Come on now. I have some of that. Does that mean I'm just like AOC. Thems fighting words.
Thats O.K. she'll just get some horse face. I mean horse paste.
Try going to google and type in #1 happy asian woman. #2 happy black woman. And #3 happy white woman. And note the laughable results.
I think Austin Powers said it best. "Thats a man baby"
I think a truck loaded with burning port-o-potties flying off a cliff would be a better visual.
Gonna try to ramp up my gardening skills. So far they are lacking.
As a resident of Washington. All inslee has to do is wave his hand like luke skywalker and say "these are not thd rules your looking for" and most in western washington will just keep getting shots.
This is what happens when you cross a wacko with a poodle. You get wackodoodle.
Gifts im giving. 1 gram gold, 1 oz silver, 2 my pillows and a set of cookbooks. I dont think any were made in china. I forgot a box of 200 grain 30 cal accubond bullets.
The problem with the math is we have no idea how many plants are making the glass vials it isnt 1 guy making 1 a second. It could be 100 plants making 10000 an hour. Also the stuff they are calling vaccine is most likely brewed up in giant vats like beer but without the fermention time. So unless you have the proper inputs. The math will always be fuzzy.
Come on now. We know that tranny fluid is now called gender-neutral shift juice.
Last year a BLM protest/riot went through Spokane and did 12,000,000 dollars of improvements.
Sorry that was supposed to say shib
This is off topic, but you Ashlanddog are one prolific poster. Thank you for your effort. Also is your dog a shit
Warning: sticking your head in wood chipper while running may be fatal.
The best part is those 10000 year old mummy's are still voting demcrat.
As a life long residend of the now peoples republic of washington. Jay inslee can smurf my BALLS!!!!!!!!
My mother-in-law is going to the dinner i'm not invited to. She is the bitch from hell. So yes thats a huge win for me.
#8 just goes to show us that their are almost 40% of americans that think their wokeness is above our rights and laws.
All you who thought 23 and me was a good idea. Imagine the bio-weapon they can make when they have all that dna. Just program to wipe out certain populations.
My password is the jetsons dog astro's real name.
I thought his name was Chunk Yogart.
Video games. I remember reading about a school shooter some years back. ( I dont remember which one) he shot like 11 people all head shots. His sister crossed his path during the shooting spree, and said she didnt recognize his eyes. All he did was play videos in his spare time.
CALI already has rous's pelosi, newson, shiff, waters and boxer just to name a few.
It is sad. That for the first time in my life. I would like to tell the Pope to Eat a bag of Dicks.