TheMemeSpiceMustFlow 0 points ago +1 / -1

Sorry, I didn't realize that no one has done any voting the past 50 years. Thank you for correcting my oversight.

TheMemeSpiceMustFlow 1 point ago +2 / -1

I agree with your analogy, however I do think that it leaves out the important aspect that one party is responsible for putting the trap on. Much of the people on the other end weren't even alive when the trap was put on. The fact that elderly people are unwilling to acknowledge their part in the problem shows they aren't serious about trying to resolve the problem.

Social Security money was spend 34 trillion dollars ago. Anyone still supporting Social Security is a thief. I'm totally sympathetic that the fact that the government stole your money, but you lose me when that becomes an excuse to steal from everyone else, including your own children and grand children.

TheMemeSpiceMustFlow -4 points ago +3 / -7

Sure, but the elderly are the ones who voted for the system we have now. And they're likely paying those taxes with the SS money they're stealing from their grandkids too. Can't feel too sorry for them. Feel sorry for their kids and grandkids though.

TheMemeSpiceMustFlow 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm pretty disappointed with the interview. All the stuff is fairly surface level stuff. I was hoping there would be more discussion of good vs evil. How does Putin and Russia view the trans\gay\anti-family\anti-Christian agenda western countries are pushing? How is US and Europe importing the third world affect Russia. Does Putin believe in God and Satan and how does he plan to prevent Russia from importing western satanism?

I supposed the Ukraine stuff is more relevant in the short term, but the battle of good vs evil is real. There's no possibility that Satan plans to leave Russia out of it. I don't know that much about Russian culture and how far down the slope they are or aren't, but it's only going to become exponentially tougher for Russia, and the entire world for that matter, if Satanism becomes the dominant western religion. Ukraine is small potatoes compared to that.

TheMemeSpiceMustFlow -6 points ago +6 / -12

My thoughts exactly. Some doofus admitting Biden is senile is barely even a story.

TheMemeSpiceMustFlow 13 points ago +13 / -0

The problem is this isn't how evil usually works. Sure, sometimes children are abused by disheveled old perverts, but most of the time it's a nice looking guy in a fancy suit. For every child kidnapped on a playground by a weirdo, there's hundreds or thousands more smuggled across international borders by wealthy businessmen paying law enforcement and government officials to look the other way.

Having the courage to react when when evil is right in front of you is great, but most evil is hiding in the shadows and requires being informed and involved in the lives of those in your community and the world as a whole, and not just you own life.

TheMemeSpiceMustFlow 1 point ago +1 / -0

My assumption was that Vivek never planned on winning, he's just in it for the name recognition for winning in a future election. Even if Trump wasn't running I'd have a hard time voting for Vivek because he's just too new to the public scene.

TheMemeSpiceMustFlow 5 points ago +5 / -0

Being spiritual is much more than just prayer. Speaking against lies and demanding justice are two big ones the majority of American churches ignore. Read the criticisms Jesus made of the Pharisees, the majority of them apply to most western churches today, and it wasn't for lack of prayer.

TheMemeSpiceMustFlow 6 points ago +6 / -0

God gives people free will. Many nations have chosen wrongly and have suffered the consequences. God will be there IF people choose to obey him, which just isn't the case in America at the moment.

TheMemeSpiceMustFlow 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, I know what the two are. My point is that the tweet and preview video don't reference Out of Shadows at all, it makes it appear to be referencing Out of Darkness Into the Light, which is a series covering similar subject matter by Jake Morphonios.

TheMemeSpiceMustFlow 3 points ago +3 / -0

Out of the Darkness and Into the Light is the Jake Morphonios series isn't it? Out of the Shadows is a different film. Guess the trailer people didn't know.

TheMemeSpiceMustFlow 1 point ago +1 / -0

Obviously it is not simply about her being blessed. Millions of women are blessed with children every year. Plenty of other people are blessed too. I don't go around invoking Paul the blessed evangelist or John the blessed apostle. That would be creepy and weird.

TheMemeSpiceMustFlow 2 points ago +2 / -0

What are you expecting them to do? That's all congress can do, propose and vote on legislation, vote on impeachment, and subpoena people for testimony. The DoJ is who can charge people with crimes, not HoR.

TheMemeSpiceMustFlow 27 points ago +27 / -0

That's true. I'm looking at it from a Christian perspective that has a clear definition of right and wrong. The people they "recruit" are likely people who never had a clear boundary for right and wrong to start with, so gradually giving "incentives" to keep moving the boundary probably isn't very hard.

TheMemeSpiceMustFlow 6 points ago +6 / -0

Ahh yeah, good point about drugs and alcohol. Especially if they're spiked with something that makes you even more open to suggestions than just your run of the mill recreational drugs.

TheMemeSpiceMustFlow 10 points ago +10 / -0

Many adoption agencies are infiltrated by satanists. They believe they gain power whenever they oppose God, and child abuse is a big part of it. State child services are a way they can keep kids away from Christians and redirect children to homes of satanists. Rigging adoption and child services cases is also how they make a lot of money.

https://www.bitchute.com/video/AabVDdTurehB/ Relevant section starts at 48:30.

TheMemeSpiceMustFlow 2 points ago +4 / -2

Maybe DeSantis is a RINO, but I don't think Trump is doing himself any favors by going after DeSantis before making it clear why he's going after him. I would assume Trump has credible info on DeSantis running in 2024 but that alone doesn't seem to be a good enough reason. Especially since he hasn't declared yet.

TheMemeSpiceMustFlow 3 points ago +3 / -0

It starts with communities, churches, and pastors. How many pastors are standing up and speaking out against abortion, censorship, government corruption, or anything else? Virtually zero. God turned his back on America long ago. If God's people won't stand up and start demanding that things like child murder and child sexualization stop, then don't expect anything else to change either. Any politician who is cool with child murder is going to be cool with violating all your other rights too.

TheMemeSpiceMustFlow 3 points ago +3 / -0

Jordan has no chance of winning, but I think it is worth holding out and getting something good before switching votes. There's no reason for MAGA candidates to stop voting for Jordan unless they get something good in trade for voting for a RINO.

TheMemeSpiceMustFlow 3 points ago +3 / -0

Agreed. I think the idea is to not be consumed over petty disputes because your ego was hurt. It doesn't mean don't stand up for yourself and others when you are being harmed or taken advantage of. Forcing people to submit to untested medical treatments that can cause death, closing their businesses, and censoring their free speech are not simply petty issues of ego, they are serious crimes that much be punished. Government censorship is a crime on the level of slavery, abortion, holocaust, etc, and should be punished the same too.

TheMemeSpiceMustFlow 1 point ago +1 / -0

Definitely makes things interesting. Will the Judge overturn the results? Will people do anything if the Judge makes up some excuse to not overturn the results? Maybe another trucker protest? I can't attend but I can donate.

by BQnita
TheMemeSpiceMustFlow 3 points ago +3 / -0

We need lawsuits like this, but even more important is the court of public opinion. The less outcry in the court of public opinion, the more likely judges are going to rule in favor of censorship inside the courtroom.

All of us need to influence those around us and inform them of how evil censorship is. Censorship should be considered an evil and a crime against humanity on the level of slavery, genocide, abortion, holocaust, etc. Any government official conspiring to censor viewpoints they disagree with should be eligible for the death penalty. Same with social media. Social media companies should be as afraid to censor people as they would be to own slaves. As long as the public treats censorship like it's no big deal, then censorship will continue to happen like it's no big deal.

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