TheShrimpPimp 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well. Unfortunately we have. We lost one of ours last year to FELV (barely 5yrs old). The ones that were vaccinated against it are still here. We were trying to avoid the shots as well for the same reasons. After the loss of the one to FELV, not sure what to think.

TheShrimpPimp 6 points ago +6 / -0

His videos always get to me. Something about them. You can see it in his eyes. He knows something, he can't talk about and he's about to explode. He looks tormented from having the knowledge he can't speak of.

TheShrimpPimp 5 points ago +5 / -0

Cool! So they can outline how big pharma has been poisoning us for decades, the danger of all the jabs and the issues they cause. They can also talk about how all of that led into some sort of mental illness and the cause/effect outcome. Maybe they can explain (in detail) how forcing all of this bullshit on the American people (normal American people) is a good thing and how that lifestyle affects them and everyone around them. Also, would like to hear how using taxpayer money got involved? I wonder how many Americans would approve of that except the ones that are mentally ill or deranged? I could go on. I can see that being a total disaster. Which in all honesty, would be a good thing!

TheShrimpPimp 3 points ago +3 / -0

DOGE should work on the "investigation problem". Anytime anything needs investigated related to Gov. it takes years for results. Seems a bit ridiculous to me. By design of course, because people forget and things get swept under the rug or "lost".

TheShrimpPimp 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sorry to hear this and prayers for your son. I went through ACDF surgery back in 2020. I had Cervical radiculopathy on my left side and loss use of my left arm. I was in terrible pain months before the surgery because of the severe Impingement on the spinal cord in my neck. During that time I had a bladder issue. I would have a slight urge to go to the bathroom and by the time I made it to the bathroom it was almost too late every time. I almost pissed my pants so many times, I lost count. A few of those times I just went right into the shower because I knew I would not make it. It was like my brain and bladder were not communicating properly. It was several months after the surgery before things started to get back to normal. Is he VA? If so, keep bringing it up until it gets addressed. Unfortunately that is how the VA works sometimes. I'm a Vet as well. Had my surgery at the WPB VA in FL.

TheShrimpPimp 2 points ago +2 / -0

LOL! Yea.... Weaving webs of lies is "exhausting". They should try practicing real journalism.

TheShrimpPimp 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agreed. Scary shit man! Already sick of it. Yep. Kek

TheShrimpPimp 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've lived here my whole life. There's no special bond that I'm aware of. Unless it's some kiss ass money laundering scheme he's referring too.

TheShrimpPimp 1 point ago +1 / -0

Could not finish watching. They've lost it. Not even funny at all. These people love to shoot themselves in the foot.

TheShrimpPimp 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's so weird. All of these liberals have "a look". She has it as well. It's bizarre.

TheShrimpPimp 2 points ago +2 / -0

"How Did Trump Win 2016? Are The Machines Rigged? Do We Have The Ability To Jam? Jammed 2016, Not Jammed 2020"

TheShrimpPimp 3 points ago +3 / -0

Every time a woman does a man wrong, God pushes her hairline back an inch.

TheShrimpPimp 1 point ago +1 / -0

LMAO! This guy gets it! Made my night.

TheShrimpPimp 2 points ago +2 / -0

EPA. A true contradiction of terms and another worthless 3 letter agency that needs to be gutted.

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