The_Expert 1 point ago +1 / -0

Idk honestly. Just got a bad vibe. To many things all at once. He's in California, ssh laptop isn't with him, trip code white listed....boom Q posts. I hope it's legit, I hope there's a Q proof in the coming days. Scavino's truth didn't help. "Baby Fist".

The_Expert 0 points ago +2 / -2

I trust Jim Watkins as far as I can throw him.

The_Expert 2 points ago +2 / -0

you new here? You dont remember Tippy Top... All he has to do is say something that lines up with something we ask him to say. Or he could hint at his return, "Lots of big great things happening this past week, a ruling on 2A, Roe v Wade and a few other things, one in particular, look at that amazing baby, isn't that the cutest baby..."

The_Expert 0 points ago +1 / -1

Seems more logical than Q really coming back. The only way to know for sure is if PDJT confirms at the Rally.

The_Expert 2 points ago +2 / -0


The_Expert 1 point ago +1 / -0

17% fully awake sounds about right. Would hope its more but sometimes feel its far less but also feels like its growing.

The_Expert 2 points ago +2 / -0

You could make the same biscuits with just flour and water and some salt. take 50g water and 50g flour and mix into a mason jar. the next day, take out 50g of the mixture and add 50g water and 50g flour. the next day repeat. After 3-5 days of doing the same thing and depending on how warm its is where you are, you should have a jar that is starting to rise by nearly double each time you remove and add. Thats the natural yeast that's been collecting in that jar. once you get a good rise you can make bread or biscuits. Take all but 50g of your mixture and mix with 350g of water. Add in 500g of flour. Add 10g of salt. now you need the dough to rise. That's another process and if your interested I will tell ya.

The next steps before you bake is to do what is called a stretch and fold. in the container the dough is in now, you are going to get your hand damp, reach under the dough and pull up and fold over and tuck under. rotate the bowl and repeat 4-6 times. You will repeat this process once an hour for the next 3 hours. After you are done you can flour a towel and transfer the dough to it and place back in the bowl and cover it. the dough will be ready to bake when you push on the dough and it springs back 1/2 the amount you pressed in. Or you can place in the fridge and bake in the morning. you will need a dutch oven to bake this bread. preheat oven with dutch oven to 500f. while oven is preheating, take dough and place on top of parchment paper or keep on towel. remove dutch oven and place dough in it. Take a sharp knife or razor blade and score the top of the dough from end to end or make a square. cover and place in oven. turn oven to 450f and bake for 25 min. After 25 min. remove cover and keep baking for another 25 min.

Biscuits, after the stretch and fold and you let it sit out or you just removed from the fridge, you can roll this dough out to 1/2 inch or slightly more. you can cut squares, use a cookie cutter and make rounds or grab a chunk roll a ball and flatten with your hands. you will cook these on top of the stove in just about anything that is non stick.

*results will differ from different levels of temp and humidity. In the end, you will have bread from flour, water and a bit of salt.

The_Expert 0 points ago +1 / -1

Would love to know what you think the ratio is.

The_Expert -2 points ago +1 / -3

We have been living in the Matrix for a while now. Multi-dimensional reality simulation. You and I see everything the same, while the other 50% of the world sees it differently.

The_Expert 1 point ago +2 / -1

Is Biden's FCC going to pull their license's? They live above the law, thats how they got there in the first place.

The_Expert 4 points ago +4 / -0

Award for most under rated comment of the day goes to you.

The_Expert 1 point ago +2 / -1

DJT get arrested and you think a civil war is going to break out with guns, killing and factions of civilians taking over their local governments in hopes to take over the federal government? Okay.

The_Expert 3 points ago +3 / -0

The breaking point is when it's not cost effective to fill up anymore. If you make 18 bucks an hour and drive 45 min. to work, it might be more cost effective to find a job at 16 bucks an hour and walk or ride a bike.

The other breaking point is when it costs more to deliver goods than what you are selling them for. The breaking point is when the buyer is unwilling to pay more for the product because the consumer is unwilling to pay more for the product. We aren't that far away from that right now.

The_Expert 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have used this line a few dozen times and all I got in return was blank stares. I wonder what they are thinking when I asked them if they knew of anyone that died of covid outside of the hospital.

The_Expert 2 points ago +2 / -0

You would think that the hospital staff would have been red pilled after pulling into work for months on end, driving past the white blow-up tent that was never used.

The_Expert 2 points ago +2 / -0

What stands out is he does not say "I stand ready to vote (YES) on ALL the..." He is just saying that he is ready to vote on ALL the proposals. This shemale is a massive flip flopper, so maybe this is just a ploy and he intends to vote NO... One can only hope.

The_Expert 3 points ago +3 / -0

Something big is brewing. There is a reason they are making the rounds and it's not grifting; it's not begging, it's purely getting info out.

The_Expert 1 point ago +1 / -0

You know as well as I do, if you're on this site or P.win, shit even Truth Social. If they were to reopen the mental facilities, we would be the first ones they put in there.

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