TheMemeSpiceMustFlow 3 points ago +3 / -0

The public isn't ready for free speech and the public won't be ready for free speech until pastors speak out. Churches and pastors used to be the conscience of America, but they've cucked out and the media has become the conscience for average Americans. Pastors should be talking about how censorship is a crime against human on the same level as slavery, abortion, the Holocaust, etc. Until that happens free speech is a freedom that Americans have given away.

TheMemeSpiceMustFlow 4 points ago +12 / -8

Trump is a bragged and a bit of a narcissist. In this case I think it's not good, but I also think it is what made him such a great at dealing with the media. The media tried to bully him into capitulating but his ego wouldn't let him.

Trump is deserving of criticism, but you have to take the good with the bad. Trump isn't perfect, but he is the man for the job.

TheMemeSpiceMustFlow 1 point ago +1 / -0

What's not to understand? Lots of churches flaunting it and the IRS doesn't go after them because they know its not constitutional and would very very likely be overturned.

My point is that if churches would stop being cowards they could get the Johnson Amendment overturned. Then they could keep their tax exempt status and speak about political issues freely.

I agree with you that pastors shouldn't censor themselves because of tax exempt status, however from the pastors I've talked with they don't mention tax exempt status. They say they don't talk about politics because they think it's unbiblical. They cite 1 Peter 2 about being exiles in a foreign land, or 1 cor 5 about not judging those outside the church. I was visiting a friend's church a few weeks ago and the pastor preached from 1 Peter 2 and flat out said "we're not of this world and we disobey God when we involve ourselves in the matters of this world" or something to that effect, and that the only thing we're to do is "preach the gospel".

Obviously that makes no sense and doesn't even remotely fit in the context of what is being talked about in 1 Peter, but what can you say to a pastor that has been indoctrinated for 20 or 30+ years that God says no politics? Just like the saying the science advances one funeral at a time, the same is probably true for churches as well. Most pastors are probably never going to change. They're just going to retire and die off, and hopefully they are replaced by pastors who understand how important pastors and churches are to all aspects of society, including politics.

TheMemeSpiceMustFlow 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's exactly my point. They don't go after them because they know there is a significantly likelihood they'll lose and the Johnson Amendment will be overturned. Large numbers of churches and pastors self-censor and so the IRS has very little to gain and a lot to lose by trying to enforce the Johnson Amendment and having it challenged.

TheMemeSpiceMustFlow 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't know anything about that church and what happened to them, but many pastors purposely violate the Johnson amendment in order to challenge it court but the IRS has yet to come after them.


TheMemeSpiceMustFlow 4 points ago +4 / -0

The current supreme court would almost certainly rule that taking away a churches tax exempt status for exercising the first amendment is unconstitutional. Just because a charitable organization talks about political issues or engages in political action does not make them a political entity. It is easy to prove that the Bible has written about topics like sexuality and gender thousands of years ago, and they've been a core tenant of the Religion.

The Johnson amendment has no power except the power to trick cowardly pastors and churches into silencing themselves.

TheMemeSpiceMustFlow 7 points ago +9 / -2

Anyone who thinks we can live in a moral society without acknowledging where the morals come from, the creator, is deluding themselves.

It's all connected. Acceptance of any sin is acceptance of all sin because acceptance of any sin is a rejection of God. If we say adultery and fornication are fine, then we have rejected God. Someone then comes along and says homosexuality is fine. Sure the Bible says homosexuality is wrong, but it also says adultery and fornication is wrong but you do that. Then transgenderism. Sure the Bible says transgenderism is wrong, but it also says homosexuality, and adultery, and fornication are wrong too and no one seems to care. Then comes pedophilia. Sure the Bible says pedophilia is wrong, but it also says transgenderism, homosexuality, adultery, and fornication are all wrong too and no one cares.

We must accept all of God's law or we will end up like Israel, abandoned by God to our own evil whims until we destroy ourselves or another nation takes over. Anyone who thinks transgenderism is fine is apostate. Anyone who thinks homosexuality is fine is apostate. Anyone who thinks fornication and adultery are fine is apostate. If you think you can pick and choose when you want to obey God and when you don't, you're in for a rude awakening on judgement day.

TheMemeSpiceMustFlow 4 points ago +4 / -0

The only dividing of the FBI should be dividing up those that are fired and those that are going to prison.

TheMemeSpiceMustFlow 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wtf are you talking about? The constitution doesn't mention homosexuality at all, and there were sodomy laws for 200+ years. Sodomy laws were overturned by 9 people "obsessed with controlling other people's lives". Every argument you just made is an argument to re-criminalize homosexuality.

TheMemeSpiceMustFlow 3 points ago +3 / -0

Also, Floyd was a muscular 250 and Chauvin was 140 lbs. In my prime I was around 190 muscular and when training Jiu-Jitsu it was extremely difficult for 140-150 lbs guys to submit me with chokes even when I was letting them practice and not resisting. The idea that someone can accidentally choke out someone 110 lbs heavier than them is more clown world fantasy land.

TheMemeSpiceMustFlow 4 points ago +4 / -0

Not far fetched at all. Look up the story of Leo Stein's Circle S Ranch. They were abusing kids for 25 years before they were caught. They were so bold about it as to even invite the parents to come to the ranch. They interviewed a mother who said her son told her that he was being forced to masturbate and fanaticize about her in front of the group and she said she couldn't believe it so she did nothing.

TheMemeSpiceMustFlow 3 points ago +3 / -0

Unless something significant comes out, like the vaccine makes a large percentage of people sterile or birth defects during pregnancy, then I don't think this vaccine is about depopulation. It's about funneling money to leftist groups and pharma stock owners.

Perhaps in the future a vaccine may be used for that purpose, but right now there is still too much resistance. If even a few % of the population died from the vaccine it would wake up the normies. 3% would be about 10 million people? That would be shocking enough to wake up the normies, or at least I'd hope it would.

I don't even think the vaccine was part of their initial plan. I think their initial plan was to close churches, bars, and other public places so people would stay in their home and be brainwashed by media, as well as devalue and buy up property and mass mail in voting. Trump pushed the vaccine fast to help reopen the economy. Of course leftists just keep moving the goal post, but it has at least accelerated the timeline so leftists have to keep inventing new excuses to why COVID is still a "pandemic". Hopefully normies are starting to get it and will get out and vote.

TheMemeSpiceMustFlow 3 points ago +3 / -0

Their evil doesn't surprise me. What surprises me is how some people can twist their beliefs into such a pretzel, claiming that they're Christian, against abortion, against high taxes, pro free speech, etc, but are still adamant about voting Democrat. Not just randoms either, but pastors, church leaders, business owners, etc. People you'd think were actually smart and principled people but just... aren't.

TheMemeSpiceMustFlow 11 points ago +11 / -0

Hopefully it will be overturned. Just a guess of course, but I think it is very likely to be overturned. I think the left media will only feign outrage while secretly hoping it is overturned because they will view it as a way to increase ratings and a way to motivate their base for 2022 election.

by BQnita
TheMemeSpiceMustFlow 3 points ago +3 / -0


"the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed" - Sorry, that's too vague, doesn't mean we can't pass laws making guns illegal.

"nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law" - Clearly the writer's intent was to allow pregnant women to murder their unborn babies up to and sometimes after birth.

TheMemeSpiceMustFlow 2 points ago +2 / -0

Most conservative journalists and groups are too cowardly to call them on it. Hell, most conservatives are too cowardly to call them on it. Almost everyone is too PC now, talking about how even the death of rapists and would-be murders is a tragedy.

There is nothing tragic about people who die at the hands of lawful self-defense. There is nothing tragic about the death of rapists, pedophiles, or would-be murders. Only in clown world do we have a society full of rape-apologists, murder-apologists, and pedophile-apologists.

TheMemeSpiceMustFlow 20 points ago +20 / -0

Religious rights/exemptions should never be something that someone has to apply for. If something can violate one person's rights then it violates everyone's rights because we all have the same rights. If a government can declare one person religiously exempt and another person not religiously exempt from the same law, then what stops them from doing that with any other right? What can stop them from saying that you aren't allowed film or report on police and politicians "for their protection", but you can apply for a journalist exception and they'll decide if you qualify as a journalist? Or what if they said that 2nd amendment only applies to militia and so individuals must give up firearms unless they apply for a militia exemption.

All rights apply to all individuals, including freedom of religious. We should never concede otherwise.

TheMemeSpiceMustFlow 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't disagree with a small safety net, but the problem is that people will keep voting for politicians who will expand that small net into a gigantic net. Better to let charities handle it. Charities are a lot better at helping people than government programs anyway (not counting charities run by politicians of course).

TheMemeSpiceMustFlow 7 points ago +7 / -0

Young males have the strongest immune systems and less likely to die of wuflu, making the ratios of males that die from vax vs covid very high. Not sure how accurate we can even say the VAERS data is because we know hospital staff admit to not entering events on purpose, but at least in this analysis of the data almost 80% of adverse events were women.



TheMemeSpiceMustFlow 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's self-defense. The violence is coming from the people who are beating and arresting people who simply want to regular things like run a business, walk on the side walk, eat at a restaurant, go to church, etc.

TheMemeSpiceMustFlow 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't think they want the vaccine to kill people, or at least not a lot of people, just deadly enough that smart people won't want to take it but dumb people will just do it. The people most likely to take are the people that are easiest to control and will give them their vote in almost any circumstances, so it doesn't make sense for them to want to kill their own voters.

I think a more likely reason is they want to identify and weed out the uncompliant, especially from important government jobs like police and military. Then they can use their new stormtroopers to enforce unconstitutional edicts on anyone who opposes their rule. If you think the lockdowns were bad when police officers were just afraid of losing their job, it's only going to get worse as the percentage of police officers that enjoy making people suffer increases.

States need to stand up and start passing laws against this kind of thing. Even if they already have them they need to do it again if for nothing else than on principle to help re-enforce the idea and help embolden other states to do that same.

TheMemeSpiceMustFlow 2 points ago +2 / -0

Cool story bro.

Nothing against the person posting it. If indeed it is true he's probably is excited and wanted to share, but unfortunately there is no way we can verify this. If there is something really important that needs to be shared then whistle blow to Project Veritas or something. Random anonymous posts on the internet are worthless.

TheMemeSpiceMustFlow 1 point ago +1 / -0

Let's hope so. Getting deja vu.

by Quelle
TheMemeSpiceMustFlow 21 points ago +21 / -0

Agreed. Fed up with all this "new evidence of this" and "about to expose that". Doesn't mean anything anymore. Plenty of evidence of all kinds of fraud and corrupt regarding all different kinds things, the media and big tech censor it and the responsible government agencies ignore it.

Until the legislature officially declares the election results invalid and the electoral votes withdrawn, and announce an investigation and start prosecuting those who broke election laws, then this is all just theatre. Everyone needs to be contacting their reps and demand this be done.

TheMemeSpiceMustFlow 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you lie you're just allowing the problem to grow. Now is the time to stop it. If it isn't stopped it will become main stream and when that happens any chance of fighting it in court will be gone.

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