TravInTexas 25 points ago +25 / -0

Great post OP.

I had an interesting conversation with a friend a few days ago. At a bar of all places. I would describe my friend as moderate with right leanings. He had a friend of his with him whom I didn't know; this guy was way left. He described himself as liberal. My friend describes me as extreme right LOL.

The conversation taking place Monday of coarse the Hamas/Israel situation arose. I said how could Israeli intelligence and military miss this, it doesn't seem plausible. Was this their 9/11? This lead to our 9/11 and Pearl Harbor. These events were permitted to achieve an end goal; war.

Somehow it devolved into Ukraine and Covid. I said Covid was engineered and purposely released. My friend disagreed because according to him, no one would do such a thing.

My response to him, and it's my overall point, was "You need to stop looking at the world and others actions through the lens of your own morality. Just because you wouldn't do it doesn't mean others, who are evil to their core wouldn't do it".

I think that's the main issue with most normies. They can't imagine there is this widespread evil and depravity because they want to believe desperately that it can't be possible. But every day we are seeing pedophile rings busted, murder for the sake of murder, decapitation of babies!?!? Evil does exit and unfortunately it isn't as rare as we would all hope for.

TravInTexas 4 points ago +4 / -0

Missed that one, along with the rest of the MAGA base LOL.

TravInTexas 6 points ago +6 / -0

Many prayers 🙏

TravInTexas 6 points ago +6 / -0

I think they have the mindset that those kinds of things happen to other people, it'll never happen to me. Which is an incredibly stupid way to look at things. Because this is a contagion and they spread and eventually effect EVERYONE.

TravInTexas 9 points ago +9 / -0

Ain't nothing you can do...until guy busts out a big stick and opens a can of whoop ass LOL

TravInTexas 4 points ago +4 / -0

Can't they bunk with Bubba and be raped daily like they do to children? Eye for an eye and all that shit.

TravInTexas 3 points ago +3 / -0

Aren't the BRICS reps meeting there in South Africa August 12? Not 100% sure about the date, but the 12th popped in my head.

TravInTexas 2 points ago +2 / -0

The author of the article is Swedish, neighboring country. Since Sweden is now a hell hole with their woke immigration BS, he probably had to drive to Norway to find someone with a new phone LOL.

TravInTexas 5 points ago +5 / -0

3000 members being activated does come across as a major issue though activating 450 IRR does. Poor bastards probably just got out and thought they were done with that crap.

I knew IRR guys that were activated during Gulf War 1 and they were PISSED.

TravInTexas 11 points ago +11 / -0

I went to see it last Friday. I was a bit disappointed there weren't very many people there but I went to a matinee on the day it came out, at least at that theater. It was very moving to put it mildly.

I checked the theater closest to me this morning and they were sold out for the day. That gives me a great deal of hope.

TravInTexas 1 point ago +1 / -0

It was done to shift focus off Rutte and the rest of the government resigning. All a sudden, all the Dutch are talking about is this dude.

TravInTexas 1 point ago +1 / -0

I watched at a Cinemark theater. Came out today in the Houston area.

TravInTexas 3 points ago +3 / -0

I just watched it today. It's gut wrenching but a must see. Normies have to wake up to the true horrors that are going on in the world including the US.

TravInTexas 5 points ago +5 / -0

President Trump is scheduled to speak at 1 pm EDT. Works out pretty well for me. I'm watching Sound of Freedom at 11 EDT and it's 2 hours and 11 minutes. If President Trump is true to form he'll be fashionably late and I'll have those 11 minutes covered easily 😉

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