This is photoshopped. I have a copy of the original.
It went from the Trump Train to the Trump Troll
We'll they have had plenty of time to program the machines to say whatever they want the audit ti say. Remember when Killery smashed all her devices with hammers? This is how they get away with shit.
I'm pretty sure there are 4, one for each president and VP, one the pentagon has and another incase something damaged any of the others. I could be wrong! I just reading this back when Trump didn't give Biden the football on inauguration day.
So missing kids are no big deal? Shame on all of you who just ignore the amber alerts!
All this treason and complicity to treason! Everyone there is a traitor! It's up to we the fucking people to wake up and show the whole world how to take back their country!
Oops, obit and execution days mixed up! Nothing to see here!
This is clearly a different angle
Sleep on a MyPillow and be redpilled when you wake up! Hello George.
Do you judge Biden by the years he worked in the government? I bet you do.
This wouldn't be a big deal to me about Cruz if the "Uniparty" didn't show itself. All I see is one politician doing something conveniently when another politician is under fire for criminal actions. Remember that the deep state protects itself.
Just make sure you don't rise up as one people utilizing your god given 2nd amendment right to defend yourself from tyranny! The longer you wait wait for someone else to save you, shows those who think they have the power that they can do whatever they want. Imagine George Washington telling his people to go home and just have a discussion about the problems they had, we would still be under British control! The great awakening was supposed to wake up that sleeping giant the world itself fears and has caused those in the swamp to barricade themselves in DC cause they know they can't stop us all! WAKE UP OR FOREVER STAY ASLEEP AND WATCH YOUR WAY OF LIFE BE DESTROYED!
How do you weaken the military? By disclosing its tactics. This is what Trump never did!
Either the military steps in to correct the corruption, or we the people need to remember why we have the 2nd amendment. Hint: it's not for hunting unless you consider it hunting commies.
I'm no expert, but using a morris code chart and going off what they call dots and dashes in the photo, I got Q and a separation followed by HCA. Could these letters represent Hilary Clinton Arrested?
There are 2 types of people in this world:
- Those who live to be FREE, and...
- Those who wish to live as slaves. -Me
Because Japans weather satellite called Himawari-8 isn't really in space providing real time images every 10 minutes. Sorry to burst your bubble but space is very real. Also, NASA has nothing to do with this satellite. Explain why this satellite is used to forecast weather by Japan and not NASA and why it would be done from space.
We are told that these trafficking rings are more profitable than drug trafficking, yet when we see the ones getting arrested its all poor homeless trash that look like they don't have a dime to their name. I wanna see the ones who are actually funding this shit get arrested!
Well i read throu what people have said about the code in this. And i get Q HCA. Hilary Clinton Arrested? Lets hope!
I remember a Q post with a picture of a watch that had the date on it read 19th and the time on the watch was 4:50, pm i presume. Perhaps today was the reference to that watch pic?
Looks like a typical politician asking for donations to buy botes from dominion. What a joke! We've been played!