Updooted to promote visibility. Powerful movie, great acting, honest.
Who asked this person to do this? This would be a major crime.
Since Mike Judge is involved, I'm going to say that this will be an effort to Red Pill some more normies.
I'm thinking that response teams wouldn't be taking body bags or coffins out of the white house via the front door so...
This video's claim that "the Jews that worshipped Baal..."
No Jew worships Baal.
If you worship Baal, you are not a Jew.
"If Trump gets indoctrinated"
"they told us to refrain ourselves"
This guy sounds as smart as a stump
Many forest fires in Ontario right now.
This may be a good example of the spiral pattern not ALWAYS representing pedophilia.
Sometime a cigar is just a cigar.
I wish I knew how to "short" stocks in companies like this.
I don't think Lindsay Graham should be sent to GITMO.
I think he should be sent to Russia.
Fingers crossed.
"put on the gloves" - walk the dogs "you're not taking the car" Sven computer and Not Gay Jared NDA... Where's Dave Landau? PLEASE prove me wrong :(
consider yourself lucky that I am NOT God! You wouldn't like it if I were
I identify as someone that doesn't respect other people's pronouns and refuse to participate in some one else's mental illness.
sooo... the utility company will have access to everyone's T4's (Canadian) or whatever the US equivalent is..?
How big is that dude's head!
How is leaving all that hardware not an act of treason?
I think I saw it on GAW recently where it was stated, "Why should I love you as you are when you couldn't even love yourself the way you were."
(or something like that)
uhmmm... British Columbian here... Not a satanist
Pretty good stuff but Cucker believes in UFOs and respects Don Lemon head
I could smell the blood from when he bit his tongue having to say EQUALITY
I use Buck Fiden and Tuck Frudeau for character names in games