I am speaking in a biblical sense. I dont mean her creditials. The Word of God proclaims, “A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent” (1 Timothy 2:11-12). Women are not made to lead nations. That is what started a lot of this in the west.
If this were politics as usual she would make a good VP candidate. With what will truly have to be done to get the entirety of western civilization out of the death spiral we are in, i do not believe any woman has the leadership skills required to be second in command of a task that monumental.
I truly believe solar flares are dumber than the plandemic hoax but i have heard many "based" co workers today say "oh it was solar flares that caused this" and i just cant help but laugh at them. These people love to use their invisible enemies on the masses
Great post except for telling people what conspiracies to talk about or to believe, like you are some kind of authority or have inside knowledge on them. I wont let anyone tell me that things i believe in based on months/years of researching the truth are invalid because YOU dont believe them or believe there is a deeper agenda. You are being way too "thought police" for me. You guys have fun.