"Pride comes before the fall"
Just because he's rich it doesn't mean he doesn't have faults. He banked on his ability to make Twitter profitable. He was wrong.
It's pretty cut and dry.
You are the lefts favorite sheep, someone who thinks they arent a sheep, but is still just following the current thing, because of nothing else except its the current thing. They are desperate to have us forget that they demonized us for pushing back on their bullshit, and you are giving them just want they want. Fuck that. I'll never forget and I'll make damn sure they never forget either.
No, I just don’t like playing the victim all the time. I don’t like bitching and crying because my feefees were hurt at some point.
Life sucks sometimes and sometimes it doesn’t. I choose to stay in the present moment, not whine about the past.
Show me evidence, because I only see evidence to the opposite.
Also, I live in a blue state, and no one wears them anymore. Even private businesses stopped requiring it once the state mandates were lifted.
If you want to stay angry at the past forever, go right ahead.
I prefer to focus on the current political climate. Difference folks, different strokes.
Dude, this meme is kind of cringe..
1.) It’s so, so old. It definitely dates whoever posted it.
2.) It doesn't make sense.... smoke, paint fumes, dust, chemical vapor, radiation, and viruses are not the same thing.
3.) No mask mandates exist anymore.
You’re not the only one. It’s the reason I gave up on all of it. There’s too many holes in too many stories, which means it’s an infinite loop of the game, “telephone,” where everyone feeds each other bullshit. If I keep talking like a normal person I might get banned though 🤦♂️
You’re asking the right questions. There’s lots of holes in the whole thing, isn’t there?
Just because you distrust some doctors, it doesn't mean you should distrust ALL doctors. You're seeking help, and then rejecting it when people meet you halfway.
If you were dying of cancer, you would seek immediate medical help from the severe pain, but you won't treat your son with the same sense of urgency?
Existential dread is pretty common. Get a hobby, activity, or distraction from all the fear-porn (internet) you are consuming, it helps. You’ll be fine.
Yes, once you double-down on your beliefs to millions of fans, there’s no turning back without losing most of them.
It’s going to be okay, you’re going to be fine :)
If he doesn't believe it there is no hope.
Not necessarily. People are misled all the time. Once you catch it, you learn from it, and move on. It’s okay. I’ve grown up around people that do this, so it’s happened to me too. We live and learn, it always works out in the end.
So you think a press conference means he actually believes it? Or still believes it? And that’s the end all be all?
If you make a bold assumption to a giant community that loves you, you have two options: 1.) you admit maybe you jumped the gun, or 2.) you double-down.
Trump chose 2, which means even if he never fully believes it, he won’t and can’t back down from it without losing his entire community.
You replied to the wrong person. I am aware of this already. However, I do not see him winning in 2024.
Either the prefigurations of Q are legitimate, and the military is the only way, or Trump has been blowing smoke up our asses for 5 years.
It's the latter.
If AZ went red, you would have said everything was fine and according to plan. But AZ goes blue, and you say, "it must be rigged!"
Why? Because in the past it was once red? And because it feels better if AZ is red?
Just because something doesn't go your way, it doesn't mean it was rigged. Sometimes life is just hard, and shit doesn't line up the way you want it to.
I’m talking about Senate candidates that would have swung the Senate in his favor: Dr. Oz, Blake Masters, Herschel Walker. Gubernatorial candidates do very little for advancing his political power in the short term.
They’re also turning on him because of his choice to start infighting with DeSantis.
Again, I do not care about Trump or any of them. I am just providing their reasoning.
Did something get activated to cause the onslaught?
The midterm results. Every major Trump-backed candidate lost. If Trump is cancerous to political power, you abandon him.
That’s not my reasoning when voting, but it makes logical sense.
Just Google it. Here for example. You see those underlined words in the article? Those are called links.
He said the original antisemitic comments on Instagram (which deleted them), and then on the Drink Champs podcast, and then repeated them on the Lex Friedman podcast.
Not a cure per say, but when I have trouble sleeping I use melatonin or valerian root (easier to digest).
Look at the yearly stats, it paints a bigger picture.