Shawn Ryan show
Maybe they ment MS13? I dunno just a guess lol
Same as you honestly!
This is dumb. Voting isn't working. They are only getting better at stealing the elections.
That's old I believe she has 13,000 vote lead now which is insane giving how lake was catching up so much earlier its like she jumped out 10,000 votes all of sudden
So true ahahaha
Don't worry Alex Is a shill and his handlers will take care of em.
I believe this is almost 2 years old but still interesting
Lol let's not discuss him please I try and forget that embarrassing chapter in my Fandom.
Hey now imma huge 49ers fan lol!!! Before all this came out I couldn't stand A-A-Ron but now I have alot of respect for the guy. He is highly intelligent and he isnt afraid to speak up. Over the last year he has become one of my favorite players in the league.
Fucker Carlson
Ya I dont hope for any mass deaths. I have based friends and family that got the jab early on because trump was singing its praise.
It feels good man! Where we go one We go All never ment more than it does now
This guy does great research
Didn't this cult self castrate themselves?
Ya I agree and he says "our government" isn't he a citizen of Australia?
This made me LOL I miss playing D&D
That was spot on lol
Thanks for information fellow pede ill look for this its kind of getting old not having my sense of smell and in my line of work its actually very helpful to have a sense of smell
I'm not sure
I'll have to check this out
I've literally have had the flu multiple times in my life this was different bud. I've never lost my sense of smell for a month after having the flu and everytime I've ever had the flu I only break the fever once not 7 times in 5 days.
I tested positive a month ago it was like I had the flu for 4 to 5 days. Fever would break and come back 4 or 5 hours later bad cold sweats at night and body aches. It still feels like I have water in my nose and I still have no sense of smell a month later but other than that I feel fine. It was definitely unlike any other flu or cold I have ever had it was really strange. I didn't get in respiratory issues or breathing problems. I took vitamin c, vitamin d, and zinc for 10 days right when I tested positive.
What a beautiful messenger 😌.