The3rdKey 1 point ago +1 / -0

I watched some clips of these "ladies" and it's very clear why they don't fight men. I think Rousey could take them.

The3rdKey 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'd love to see one these clowns fight Ronda Rousey. She's not a boxer, but I bet that she'd kick their ass.

The3rdKey 9 points ago +9 / -0

I suspect that they already have a buyer for these birds. They know it's over, they're just squeezing every penny into their pockets while they can.

The3rdKey 3 points ago +3 / -0

Every single competitor would drop out if this were to happen. ;)

The3rdKey 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm not offended fren, and I'm not sitting on my hands. I'm using the voice that God gave me to spread the truth just like you. Even greater is the power of my prayers as there is no more powerful weapon available to me. Our true enemy is a spiritual one so all of my other weapons are useless unless someone can turn me on to some supernatural shotgun shells that can take out demons.

Think back to how outlandish this whole Q plan sounded 7 years ago. Today, we're watching that same plan unfold before our eyes just like the Q posts said. The fog of war is real, but we can see through it. It is true that we do have to resist the evil one, but the outcome is certain as long as we do.

Oh yea, I'm no holy roller my fren. All of the happenings that we've witnessed together is what brought me back to God shortly after I started following Q. Once I came back home, I started seeing God everywhere. I won't dare pretend to be righteous, I'm just one of the billions of sinners that Jesus redeemed on the cross.

If you are feeling a tug on your heart to take a specific action, then I encourage you to ask the holy spirit to confirm, and if He does, go for it bigly. God is raising up warriors everywhere and my calling is to pray. He may want you to run for office or some other direct action. What ever it is, I pray that you discover it.

The3rdKey 7 points ago +7 / -0

This is why Q said that it will biblical. God is fighting this war fren. NO human could slay this beast that is against us. We know that they will cheat. They did in 2016 and failed. However, don't freak out even if they do manage to cheat enough to "win" in 2024. It will be short lived. No one will believe it and the military will be able to move in without the people freaking out.

You stood strong through everything so far fren. Don't stress yourself out now.

Also, I don't know if you are a Christian or not, but if you ask Jesus, he will give you peace and rest.

The3rdKey 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is old, and I believe it was originally intended to discredit the Q movement by associating the movement with David Wilcock and his '20 years and back' buddy. (I don't remember his buddy's name)

Back in the day, David and his buddy were royalty within the UFO community.
Now, even those within the UFO community are highly suspicious of these guys.

The3rdKey 2 points ago +2 / -0


The3rdKey 2 points ago +2 / -0

Never go full retard ;)

The3rdKey 3 points ago +3 / -0

They have to see it.....

The3rdKey 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is fine for younger frogs that have money to speculate with. Us older frogs are trying to save everything that we have in a secure form because our working years are coming to a close and the system that we paid into to help support us in old age has been stolen.

The3rdKey 1 point ago +1 / -0

Anyone have a link for those of us that don't use instagram?

The3rdKey 2 points ago +2 / -0

We cannot allow this. We know our government and what they will do to the world if they have a military that can't say no.

The3rdKey 10 points ago +10 / -0

Taking down a beast like this corrupt international slave system is complicated business. I'm gonna trust that God will lead us through the storm.

The3rdKey 5 points ago +5 / -0

I had never heard JD before his speech at the RNC. He's a super likable guy. I'm pleased.

The3rdKey 3 points ago +3 / -0

If they ever make a movie of this, I nominate Rosie O'Donnell to play this lady just for the irony of it.

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