TheDollarGeneral 4 points ago +5 / -1

As your name suggests. Seek ye first the kingdom and the rest shall be added unto you. (Food raiment etc) amen. A peace that passeth understanding.

TheDollarGeneral 2 points ago +2 / -0

Exactly the same experience here, this fella gets so far out onto the weeds it's something to behold.

TheDollarGeneral 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just looked, all counts are the same. So must've just been screen shotted, or spookily frozen lol

TheDollarGeneral 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've been hoping AI will somehow drain the swamp so to speak as well, in the people's mind. As the timing is better now, than when the initial DC plug pull time. Maybe thats gonna be a Musk branding of dealing with the mind virus as he puts it. By reducing these issues back down to the more statistical unskewed perspective. When presented, stripped bare of its dressings. AI answers that have been mega based are so funny, the woke short circuitry.

TheDollarGeneral 6 points ago +6 / -0

We won't and aren't losing, so if it that was their (the losing faction) intent, it's cute. The same Xi cooperating with ridding of so much of the CCP types in recent years, and is supposed to be coordinating with Putin and Trump to rid of DS. Ruse on ruse on ruse, regardless, go down with the ship if you must, but never live as a slave.

TheDollarGeneral 2 points ago +2 / -0

All of believing carnal Israel shall be saved that is what it's saying. If they wanna graft back into His blessings as a nation and people they can is what its saying. That didnt happen by them turning to Him in 1948. If He wants to cut us off as a people to be blessed generationally like them, separate from spiritual salvation He can. That's what that passage is saying. Those that take the spiritual salvation as our generations forget it will then be Israel. The torched passed as generations snuff their own flame.

I've got nothing against homage to the twelve tribes nor to see the fellas from then saved by the same grace through faith, undeserving as I. I'm excited.

TheDollarGeneral 5 points ago +5 / -0

The zionists set up this fake Israel knowing everyone would hop on board for this very perspective. Satan knows the end time text too and is playing accordingly. Biblically, God brought the Jews back into their land when they turned back to Him. That always happens, didn't happen in 1948, someone else is up to modern Israel and it isn't God. We, those of faith, are those that the promise was made to, spiritual Israel, as per Galatians clarifying. Those these Jews are robbing, Americans and believers by large.

TheDollarGeneral 4 points ago +4 / -0

Lots of good info in here. At risk of oversimplifying a complex issue:

Fasting for roughly 72 hours will enter the body into a deep state of autophagy, self consumption. The strong cells consume the weaker cells in this state, mutated cells are weaker cells much like supposed "covid variants", cancers are those weaker cells. The cancer is now in a starved and exposed state, the stronger cells will consume those weaker cells that consume all the sugars you consume before you use them, even cleaning up some necrosis and things of that nature. Very good self maintenance.

You are playing chicken - starving out between a small mutated cell and an entire human body with fuel reserves designed for the long haul. You've got all your fat reserves and muscle tissue if you go too long, those bastards just have short term sugar access. This requires nothing but strong will for the first 24 hours. It's easy after that. Tip for it being made easy, if you just don't eat past supper. Say 6pm, no snacks that night, by 6am you are already 12 hours in and possibly still sleeping. 18 by noon, and you should be into a decent ketosis (fat reserve) and not have an appetite. It's easy from there, the cell autophagy if I recall, really kicks in around 36 hours in and by 72 hours deeper and more proficient clean up occurs.

Dr Berg is a great resource, unfortunately he is a scientology goon lol, yuge discredit. But his accessibility to simply compiled research is unmatched. He has several break downs of the difference phases the body goes through during these deeper fasted maintenance states.

Bless you and yours in Jesus's name.

TheDollarGeneral 6 points ago +6 / -0

Romans 5 teaches, it's by our tribulations, and experience of them being endured that we even have hope. Amen.

Romans 5:3–5 3 And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; 4 And patience, experience; and experience, hope: 5 And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.

Learned this the hard way with a long battle with cancer and scumbag doctors working for the devil. Not my preference of design as a participant, glory to Him though for the treasures therein beyond my ignorant limited perception of this process.

TheDollarGeneral 8 points ago +8 / -0

By the grace of God, and the fact we are only here in the first place at all because He wants us here. Regardless of the cullers. Resist and He will help make up the difference, if He doesn't, then the reaping hours come and welcome home it is then.

TheDollarGeneral 8 points ago +9 / -1

Same lol just writhing around on the ground. What a joke. The girl in the red pulling her knocked back friend back into the brawl, too rich. It's a poorly done TMNT scene.

TheDollarGeneral 3 points ago +3 / -0

I really don't understand why you are being so belligerent, over what you'd expect as a question. Shameful.

TheDollarGeneral 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not even the person that had to ask 3 times to still get a non-answer. So you didn't give me any credit. Silly response. Get it together bud.

TheDollarGeneral 4 points ago +5 / -1

I disagree too, fundamentally. Don't care for the riposte and touche attempts either. We just don't believe it man.

TheDollarGeneral 8 points ago +8 / -0

Been stewin on that myself today, maybe a step down from the Trump Card, but finally we have enough of a 'sleeper' so to speak to actually get them placed in a position?

TheDollarGeneral 6 points ago +6 / -0

That'll be the cleanest, fastest sweep of all time.

TheDollarGeneral 8 points ago +8 / -0

No, Damonimani like it's watermarked in the top left, does clips of him like this all the time. Not sure why WallStreetApes would post it framed as such.

Example from his Rumble -


TheDollarGeneral 8 points ago +8 / -0

Oh yeah, I can't fathom how all of these cretins leftists can support people that blatantly have no regard for what's good for the country. But then again, that's why they are leftists. So unbelievably gay.

TheDollarGeneral 9 points ago +9 / -0

It's a non issue. Everyone knows what and where people are speaking about regardless of very minor text issues. But yes, it is a reason for misspelling, it's a foreign language lol if ever there was a reasonable cause to ignore....this is it.

TheDollarGeneral 2 points ago +2 / -0

I got a dose of that myself this week, was given a 6 month trial of Door Dash don't know why. Ordered a meal with my wife, and it popped up saying I could add on items from Walgreens listed 3 items, soda, soda, vibrator lol I was like whoa wtf?! Needless to say I snagged it, a deals a deal. (Joking)

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