called Van Allen Radiation Belt, in which is purported to protect us from deadly solar radiation.
There's different theories on what will happen if the poles flip, but no one knows for sure. The Earth is said to rotate at an angle of 23.5 degrees. Will a magnetic flip of the poles cause the Earth's physical angle to change? I have no idea. Believe it or not, I've given considerable thought to this. I can't even figure out the reason for our seasons (summer, winter, etc.) in term of the Earth's angle and revolution around the sun. It makes no sense to me. If I don't understand the mechanism causing the seasons, then how can I understand a polar shift?
ACV? You got me on that one. Apple Cider Vinegar? You must be familiar with the Rife frequencies too.
The following might be a little 'involved'. Before, I get into it, there is a well known relationship between frequency and voltage. But our mathematical thinking on this views it in a 2-dimensional perspective, which serves most of our existing electrical needs. I can assure you it is not the entire picture though. In fact, it is just a snap shot of a much larger dimensional picture. Let's look at the 2D interpretation that you and just posted. I was talking about PH values as it corresponds to Voltage. You added that frequency "seems all related..." It most certainly does.
The measurement of frequency is visualize on paper (2D) as an oscillating line traveling back and forth with an amplitude and the number of cycles per time (in Seconds) out into space; frequency. Despite, this being true the propagation actually travels in a vortex pattern and can be described by the Fibonacci Spiral and this relates to the Golden Ratio. Before, I go any further, the Fibonacci sequence and the Golden ratio is something I posted and explained earlier and it being part of God's Eternal Law and Divine Order. Since I can't locate the post, I'll provide the pertinent part below. First, here is an article on how music is based on all of this.
How are musical frequencies related to the Fibonacci ratio? and Here. Musical frequencies are based on Fibonacci ratios. Frequency can be described by the Fibonacci Sequence and the Golden ratio.
“If you knew the magnificence of the three, six and nine, you would have a key to the universe.” – Nikola Tesla
Nobody listened to him.
Tesla even calculated nodal points around the planet linked to the numbers three, six and nine!
Scientist Marko Rodin believes these numbers represent a vector from the third to fourth dimension which he calls a “flux field.” This field is supposed to be a higher dimensional energy that influences the energy circuit of the other six points. I will return to this later, but first I will address our physical realm, in which we live in. The physical 'world' is dictated by the Eternal Law, which consists of the physical matter, in which we perceive through our five senses. All the matter in the universe in our physical realm follow the same exact pattern of a spiral shape. This is from a two dimensional perspective as a spiral drawn on a piece of paper. In reality, the spiral is in the 3-D aspect a vortex geometry, but the vortex is actually a portion of an overall toroidal geometry that we almost always tend to miss. Think of a tornado for instance as a vortex. This is the visible part. We are not seeing the entire toroidal pattern.
In Nature, we can interpret geometry in different ways. It's easiest to view it from a 2-D perspective as with a spiral, but in a 3-D perspective it becomes vortex geometry or toroidal geometry. The growth of all living creatures follows this spiral/vortex geometry. In explaining it, I found this guy did pretty well. To some up what all life experiences during its life cycle is: Spark, Divide, and Turn. There’s what I call a ‘Spark’ that determines, a cell to Divide. As it continues to Divide, it Turns in a spiral geometry. In a moment I will explain the 'growth sequence' all living creatures follow from inception to maturity. The 'Fibonacci sequence' or 'Fibonacci spiral' describes this amazing growth, but first let me clarify:
We didn’t simply create math, we discovered it. We discovered that the Natural Order set forth repeats itself flawlessly again and again. An example of this is that the growth of life follows a 'Binary System of the Power of 2n. This means the pattern of Life starts from the number one and continues by doubling the numbers (ex.: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256…, 2n, where 'n' is 0,1,2,3,4,....). This is observed in the growth of cells from inception to its adult form in all living creatures. This binary system dictates the division of cells in a human from conception of a fertilized egg to infant to adulthood.
As part of the Eternal Law, this Binary system of 'growth' follows the golden ratio, or the Divine Proportion (proportio divina) of:
Phi (Φ = 1.618033988749894848204586834365638117720309179805762862135…).
This is the ratio (proportion) of minor to major and this to the whole. What this means is that the major is 1.618 times larger than the minor, and again that the whole is 1.618 times larger than the major. A 2-D spiral has this exact proportion. Now, expand your mind to think of a vortex as part of the overall toroidal geometry. One can see this proportion in every living creature, including the proportions of the human body. The closer to the Divine Proportion, the more pleasing our perception is. An example of this is the major proportion from naval to the bottom of the feet and the minor being the top of the head to the naval. Facial features also follows the same rules. If our bodies tend to follow the golden ratio of proportion, how do we view our bodies as part of a vortex geometry? and as a part of the greater toroidal geometry.
Earlier I mentioned that all living creatures follow the Fibonacci spiral of growth. The Fibonacci sequence is as follows:
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, . . . where the next number is the sum of the last two numbers. 0+1=1, 1+1=2, 1+2=3, 2+3=5, etc.
How does the Fibonacci sequence relate to the Golden ratio of Phi Φ = 1.6180339…? The more the spiral trains to the center of the spiral, the closer the Fibonacci number becomes to the Golden Ratio.
For example: 2/1 = 2, 3/2 = 1.5, 5/3 = 1.67, 8/5 = 1.6, 13/8 = 1.625, 21/13 = 1.6154, 34/21 = 1.691, 55/34 = 1.6176, 89/55 = 1.6182, 144/89 = 1.680, 233/144 = 1.6181
As the Fibonacci sequence increases it approaches the Golden ratio.
All living creatures follow this number sequence as it grows. A time delayed video of a plant growing from seed will show it grows in an upward vortex spiraling upward as it grows. Have you ever noticed on tree the vertical growth lines in the bark is actually spiral in shape. What is the energy that draws a plant upward?
Earlier, I mentioned that growth of life follows a Binary System of the Power of 2n. This means the pattern of Life starts from the number one and continues by doubling the numbers (ex.: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256…, Σ2n, where 'n' is 0,1,2,3,4,....). If you take these numbers, they will always represent a repeating pattern of 1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 1, and 2. Let’s take the doubling of numbers above to show this pattern:
1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256…, Σ2n, where 'n' is 0,1,2,3,4,.…
Let’s start from 1, doubled it is 2; 2 doubled is 4; 4 doubled is 8; 8 doubled is 16 which means 1 + 6 and that equals to 7; 16 doubled is 32 resulting in 3 + 2 equals 5 (you can do 7 doubled if you want to which you would get 14 resulting in 5); 32 doubled is 64 (5 doubled is 10) resulting in total of 1; If we continue we will keep following the same pattern: 1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5, 1, and 2…
Notice 3, 6, and 9 is not part of this sequence. They are beyond this pattern.
However, there is something strange once you start doubling them. 3 + 3 is 6; 6 doubled equals 12 which would be 1 + 2 resulting in 3 ; in this pattern there is no mention of 9! It’s like 9 is beyond, completely free from both patterns.
But if you start doubling 9 it will always result in 9: 18, 36, 72, 144, 288, 576… 9 + 9 = 18; 1 + 8 = 9, ...... 18 + 18 = 36; 3 + 6 = 9, ...... 36 + 36 = 72; 7 + 2 = 9, ..... etc.
We find lots of evidence that nature uses threefold and sixfold symmetry, including the hexagonal tile shape of sunflower seeds and the common honeycomb.
Now think of the magnetic fields of Earth. There is a north and south pole. Because of the Earth’s magnetism, there is a stream (flux lines) extending between the two poles. One side is 1, 2, and 4; on the other side is 8, 7 and 5; Everything in the universe is like this and the motion swings like a pendulum going from 1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5, 1, 2…. the movement is similar to the symbol for infinity - ∞.
However, these 2 sides (1, 2, 4, and 8, 7, 5) are governed by 3 and 6. The number 3 governs 1, 2, and 4 while the number 6 governs 8, 7, and 5. If you look at the pattern closely it gets even more mindboggling:
1 and 2 = 3, 2 and 4 = 6; 4 and 8 = 3, 8 and 7 = 6; 7 and 5 = 3, 5 and 1 = 6; 1 and 2 = 3…
The same pattern on a higher scale is actually 3, 6, 3, 6, 3, 6…
But even these two sides, 3 and 6 are governed by 9 which shows something spectacular.
Looking closely at the pattern of 3 and 6 you realize that 3 and 6 equals 9, 6 and 3 equals 9, all the numbers together equal 9, both ways excluding and including 3 and 6!
So 9 means unity of the both sides. 9 is The Universe itself!
The vibration, the energy, and the frequency.
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”― Nikola Tesla
95% of Israelis are Ashkenazi and have no genetic relationship to the Levant, but rather the steppes of the Black Sea and Caspian Sea. I'll provided more information on this in a momment, but first a little more information on the genetics if Sephardim Jews.
As an addition to what I posted, I think the following is important to add to which I ended it by showing the genetic relationship of Palestinians to Jews. Albeit, the study is indeed noteworthy, there is even more definitive information. The study above by Michael Hammer et al., had identified a genetic connection between Arabs (especially Syrians and Palestinians) and Jews, but had not tested Kurds, so it was less complete. More on this a little later.
A study by Ariella Oppenheim and her colleagues, published in Human Genetics in December 2000, showed that about 70 percent of Jewish paternal ancestries and about 82 percent of Palestinian Arabs share the same chromosomal pool. The geneticists asserted that this might support the claim that Palestinian Arabs descend in part from Judeans [Latin, Iudaea'] who converted to Islam. As a side note, recall that the Israelites were carried off into captivity and the vacated lands were repopulated by the dictates of the Assyrians and foreigners were settled there. Later, the same was carried out by the Babylonians. Also, note that the Edomites were allies of king Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon and they were rewarded by inheriting the lands of Judah as part of the spoils of war.
With their closer relationship to Jews, the Palestinian Arabs are distinctive from other Arab groups, such as Syrians, Lebanese, Saudis, and Iraqis, who have less of a connection to Jews.
In 2001, a team of Israeli, German, and Indian scientists discovered that the majority of Jews around the world are closely related to the Kurdish people – more closely than they are to the Semitic-speaking Arabs or any other population that was tested.
Ashkenazic Jews have ancestors who lived in central and eastern Europe, while Sephardic Jews have ancestors from southwestern Europe, northern Africa, and the Middle East. The Kurdish Jews and Sephardic Jews were found to be very close to each other. Both of these Jewish populations differed somewhat from Ashkenazic Jews, who mixed with European peoples during their diaspora.
From Kevin Alan Brook’s, “The Genetic Bonds Between Kurds and Jews”, he quotes an article in the November 2001 issue of The American Journal of Human Genetics, Ariella Oppenheim of the Hebrew University of Israel wrote that this new study revealed that Jews have a closer genetic relationship to populations in the northern Mediterranean (Kurds, Anatolian Turks, and Armenians) than to populations in the southern Mediterranean (Arabs and Bedouins). These people have a predominant craniometrical characteristic of being brachycephalic.
The researchers suggested that the approximately 12.7 percent of Ashkenazic Jews who have the Eu 19 chromosomes – which are found among between 54 and 60 percent of Eastern European Christians – descend paternally from eastern Europeans (such as Slavs) or Khazars. Kevin Allan Brook is a Historian, Specialist on the Khazars, and Contributor to The Encyclopaedia of Judaism, Second Edition (Brill, 2005). His article was published at the “Jewish Coalition For Kurdistan”