The3rdKey 9 points ago +9 / -0

If you had omitted the word black from your post, I'd agree 100%. I've got 3 white adult children that still can't see through their own programming. Also keep in mind that we frogs are still being deprogrammed every time another lie that we didn't know about is revealed.

The3rdKey 18 points ago +19 / -1

It's just my opinion, but It's amazing how how much more beautiful conservative women are than their leftist counterparts.

The3rdKey 10 points ago +10 / -0

I can't explain what's going on, but it seems like this ride has accelerated significantly.

The3rdKey 7 points ago +7 / -0

I think it should be outlawed for these corporations to have residential properties in their portfolios. If for no other reason than to prevent them from controlling rental rates. It's become a big enough deal that some states have already taken action.

The3rdKey 5 points ago +5 / -0

Additionally, when everything is exposed, Joe will no longer have been President in theory. Fraud vitiates everything. Ultimately, Joe & his buddies have committed treason at a minimum. We all know what the penalty for treason is. Isn't it interesting that the J6 committee members came out saying that they'd all be in jail if Trump wins. It looks to me like it's close to the time when the credits roll.

The3rdKey 1 point ago +1 / -0

I hope Brandon wins. Assuming he does, I'm looking forward to him laying down the facts about guns and gun laws. Go ahead, call it an assault rifle just one more time you dumbass.

The3rdKey 0 points ago +3 / -3

You're breaking my heart sailor. I hope that you're wrong.

Oh yea.... Thank you for your service.

The3rdKey 3 points ago +5 / -2

The US Marine Corp is an amazing machine. You put a perfectly good human being in and what comes out is a crayon chewing monster that will kick your ass simply because they're bored. I'd highly suggest that you don't screw around with them after the Marine Corp is done with them.

The3rdKey 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sorry frens, McCaul represents my district. He's a scumbag. I have no idea how he keeps getting elected. Everyone I know hates him.

The3rdKey 1 point ago +1 / -0

You just won the internet fren ;) Thanks for the laugh.

The3rdKey 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've always thought it was strange that I spent so much money on wars when I don't have any enemies.

The3rdKey 6 points ago +6 / -0

Trump is not your problem Hillary. The Angel of death was sent to you by God himself. He's already standing next to you and orchestrating your demise. There's nothing that can stop it and you truly deserve it.

The3rdKey 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm seeing something different, but weird as well.... All of the posts that I upvoted no longer show as having been upvoted. Very weird.

The3rdKey 1 point ago +1 / -0

Since nothing can come between DJT and the secret service, they would have to take over the prison and move inmates elsewhere. It's more likely that he'd be under house arrest at the southern White house. That still accomplishes their goal of preventing his Rallies and smearing his name further. It won't work of course, but it seems like that's the worst, and most likely outcome since he can't get a fair trial. But, that's just my opinion.

The3rdKey 7 points ago +8 / -1

No no no. I didn't intend to bust your chops in any way my fren. I got mesmerized by a bunch of YouTube shorts this morning where I saw clip after clip of like minded people, but the foundation of their opinion is based on some YouTube personality claiming to have "intelligence" from an unnamed source. I didn't even realize I was lashing out. Sorry fren.

by G-Anon
The3rdKey 7 points ago +7 / -0

RFK is pro gun control and 100% in on the climate change BS my fren.

The3rdKey 20 points ago +23 / -3

I'm not going to watch this. I bet that you and I could sit down and talk about what we expect and we'd be right as often as them. Anyone that claims to have actual intel is lying fren.

The3rdKey 1 point ago +1 / -0

Your username is CandianPedeMan1571 so you appear to put your US citizenship second to your Canadian citizenship. That makes my point for me. Denounce your Canadian citizenship and you can buy all of the US land that you want fren. It's your birthright.

The3rdKey 4 points ago +4 / -0

Indeed you are different fren. I trust you a hell of a lot more than any of these assholes and we've never even met. ;)

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